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NoSQL and DBaaS 101 Cognitive Class Exam Quiz Answers

NoSQL and DBaaS 101 Cognitive Class Certification Answers

Question 1: Scalability is a reason for employing a NoSQL database. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Which of the following is a category of a NoSQL database?

  • KeyValue
  • Document
  • Graph
  • BigTable
  • All of the above

Question 3: A NoSQL database is slightly more costly than a standard RDBMS. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Which type of NoSQL database is the simplest?

  • Graph
  • BigTable/Column-Family
  • Key-Value
  • Document

Question 2: In a document database, documents have a flexible schema where more than one document can share the same information. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Column-Family databases are worse than Graph databases when dealing with large amounts of sparse data. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Since NoSQL databases offer horizontal scalability, they generally work well within a cloud architecture. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Since many NoSQL databases primarily operate within a cluster, they cannot meet high availability requirements. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Due to the flexibility and ease of integration of many NoSQL databases, it is often unnecessary to assess the skill sets of those who are developing applications. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Cloudant scales very well to large amounts of

  • Data and Concurrent Users
  • Concurrent Users
  • Data
  • None of the above

Question 2: What file format does Cloudant use to store documents?

  • TXT
  • JSON
  • XML

Question 3: Data can be replicated within clusters to keep them synchronized without administration intervention. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Database names should contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, and they are allowed to contain spaces. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 2: For each database, Cloudant creates a primary index and stores it in a T-Tree. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Which of the following is a component of the Cloudant HTTP API hierarchy?

  • Attachment
  • Database
  • Document
  • Account
  • All of the above

Question 1: The term NoSQL refers to a family of databases that vary widely in style and technology. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Which of the following is a characteristic of NoSQL databases?

  • Fixed schemas are supported
  • Datastores are non-relational
  • The data model is always a set of tables
  • All of the above

Question 3: What prompted the need for NoSQL databases?

  • Companies could no longer afford to develop and host databases
  • The dotcom boom in the late 90’s and early 2000’s
  • Relational databases became obsolete
  • All of the above

Question 4: Which of the following database solutions is NOT a NoSQL database?

  • Oracle
  • Mongo
  • Apache CouchDB
  • Riak

Question 5: In which of the following situations should you consider using a Key-Value NoSQL database?

  • The database only needs to perform basic CREATE-READ-UPDATE-DELETE operations. The data to be housed is not highly related.
  • The database will be housing sparse data sets or Big Data sets. There will be a need for compression or versioning control.
  • The data is highly interconnected and business use-cases need to be able to trace relationships between data points.
  • The database schema for insertions is not well-defined. The schema is likely to change over time and your solution needs to remain flexible.

Question 6: In which of the following situations should you consider using a Column-family NoSQL database?

  • The database only needs to perform basic CREATE-READ-UPDATE-DELETE operations. The data to be housed is not highly related.
  • The database will be housing sparse data sets or Big Data sets. There will be a need for compression or versioning control.
  • The data is highly interconnected and business use-cases need to be able to trace relationships between data points.
  • The database schema for insertions is not well defined. The schema is likely to change over time and your solution needs to remain flexible.

Question 7: In which of the following situations should you consider using a Document NoSQL database?

  • The database only needs to perform basic CREATE-READ-UPDATE-DELETE operations. The data to be housed is not highly related.
  • The database will be housing sparse data sets or Big Data sets. There will be a need for compression or versioning control.
  • The data is highly interconnected and business use-cases need to be able to trace relationships between data points.
  • The database schema for insertions is not well defined. The schema is likely to change over time and your solution needs to remain flexible.

Question 8: In which of the following situations should you consider using a Graph NoSQL database?

  • The database only needs to perform basic CREATE-READ-UPDATE-DELETE operations. The data to be housed is not highly related.
  • The database will be housing sparse data sets or Big Data sets. There will be a need for compression or versioning control.
  • The data is highly interconnected and business use-cases need to be able to trace relationships between data points.
  • The database schema for insertions is not well defined. The schema is likely to change over time and your solution needs to remain flexible.

Question 9: When using database-as-a-service, which aspect of development is left to the database team?

  • Database Design
  • Server Administration
  • Server Software
  • Hardware Maintenance

Question 10: If you require strong consistency and transactional rollback capabilities, which type of datastore will you most likely choose?

  • Search Engine
  • Document Database
  • Relational Database
  • Graph Database

Question 11: When using a hosted database solution, the provider is responsible for the underlying infrastructure, and your database administrators maintain the software and databases running on top of the infrastructure. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 12: Cloudant is based on which open-source NoSQL database technology?

  • Riak
  • Apache CouchDB
  • DB2
  • Apache HBase

Question 13: Cloudant stores all of your data on a single database server node. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 14: Cloudant’s replication can be effectively applied to which of the following customer use cases?

  • Avoidance of vendor lock-in (e.g. replication to a local CouchDB instance)
  • Client offline access for mobile devices or web browsers
  • Hot backups for continuous replication to another cluster
  • A data delivery network requiring continuous replication to geographically dispersed clusters
  • All of the above

Question 15: Where can Cloudant Database-as-a-Service be deployed?

  • Cloud environments based on virtual machines, such as Amazon Web Services
  • Non-IBM bare metal cloud environments, such as Rackspace or Windows Azure
  • IBM infrastructure, such as IBM SoftLayer
  • All of the above

Question 16: What file format does Cloudant use to store data?

  • Objects
  • JSON documents
  • Tables
  • Columnar storage format

Question 17: Cloudant writes each document on three separate nodes. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 18: Which field can be used to look up a document in a Cloudant database by using the primary index?

  • _rev
  • _id
  • primary
  • key

Question 19: Which value types are supported by a Cloudant document?

  • nested objects
  • booleans
  • arrays
  • strings
  • All of the above

Question 20: Which type of Cloudant index leverages Apache Lucene libraries?

  • Geospatial Index
  • Secondary Index with Map Reduce
  • Search Index
  • Primary Index

Question 21: Which type of deployment does Cloudant offer?

  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Private – Locally hosted
  • Public – Database-as-a-service
  • All of the above

Question 22: Which tools can you use to work with the HTTP API?

  • POSTMan
  • RESTClient
  • cURL
  • All of the above

Introduction to NoSQL and DBaaS 101

“NoSQL” stands for “Not Only SQL.” It’s an umbrella term used for databases that don’t rely on the traditional relational database model. NoSQL databases are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data. They are typically used for big data and real-time web applications where traditional relational databases might struggle to scale or provide the necessary flexibility.

Here are some key characteristics of NoSQL databases:

  1. Schema-less: Unlike relational databases, NoSQL databases are typically schema-less, meaning each record doesn’t need to follow a rigid structure. This flexibility makes it easier to handle evolving data schemas.
  2. Scalability: NoSQL databases are designed to scale out horizontally, allowing you to add more servers to handle increased load. This makes them well-suited for distributed systems and large-scale applications.
  3. Types of NoSQL databases: There are several types of NoSQL databases, including document stores (like MongoDB), key-value stores (like Redis), column-family stores (like Apache Cassandra), and graph databases (like Neo4j). Each type has its own strengths and use cases.
  4. Use cases: NoSQL databases are commonly used in scenarios such as real-time analytics, content management systems, gaming, IoT (Internet of Things), and more.

Database as a Service (DBaaS):

DBaaS is a cloud-based service model that provides users with access to a fully managed database system. Instead of setting up and maintaining database infrastructure on-premises or on a virtual machine, users can leverage a DBaaS provider to handle tasks such as provisioning, scaling, backups, and updates.

Here are some key benefits of DBaaS:

  1. Ease of use: DBaaS abstracts away the complexities of database management, allowing developers to focus on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.
  2. Scalability: Most DBaaS providers offer scalable solutions, allowing users to easily scale up or down based on demand.
  3. Cost efficiency: With DBaaS, users only pay for the resources they consume, making it cost-effective, especially for startups and small businesses.
  4. High availability and reliability: DBaaS providers typically offer built-in features for data redundancy, backups, and failover, ensuring high availability and reliability of the database.
  5. Security: DBaaS providers often implement robust security measures, including encryption, access control, and compliance certifications, to protect sensitive data.

Overall, NoSQL databases and DBaaS offer flexible and scalable solutions for modern applications, allowing developers to build and deploy applications more efficiently and cost-effectively.

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