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Content, Advertising & Social IMC Coursera Quiz Answers

Content, Advertising & Social IMC Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 1: Quiz 1 – Social Media Marketing Specialization Coursera Quiz Answers

  • Paid, free, and split-cost media
  • Public, private, and open media
  • Owned, leased, and coopted media
  • Paid, owned, and earned media
  • Who can simply rely on the behavior of others?
  • How much exactly is “pay a little”?
  • What if social becomes obsolete?
  • What if you build it and they don’t come?
  • Audiences to any single media occurrence are larger than they used to be.
  • The supply of mass media has increased.
  • The supply of mass media has declined.
  • When you have to buy advertising a la carte as opposed to in bulk, prices will be lower.
  • Find out where your marketing and content materials should be distributed.
  • Find out who you are trying to reach.
  • Find out what messages and incentives to provide.
  • Find out when in a customer’s journey it is most appropriate to engage.

Week 2: Quiz 2 – Social Media Marketing Specialization Coursera Quiz Answers

  • Persuasion/Big Brand advertising
  • Direct response advertising
  • Analog advertising
  • Stunting/Visibility advertising
  • Analog advertising
  • Stunting/Visibility advertising
  • Direct response advertising
  • Persuasion/Big Brand advertising
  • Stunting/Visibility advertising
  • Analog advertising
  • Persuasion/Big Brand advertising
  • Direct response advertising
  • The top of the funnel
  • The mid-funnel
  • The bottom of the funnel
  • After the funnel process is complete
  • Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.
  • Take what’s working and make it better.
  • Find the things that work the best, and find out what is making it work.
  • Scale out your marketing plan.

Week 3: Quiz 3 – Social Media Marketing Specialization Coursera Quiz Answers

  • Social IMC is designed to immediately capitalize on short-term interest from likes and website clicks.
  • Social IMC is designed to market commodity or impulse products or products with a short selling process.
  • Social IMC is designed to embrace a high-value market you want to develop and take them to a private virtual community you develop specifically for them.
  • Social IMC is designed to foster anonymous relationships with people who companies can communicate with using a social handle.
  • Excellent, engaging content
  • Links to external sites or communities with engaging content and information
  • An empowering concept that will transition a high-value market over to the private virtual community
  • General information on the target market that is easily found elsewhere on the web
  • Create the tool, event, or device that will help the community.
  • Develop marketing ads to sell products to users.
  • Identify additional services that will keep the members coming back.
  • Identify the mission of the community.
  • A product can be an enhancer for the community members.
  • A product can be an outlier for the community members.
  • A product can be an extra for the community members.
  • A product can be an enabler for the community members.
  • Never stop selling to your members.
  • Private virtual communities can be created by invitation.
  • Social IMC allows you to vet your incoming members.
  • The virtual community should be holistic and serve all functions of the target market.
  • Member-created virtual communities
  • Highest-value markets
  • Audiences resistant to social marketing efforts
  • Private, controlled discussion with community members
  • Analog Marketing
  • Social IMC
  • Nurture Marketing
  • Engagement Marketing
  • Nurture Marketing
  • Analog Marketing
  • Engagement Marketing
  • Social IMC
  • Analog Marketing
  • Social IMC
  • Engagement Marketing
  • Nurture Marketing

Week 4: Quiz 4 – Social Media Marketing Specialization Coursera Quiz Answers

  • Number of opens or views of content
  • Click-throughs to blogs and websites
  • Revenues and profits
  • Growth in likes
  • Number of opens or views of content
  • Revenues, investments, and profits
  • Growth in likes
  • Social break-even and ROI numbers
  • The performance funnel is a process used in A/B split tests.
  • The performance funnel is designed to track a relationship with a consumer from start to finish within a marketing channel.
  • The performance funnel is used to manage social monitoring in times of crisis.
  • The performance funnel filters through all of the relevant content on a subject and narrows it down to the most relevant information to create content for your engagement marketing.
  • provide more personal information
  • decrease in number
  • increase in number
  • make more purchases
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Brand Activated Community Engagement
  • Social IMC
  • Return on Investment
  • Testing ensures that actual performance with not vary from key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Testing is simple and easy.
  • Testing is low cost.
  • Testing is real and provides feedback coming directly from your target markets.
  • When a small number of consumers are being tested
  • When only two options are being tested against one another
  • When the business or marketer can control who is being contacted
  • When the business or marketer has no control over who is being contacted
  • When the business or marketer has no control over who is being contacted
  • When a small number of consumers are being tested
  • When only two options are being tested against one another
  • When the business or marketer can control who is being contacted

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