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Fortinet Getting Started in Cybersecurity Content Filters Quiz Answers

Lesson 6: Content Filters Quiz Answers

  • They test URLs in segregated virtual machines (VMs) to see what they do.
  • They prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  • They block lewd websites.
  • They block adware, spam, and malware.
  • Search engine filters
  • Email filters
  • DNS-based content filters
  • VPN filters
  • Blackhole filters
  • Accuracy
  • SPAM
  • False positives
  • Time needed to process
  • Software that detects patterns based on comparative content
  • A process that determines who has access to confidential information
  • A process of categorizing content based on predefined values
  • Software that controls the content an internet user can access
  • A list of allowed and blocked MAC addresses
  • Header content collation with a database of known threat actors
  • A machine learning (ML) algorithm
  • Allowlists and blocklists categorized by domain name or IP address
  • They compare known good content with the examined content.
  • They filter by pretagged words and images.
  • They check headers against a blackhole list.
  • They assign a weighting based on text and images.
  • They improve the quality of content.
  • They reduce access to information.
  • They improve productivity.
  • They accelerate central processing unit (CPU) processing.
  • Headers
  • Browser or application types
  • Attachments
  • The body of the message
  • MAC addresses

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