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First Steps into Artificial Intelligence Exam Quiz Answers – Microsoft Education

  • Quantum physics
  • Androids
  • Data
  • Cloud computing
  • Credit card fraud protection
  • Automatic doors
  • Virtual Reality headsets
  • Tamagotchis
  • It’s an artificial sentient being that can understand human motivations with only basic demographic information.
  • It’s a tool that helps people work better and do more by exploring new ways of working.
  • It’s simply a fix-all that can plug in to any situation and improve it.
  • It’s an android workforce that’s going to replace human workers.
  • Expanding business globally without a local presence.
  • Empowering sales staff with online browsing insights on their customers.
  • Overcoming language barriers with intelligent translation software.
  • Improving poor quality or incomplete data without any further inputs
  • Chatbots
  • Deep learning
  • Data scoring
  • Automation
  • The act of preparing and transforming data to be analysed by artificial intelligence and analytic software
  • A hacking technique that extracts intel from competing companies’ databases.
  • A process of generating brand new data, using simulation software.
  • Another name for Artificial Intelligence.
  • Mathematics
  • Computing power
  • The cloud
  • Data
  • Validated: it has been cleansed to ensure it is high quality, accurate and relevant.
  • Representative: it contains a broad scope of data and not only a narrow-sighted sample.
  • Produced by humans: it is sourced from hand-typed data entry, such as an online form.
  • Produced by machines: it is automatically generated by devices and other technology.
  • Analyse the existing technology landscape.
  • Begin ‘data wrangling’, collecting, organising and preparing data.
  • Install adequate air-conditioning to keep the cloud cool and operating effectively.
  • Invest in modern infrastructure.
  • True
  • False
  • Focus only on employees who already understand and embrace the benefits of AI, ignoring naysayers.
  • Switch the technology over and let employees learn to adapt on their own. Sink or swim!
  • Engage and upskill your workforce, providing dedicated AI training, and clearly explain the benefits of upgrading your technology.
  • Hire a fun mascot to dance around people’s desks, promoting AI until they come around to the idea.
  • Email automation
  • Machine learning
  • Social media sentiment
  • Cognitive services
  • Identify which of your customers have bad spelling.
  • Introduce ‘gamification’, awarding users for updating their details.
  • Trick them into thinking they are talking to a real human.
  • Reveal more about their personality by analysing their profile photos.
  • More employee motivation
  • More efficient workflows
  • Fewer overhead costs
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Algorithms can think more creatively than humans.
  • Employees work harder so they aren’t replaced.
  • AI frees up internal resources to allow your experts to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Investing in new technology is innovation.
  • IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
  • ET (Emotional Terrestrial)
  • VA (Voice Activation)
  • EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
  • Dos Prompt > Windows Graphic Interface
  • Radio > Television
  • VCR > DVD
  • Horse-drawn carriages > Cars

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