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Google Analytics For Power Users Assessment 2 Exam Answers

  • Immediately stop investing in marketing for the source.
  • Immediately increase marketing spend for the source.
  • Determine whether the traffic source fulfills other site goals.
  • Determine whether the source assists in conversions.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • View the All Traffic > Source/Medium report and select “Ecommerce” in the Explorer tab.
  • View the Ecommerce > Sales Performance report and add Source/Medium as a secondary dimension.
  • View the Ecommerce > Overview report and select “Avg. Order Value” as a metric in the time graph.
  • View the Mobile > Overview report and select “Ecommerce” in the Explorer tab.
  • Organic Search and Social
  • and
  • and
  • Google and Direct
  • (Other) sessions have no campaign value attached to them.
  • (Other) sessions have no source value attached to them.
  • (Other) sessions cannot be categorized in any of the channels in this channel grouping.
  • Investigate (Other) to see if sessions could be categorized by defining a new channel.
  • Analytics > Home
  • Analytics > Audience
  • Analytics > Acquisition
  • Analytics > Real-Time
  • Users, Time, Day
  • Day Index, Hour, Sessions
  • Hour of Day, Sessions, Transactions
  • Day of Week, Hour, Ecommerce Conversion Rate, Sessions

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