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Marketing Strategy Fundamentals Exam Answers – VMEDU

Marketing Strategy Fundamentals Certification
  • Determine Opportunities and Threats
  • Determine Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Identify Competition
  • Define Market and Identify Market Segments
  • Organizational Capabilities
  • Existing Goals
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Opportunities and Threats
  • Senior management receives information from the functional strategy teams.
  • With senior management?s perspective, the marketing team risks overlooking the strengths and weaknesses in other functional areas.
  • Senior Management may decide to support products that may be liabilities in the short term, but are expected to be beneficial in the long term.
  • Senior management acquires a comprehensive view of the company.
  • Operations Strategy
  • Product Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Human Resource Strategy
  • Determine Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Identify Competition
  • Determine Metrics
  • Determine Objectives
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Human Resources
  • All of the above
  • Not understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • Senior management issues
  • Organizational capabilities
  • Poor marketing research
  • Consumption Behavior
  • Purchase Behavior
  • Need
  • Consumer Purchasing Roles
  • Communication behavior
  • Needs of costumer
  • Purchase behavior
  • Consumption Behavior
  • Target Costing
  • Positioning Statement
  • Perceived Value Pricing
  • Value Pricing
  • Demand chain
  • Sales chain
  • Supply chain
  • Strong chain
  • Seller’s Marketplace
  • Auction
  • Traditional Marketplace
  • Buyer’s Marketplace
  • Operations
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Service
  • Outbound Logistics
  • Online marketplaces
  • Online services
  • Online networking
  • All the above
  • Revenue
  • Function
  • Result
  • Appendix
  • Define Market and Identify Market Segments
  • Create Differentiated Positioning
  • Identify Competition
  • Select Target Segments
  • Demographic Segmentation
  • Market Analysis
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Marketing research
  • Corporate sales
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Research Reports
  • Industry Reports
  • Market Attractiveness Report
  • Market Segments
  • Sales
  • Research
  • Branding
  • None
  • Operations Strategy
  • Senior Management Directions and Insights
  • Finance Strategy
  • Human Resource Strategy
  • Determine Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Define Market and Identify Market Segments
  • Determine Opportunities and Threats
  • Identify Competition
  • The barter system lost its relevance when coins and other forms of money became popular
  • The barter system may replace money in times of monetary crisis
  • The barter system is dependent on having access to the appropriate persons with whom things can be exchanged
  • Branding and advertising products is an important aspect of the barter system
  • Primary Marketing Research
  • Secondary Marketing Research
  • Industry reports
  • None of the above
  • Both market share and market growth rate can be difficult to ascertain accurately in many industries, and especially in new industries.
  • It reveals the sources of cash flow generation and loss and thus aids in difficult decisions such as discontinuing a product line.
  • The correlation between high market share and high profitability is not universal.
  • The progression of a Star into a Cash Cow or a Cash Cow into a Dog is also far from certain.
  • In recent times, marketing media has become less fragmented.
  • Conventional mass media marketing is the best because all target segments are reachable using these traditional media forms.
  • Companies must evaluate all media in terms of who the target audience is and what media resonates with them best.
  • Fragmented new-age marketing generally supports old and big brands.
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Product Portfolio Analysis
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Traditional Marketplace
  • Seller’s Marketplace
  • Auction
  • Online Marketplace
  • Generating greater revenues with relatively smaller budgets by using marketing analytics
  • Reaching the maximum number of a target audience’s members by the use of different marketing media channels
  • Saving money for the organization by using only the free marketing media
  • Creating smart phone apps to engage with customers
  • Decide Marketing Aspects and Allocate Budget
  • Determine Pricing Strategy
  • Identify Competition
  • Determine Objectives
  • Stars are products that have high market share in markets with high growth rates.
  • Cash Cows are products that have high market share but low growth in the market.
  • Dogs are products that have low market share in stagnant or declining markets.
  • Question Marks are products in markets with low growth rates but currently have a high market share.
  • Determine Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Define Market and Identify Market Segments
  • Determine Opportunities and Threats
  • All of the above
  • Organizational Capabilities
  • Constraints
  • Marketing Research Reports
  • Assumptions
  • Pricing strategy
  • Distribution strategy
  • Competition
  • Positioning
  • Suppliers can impact the cost of production by changing the prices of raw materials.
  • A significant increase in raw material prices can force smaller businesses or less profitable firms to exit the market.
  • Availability of low–cost substitutes is an example of bargaining power of suppliers.
  • Refers to the intensity of competition among existing organizations in an industry.
  • Availability of financial resources to allocate to business units
  • Skilled technical and creative resources
  • Past experience with entering similar industries
  • Products offered by competitors
  • Tomorrow’s Breadwinners
  • Failures
  • Investments in Managerial Ego
  • Developments
  • Overall pricing and distribution strategies for a product or brand are selected while determining metrics.
  • Chosen metrics should help to measure the success or failure of the Marketing Strategy.
  • Quantifiable and time-based objectives should be determined for all of the chosen metrics.
  • While allocating marketing budget, budget is also allocated to different marketing Aspects
  • Dogs
  • Stars
  • Cows
  • Question Marks
  • Unidirectional Marketing
  • Mass Media Marketing
  • Bidirectional Marketing
  • None of the above

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