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Google Mobile Sites Certification Questions and Answers

“Google Mobile Sites” generally refers to Google’s guidelines and best practices for creating mobile-friendly websites. The focus is on optimizing websites for mobile devices to improve user experience and search engine rankings. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Responsive Web Design: Ensure that your website adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. Use flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries to create a responsive layout.
  2. Page Speed: Optimize your website for fast loading times on mobile devices. This includes compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, leveraging browser caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs).
  3. User Experience (UX): Simplify navigation and ensure that buttons and links are easy to tap. Avoid pop-ups that can be frustrating on mobile screens. Design for touch interactions.
  4. Mobile-Friendly Content: Use readable fonts, proper text sizing, and sufficient spacing to make content easy to read on small screens. Ensure that important content is accessible without needing to zoom or scroll horizontally.
  5. Technical SEO: Implement mobile-specific SEO practices, such as using structured data, optimizing for local search, and ensuring that your mobile site is properly indexed by Google.
  6. Mobile Testing: Regularly test your website on different mobile devices and screen sizes to ensure consistent performance and usability.

Google also offers several tools and resources to help with mobile site optimization:

  • Mobile-Friendly Test: A tool to test how easily a visitor can use your page on a mobile device. It provides a score and recommendations for improvements.
  • PageSpeed Insights: This tool analyzes the content of a web page and provides suggestions to make that page faster on all devices.
  • Google Search Console: Offers mobile usability reports that highlight issues and suggestions for improving mobile user experience.

Following these guidelines can help improve your website’s performance on mobile devices, enhance user satisfaction, and potentially boost your search engine rankings.

Google Mobile Sites Certification Questions and Answers

  • A call-to-action should be used in menus only
  • A call-to-action should be on the second pag
  • A call-to-action should be prominent on the visible area of the mobile homepage
  • The same call-to-action should be used both on mobile and desktop sites
  • test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors
  • use your existing goals and metrics in Google Analytics as experiment objectives
  • do heatmap analysis to better understand to user behaviour on your site
  • serve experiments to specific groups of users that you’ve defined as Audiences in Google Analytics
  • displays the on-screen elements in their new positions
  • first resizes elements before computing their position
  • forces the DOM to be rebuilt
  • “Computes the size and position of render tree elements “
  • View through rate
  • Clickthrough rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Impressions
  • CSS classes
  • critical resources
  • critical HTML classes
  • critical JavaScript functions
  • Positioning site search at the top of a mobile page with an open-text search box is a best practice
  • Smart-search features like auto-complete and corrected misspelling are especially important to have on small screens
  • Comprehensive search results are better than concise results
  • Users rely on filters to narrow down search results
  • Make sure to add as many as possible
  • Minimize the HTML
  • Add CSS
  • Minimize the number of used variants
  • Making the code faster
  • Fitting more into the cache
  • Minimizing file size
  • Combining files
  • All Pages Report focusing on Unique Page Views metric
  • All Pages Report focusing on Average Time on Page metric
  • Landing Pages Report focusing on Bounce Rate metric
  • Exit Pages Report focusing on Page Views metric
  • PNG
  • Data URLs
  • Vector (SVG)
  • JPEG
  • Watching a video
  • Waiting for slow pages to load
  • Being shown interstitials
  • Not knowing where to click
  • UX API
  • Call API
  • Location API
  • Add to home screen
  • Responsive sites are cost-effective
  • Responsive sites are easier to maintain
  • Responsive sites usually have faster load times versus separate ( sites
  • Responsive sites have one codebase, deployment and URL
  • False
  • True
  • It can be used only when the user is browsing the website
  • None of the answer options are correct
  • It doesn’t handle network requests coming from the navigation on the website
  • It runs a programmable network proxy
  • WOFF2 fonts
  • The local () directive
  • Revalidation token
  • The font matching algorithm
  • have specific functionality for mobile devices
  • require approvals to access
  • need to be downloaded or installed to a device
  • are accessed through the desktop device’s web browser
  • displays; after
  • caches; before
  • lays out; without
  • indexes; while
  • design process
  • existing mobile sites
  • page speed scores
  • staffing and budget
  • is relevant
  • has a default action
  • can be dismissed
  • delivers in the background
  • False
  • True
  • Idle
  • Install
  • Cancelled
  • Stop
  • False
  • True
  • It is less secure than Wi-Fi
  • Some assets might not be loaded
  • It uses more data
  • Enabling Wi-Fi reduces battery life
  • descenders
  • dingbats
  • variants
  • ligatures
  • True
  • False
  • Inline CSS
  • Analytics
  • Custom Fonts
  • GZIP
  • vector
  • raster
  • metadata
  • Optimized images
  • Lazy loading
  • A photo carousel on the homepage that allows the visitor to preview multiple photos with a quick click
  • One web font
  • Compression
  • Quality
  • Rendering speed
  • Color range
  • Using a real-time validation for errors in forms
  • Showing labels inside form fields for convenience
  • Offering users a numerical keyboard for telephone number field
  • Exposing options instead of using a drop-down menu
  • Remembering and prefilling preferences of registered users in forms
  • Asking for registration to use the site
  • Letting users convert as a guest
  • Using click-to-call buttons for complicated forms or complex tasks
  • Look for the highest number of sessions and lowest conversion rates (or highest bounce rates)
  • Prioritize the site with the highest conversion rates
  • Look for the oldest version of your site
  • Optimize all at the same time
  • a resource that takes more than 500ms to load
  • any resource that returns a 404
  • a resource that could block initial display of the page
  • any resource that must be loaded
  • It bypasses the checkout form
  • It replaces your payment processor
  • It is designed for external card readers
  • It requires a phone with a fingerprint reader
  • 9ms – 10ms
  • 7ms – 8ms
  • 5ms – 6ms
  • 3ms – 4ms
  • They deliver timely updates to users
  • All of the answer options are correct
  • They give users the opportunity to re-engage with content they are interested in
  • The information they deliver can be acted on immediately
  • Campaign landing page brings the user to the product detail page
  • Campaign landing page brings the user to a page where the company promotes their phone number to receive calls
  • Campaign landing page brings the user to the first step of a 3-step lead generation form
  • Vector (SVG)
  • minimize number of critical resources: eliminate them, defer their download, mark them as async, and so on
  • optimize the order in which the remaining critical resources are loaded: download all critical assets as early as possible to shorten the critical path length
  • analyze and characterize your critical path: number of resources, bytes, length
  • optimize the number of critical bytes to reduce the download time (number of roundtrips)
  • Top
  • All of the answers are correct
  • Widths
  • Heights
  • user experience; speed
  • analytics; optimization
  • images; articles
  • content; design
  • Showing the desktop version of the site on mobile devices
  • Offering secondary call-to-action buttons, like social sharing
  • Asking the user to register to save their details
  • Making your primary call-to-action buttons more prominent
  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them back to the homepage
  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to a “Contact Us” page
  • see the logo below the fold on mobile sites
  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to new products
  • Product Performance Report
  • Device Usage Report
  • Top Landing Pages Report
  • Checkout Behavior Analysis Report
  • @import loads files less efficiently than
  • They create a less efficient CSSOM
  • They can introduce unwanted dependencies
  • They require additional CPU time to parse
  • False
  • True
  • It’s important to show a prominent “full site” label on a mobile site
  • It’s important to show as much information as possible on the visible part of a mobile site
  • It’s important to use call-to-action buttons to keep users in the same browser window
  • Users are willing to accept longer load times for high-resolution images
  • False
  • True
  • Regular 4G
  • Regular 2G
  • Regular 3G
  • No Throttling
  • It is comprised of all page elements which are dependant of the specific page contents
  • None of the answer options are correct
  • It provides a fast first impression gracefully transitioning to a fully loaded page
  • It discourages caching of content that overlaps across pages of the website
  • JavaScript
  • Web fonts
  • An image
  • The one not sent
  • Making transitions between pages faster
  • Improving elements of the UX
  • Creating a fully optimized site
  • Making the full-page load faster
  • Pixel pipeline
  • DOM and CSSOM trees
  • UX trees
  • HTML and JavaScript
  • Test version of the web page that is modified from the original
  • Less than 5000
  • Original version of the web page
  • Greater than 95%
  • True
  • False
  • needs high bandwidth environments
  • works even with unreliable network through service worker
  • slows experience and therefore decreases conversion rate
  • is the same as Accelerated Mobile Page
  • False
  • True
  • Keeps all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path
  • All of the answers are correct
  • Doesn’t let extension mechanisms block rendering
  • Allows only asynchronous scripts
  • Less than 1MB
  • 2.1MB
  • 2MB
  • More than 3MB
  • Add more parents
  • Change the selector to a class
  • Create more complex CSS
  • Follow the style guide
  • Fonts
  • Articles
  • Images
  • JavaScript
  • You have to build a separate site for tablets and phones
  • Shorter development timelines
  • Mobile sites only work on Android
  • Mobile sites require approvals before one can gain access
  • Within 10% of similar sites
  • Greater than 95%
  • Less than 5000
  • Greater than 5000
  • Facebook didn’t create “2G Tuesdays”
  • To run a random experiment
  • Most users are on 2G
  • To understand how people on 2G use their product

About Clear My Certification

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