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Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Certification Exam Answers

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool that allows marketers and website administrators to manage and deploy various tags, such as tracking pixels, analytics scripts, and other pieces of code, on their websites without the need for manual coding. Here’s a rundown of some fundamentals:

  1. Understanding Tags, Triggers, and Variables:
    • Tags: These are snippets of code (such as JavaScript) provided by third-party tools (like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc.) that you want to add to your website.
    • Triggers: Triggers define when and where you want your tags to fire. Triggers can be based on events like page views, clicks, form submissions, or custom interactions.
    • Variables: Variables are placeholders for dynamic values like URLs, click text, or any custom data you want to pass to your tags.
  2. Container: GTM operates through containers. Each container represents a website or a mobile app. All the tags, triggers, and variables for a particular site are managed within its container.
  3. Installation:
    • To start using GTM, you need to create an account on Google Tag Manager ( using your Google account.
    • After creating an account, you’ll need to set up a container for your website or mobile app. Google provides a code snippet that you’ll need to add to your site’s HTML, usually in the <head> or <body> section.
  4. Workspace: Within GTM, there are different workspaces. These are environments where you can make changes to your tags, triggers, and variables without affecting the live version of your container. Changes made in a workspace must be published to take effect on the live site.
  5. Preview and Debug: GTM provides a Preview mode that allows you to test your tags before publishing them live. This mode lets you see which tags fire on specific triggers and helps debug any issues.
  6. Versioning: GTM keeps a history of changes made to your container. Each time you publish changes, a new version is created. This makes it easy to roll back to a previous version if needed.
  7. Built-in Variables: GTM comes with a set of built-in variables that capture common data points like page URL, click URL, click text, etc. You can also create custom variables to capture specific data unique to your site.
  8. Data Layer: The data layer is a JavaScript object that serves as a communication bridge between your website and GTM. It allows you to pass dynamic data (like transaction information, user details, etc.) to your tags, making them more flexible and powerful.

These fundamentals should give you a good starting point for understanding Google Tag Manager and how to use it to manage tags on your website effectively.

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Exam Quiz Answers

  • Simplify and speed up tag deployment
  • Specify when tags should fire
  • Manage different versions of tags
  • Increase audience reach
  • True
  • False
  • Decide which of your existing site tags you can move into Tag Manager
  • Decide what static and dynamic values you’ll want to pass from your website
  • Choose which tags can collect the data you need
  • Decide which Tag Manager account to link to Google Analytics
  • DoubleClick Floodlight Counter tag
  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag
  • Google Ads Remarketing tag
  • Google Analytics Pageview tag
  • A grouping of all of your Tag Manager accounts
  • A collection of variables defined in Tag Manager
  • A Javascript object that holds data passed from your website
  • A​ collection of website tags and triggers
  • Javascript code placed on each page of your website
  • A Javascript object that holds data passed from your website
  • A collection of website tags and triggers
  • Analytics tracking code
  • Manage tags for one or more websites
  • Manage user permissions in your Google Analytics account
  • Connect multiple Tag Manager accounts to a single Google account
  • Control access permissions to a Tag Manager account
  • A trigger determines which events fire on your website
  • A trigger instantiates the data layer
  • A​ trigger fires a tag in response to a website event
  • A trigger publishes a tag to your website
  • Variables,​ operators, and values
  • Operators, tags, and variables
  • Variables, operators, and the data layer
  • Tags, values, and the push method
  • Publish the built-in variable in the Publish Now area
  • Create a user-defined variable in the Variables tab
  • Select the built-in variable in the Variables tab
  • Uncheck the built-in variable in the Variables tab
  • A Google Analytics account
  • A Tag Manager account
  • The data layer
  • Cross-domain tracking
  • In a pop-up window after you create an account and container
  • Under the “Accounts” section by clicking into the container
  • Under “Admin” by selecting your container and clicking “Install Google Tag Manager”
  • Under the “Versions” section by clicking into the tag
  • UA​-123456-7
  • 123456
  • 123456-7
  • UA-123456
  • User-defined Constant variable
  • User-defined Data Layer variable
  • Built-in Event variable
  • Built-in Click Classes variable
  • Write and edit code in the GTM interface
  • Pass data into third-party applications
  • Use data to fire tags
  • Encrypt data automatically
  • Before​ the container snippet
  • After the container snippet
  • Inside the container snippet
  • At the bottom of your HTML
  • As Javascript cookies
  • As variable types
  • As containers
  • As​ key-value pairs
  • Use​ Javascript to pre-populate values in the data layer when a web page loads
  • Use Google Ads to push information to the data layer
  • Use Google Analytics to push information to the data layer
  • Use a Javascript method to push values from your web page into the data layer
  • True
  • False
  • A Custom Segment
  • The data layer
  • A Data Layer variable
  • A Google Analytics tag with a Custom Dimension
  • Push data from Google Analytics to your website
  • Push​ data from your website into the data layer
  • Push data from Google Ads to the data layer
  • Push data from one Tag Manager account to another
  • A Trigger
  • The data layer
  • A Data Layer variable
  • A Google Analytics tag with a Custom Metric
  • The Tag Manager account ID
  • The Analytics property ID
  • A Javascript push method
  • The​ Custom Dimension index number
  • The Tag Manager account ID
  • The Analytics property ID
  • A Javascript push method
  • The​ Custom Metric index number
  • Click
  • Form
  • Page View
  • History Change
  • Submit button clicks
  • Play button video clicks
  • Menu selection
  • Closing a web page
  • Page Path variable
  • URL​ variable
  • Click Classes variable
  • DOM element
  • URL Port
  • URL Query
  • URL​ Fragment
  • URL Path
  • Built-in Event variable
  • Built-in Element variable
  • Built-in Click Classes variable
  • Built-in Click Target variable
  • Google Ads Account number
  • Conversion Label
  • Conversion ID
  • Conversion Property
  • A built-in Referrer variable that records conversion URLs
  • A user-defined variable that records conversion amount
  • The median amount users spend according to Analytics
  • The projected amount users will spend according to Analytics variable that records conversion URLs
  • Hit​ and session attributes collected via the data layer
  • Products the user has +1’d in Google Plus
  • User​ information from the Analytics cookie
  • Hit and session attributes collected from Google Ads
  • Google Ads account admin settings
  • Analytics account admin settings
  • Tag Manager account admin settings
  • Tag Manager dashboard
  • Browser cookies
  • Javascript methods
  • Dynamic​ attributes
  • User profiles
  • The​ Google Analytics Help Center
  • The Google Analytics Admin area
  • The Tag Manager Admin area
  • The Google Ads Admin area
  • Constant variable
  • Data​ Layer variable
  • Google Ads variable
  • Event variable
  • Constant variable
  • Data​ Layer variable
  • Google Ads variable
  • Event variable
  • Pageview
  • Event
  • Transaction
  • Social
  • Page URL
  • Referrer
  • Click Classes
  • Page Hostname

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