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IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer Cognitive Class Exam Quiz Answers

IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer Cognitive Class Certification Answers

  • the IBM Blockchain Platform icon in the VS Code activity bar
  • the ‘View homepage’ icon
  • the Smart Contract project in the Explorer view
  • the ‘IBM Blockchain Platform’ extension in the Extensions Marketplace
  • Click the “Tutorials” link from the extension homepage.
  • From the VS Code main menu, click “View” -> “IBM Blockchain Platform”.
  • Right-click the IBM Blockchain Platform icon in the activity bar.
  • Click “View” -> “Command Palette” and enter “>IBM Blockchain Platform”.
  • the n’th digit of pi, where n is supplied as an input parameter to the transaction
  • the number of milliseconds since 00:00 1 January 1970
  • a random number between 1 and 1000
  • the DHCP address of the peer running the smart contract
  • This transaction should be hidden from the list of transactions that this smart contract exposes.
  • This transaction should be exposed as a read-only transaction.
  • This transaction should be exposed as a transaction that takes no parameters.
  • This transaction should be exposed as a transaction that has no module dependencies.
  • the name of the enclosing project folder
  • the smart contract Typescript source file name
  • the file ‘tsconfig.json’
  • the file ‘package.json’
  • It has been started but no transactions have been run.
  • It probably contains compilation errors.
  • It has been built but not packaged.
  • It has been copied to the peer(s) but not started.
  • Fabric Gateways
  • Fabric Environments
  • Smart Contracts
  • Fabric Wallets
  • Submitted transactions are recorded on the blockchain ledger; evaluated transactions are not.
  • Submitted transactions take place on a single peer; evaluated transactions run across multiple peers.
  • Submitted transactions run in real-time; evaluated transactions are batched.
  • Submitted transactions are called on behalf of another organization; evaluated transactions are not.
  • Ordering Service
  • Connection Profile
  • Fabric Environment
  • Smart Contract
  • wallet
  • contract
  • network
  • gateway
  • The old version of the smart contract will no longer be listed as instantiated.
  • The old version of the smart contract will be uninstalled from the peer.
  • The old version of the smart contract will be removed from the Smart Contracts view.
  • The old version of the smart contract will be installed to a backup channel.
  • Delete the old smart contract package; this causes an automatic repackaging.
  • Select the old smart contract and drag it onto the Package icon.
  • Click the ellipsis (‘…’) and select the “Package Open Project” option.
  • Right-click the old package and select the “Upgrade Smart Contract” option.
  • execute a transaction
  • query the block height
  • endorse a transaction
  • start a peer
  • The VS Code debug side bar is visible.
  • The status bar at the bottom of the screen is a different color, and shows the text “Debug Smart Contract”.
  • The smart contract source file will have a breakpoint indicator.
  • The IBM Blockchain Platform icon in the activity bar has a red notification decorator.
  • channel
  • smart contract
  • peer
  • wallet
  • The test will complete and pass.
  • The test will complete with an error message.
  • The test will prompt for input parameters.
  • The test will not compile.
  • the transaction name and input parameters
  • the smart contract name and endorsement policy
  • the read set and the write set
  • the topic name and payload
  • until the next block is committed
  • until the first event is triggered
  • until the gateway is disconnected
  • until the developer selects the “Unsubscribe from Events” option
  • client applications
  • all peers on the channel
  • ordering service nodes
  • endorsing peers
  • there is a single point of trust
  • only one smart contract can be deployed
  • new members cannot join the network
  • each organization must use the same client application

Introduction to IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer

Becoming an IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer involves gaining proficiency in building blockchain applications using IBM’s blockchain platform. Here’s a general outline of steps you might take to become one:

  1. Understand Blockchain Fundamentals: Start by learning the basics of blockchain technology, including its principles, consensus mechanisms, cryptography, and smart contracts.
  2. Learn about IBM Blockchain Platform: Familiarize yourself with IBM’s blockchain platform, its architecture, components, and features. IBM offers various resources like documentation, tutorials, and courses to help you get started.
  3. Acquire Development Skills: Gain proficiency in programming languages commonly used in blockchain development, such as JavaScript, Go, or Python. Understand how to interact with blockchain networks using SDKs or APIs.
  4. Explore Hyperledger Fabric: IBM Blockchain Platform is often built on Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source blockchain framework. Learn about Hyperledger Fabric’s architecture, how to set up a network, deploy smart contracts (chaincode), and interact with the network.
  5. Hands-On Practice: Practice building blockchain applications using IBM Blockchain Platform. Start with simple projects and gradually move on to more complex ones. Experiment with different features and functionalities of the platform.
  6. Join the IBM Community: Engage with the IBM Blockchain community through forums, events, and online communities. Networking with other developers and experts can provide valuable insights and support.
  7. Certification: Consider getting certified as an IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer. IBM offers certification exams that validate your skills and expertise in developing blockchain applications using their platform.
  8. Stay Updated: Blockchain technology is evolving rapidly, so stay updated with the latest trends, developments, and advancements in the field. Continuously learn and improve your skills to stay competitive.

By following these steps and continuously honing your skills, you can become proficient in developing blockchain applications using IBM’s platform and earn the title of an IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer.

About Clear My Certification

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