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Using HBase for Real-time Access to your Big Data Cognitive Class Exam Answers

Get an overview of HBase, how to use the HBase API and Clients, its integration with Hadoop.

HBase is the open source Hadoop database used for random, real-time read/writes to your Big Data.

  • Learn how to set it up as a source or sink for MapReduce jobs, and details about its architecture and administration, including labs for practice and hands-on learning.
  • Learn how HBase runs on a distributed architecture on top of commodity hardware, including practice and hands-on learning of the following features:
    • Linear and modular scalability
    • Strictly consistent read and writes
    • Automatic and configurable sharding of tables
    • Automatic failover support between RegionServers
    • Easy to use Java API for client access


  • Module 1 – Introduction to HBase
    1. HBase Overview, CAP Theorem and ACID properties
    2. Roles of HBase and difference between RDBMS
    3. HBase Shell and Tables
  • Module 2 – HBase Client API – The Basics
    1. Use of Java API for Batch, Scan, and Scan operations
  • Module 3 – Client API: Administrative and Advance Features
    1. Use of administrative operations and schemas
    2. Use of Filters, Counters, and ImportTSV tool
  • Module 4 – Available HBase Clients
    1. Understand how interactive and batch clients interact with HBase
  • Module 5 – HBase and MapReduce Integration
    1. Understand how MapReduce works in the Hadoop framework
    2. How to setup HBase as a source and a sink
  • Module 6 – HBase Configuration and Administration
    1. Configuration of HBase for various environmental optimization
    2. Architecture and administrative tasks

Using HBase for Real-time Access to your Big Data Cognitive Class Exam Quiz Answers

Question 1: What are some of the key properties of HBase? Select all that apply.

  • All HBase data is stored as bytes
  • HBase can run up to 1000 queries per second at the most
  • HBase is ACID compliant across all rows and tables
  • HBase is a NoSQL technology
  • HBase is an open source Apache project

Question 2: Which HBase component is responsible for storing the rows of a table?

  • HDFS
  • Region
  • API
  • ZooKeeper
  • Master

Question 3: What is NOT a characteristic of an HBase table?

  • Columns are grouped into column families
  • Columns can have multiple timestamps
  • Each row must have a unique row key
  • NULL columns aren’t supported
  • Columns can be added on the fly

Question 1: Which HBase command is used to update existing data in a table?

  • Put
  • Scan
  • Get
  • Batch
  • Delete

Question 2: The batch command allows the user to determine the order of execution. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Which of the following statements are true of the scan operation? Select all that apply.

  • Scanner caching is enabled by default
  • The startRow and endRow parameters are both inclusive
  • The addColumn() method can be used to restrict a scan
  • Scanning is a resource-intensive operation
  • Scan operations are used to iterate over HBase tables

Question 1: Which statement about HBase tables is incorrect?

  • HColumnDescriptor is used to describe columns, not column families
  • A table requires two descriptor classes
  • Performance may suffer if a table has more than three column families
  • Everything in HBase is stored within tables
  • Each table must contain at least one column family

Question 2: When using a CompareFilter, you must specify what to include as part of the scan, rather than what to exclude. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: What is an example of a Dedicated Filter? Select all that apply.

  • SingleColumnValueFilter
  • QualifierFilter
  • ColumnPrefixFilter
  • TimestampsFilter
  • FamilyFilter

Question 1: Which statements accurately describe the HBase interactive clients? Select all that apply.

  • Thrift is included with Hbase
  • Thrift and Avro both support C++
  • With REST, data transport is always performed in binary
  • Avro has a dynamic schema
  • REST needs to be complied before it can run

Question 2: Unlike an interactive client, a batch client is used to run a large set of operations in the background. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Which of the following is an example of a batch client?

  • PyHBase
  • HBql
  • Pig
  • JRuby
  • AsyncHBase

Question 1: HBase can act both as a source and a sink of a MapReduce job.

  • False
  • True

Question 2: Which HBase class is responsible for splitting the source data?

  • TableReducer
  • TableOutputFormat
  • TableMapReduceUtil
  • TableMapper
  • TableInputFormat

Question 3: Which of the following is NOT a component of the MapReduce framework?

  • Reducer
  • OutputFormat
  • Mapper
  • InputFormat
  • All of the above are part of the MapReduce framework

Question 1: Which of the following statements accurately describe the HBase run modes? Select all that apply.

  • The standalone mode is suited for a production environment
  • The pseudo-distributed mode is used for performance evaluation
  • The standalone mode uses local file systems
  • The distributed mode is suited for a production environment
  • The distributed mode requires the HDFS

Question 2: Which is NOT a component of a region server?

  • StoreFile
  • MemStore
  • HFile
  • ZooKeeper
  • HLog

Question 3: What is an example of an operational task? Select all that apply.

  • BulkImport
  • CopyTable
  • Adding Servers
  • Node decommissioning
  • Import and export

Question 1: Which statements accurately describe column families in HBase? Select all that apply.

  • You aren’t required to specify any column families when declaring a table
  • Each region contains multiple column families
  • You typically want no more than two or three column families per table
  • Column families have their own compression methods
  • Column families can be defined dynamically after table creation

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a component of HBase?

  • Master
  • Region
  • ZooKeeper
  • Pig
  • Region Server

Question 3: Which programming language is supported by Thrift?

  • PHP
  • C#
  • Python
  • Perl
  • All of the above

Question 4: Which HBase command is used to retrieve data from a table?

  • Delete
  • Get
  • Scan
  • Batch
  • Put

Question 5: The HBase Shell and the native Java API are the only available tools for interacting with HBase. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 6: Without this filter, a scan will need to check every file to see if a piece of data exists.

  • WhileMatchFilter
  • TimeStampsFilter
  • PageFilter
  • SkipFilter
  • BloomFilter

Question 7: What are the characteristics of the Avro client? Select all that apply.

  • Avro is included with HBase
  • Data transport is performed in binary
  • Avro needs to be compiled before running
  • Avro is a batch client
  • Avro supports Python and PHP, among others

Question 8: Deleting an internal table in Hive automatically deletes the corresponding HBase table. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 9: What is the main purpose of an HBase Counter?

  • To count the number of regions
  • To increment column values for statistical data collection
  • To count the number of region servers
  • To count the number of column families
  • All of the above

Question 10: Which file is used to specify configurations for HBase, HDFS, and ZooKeeper?

  • RegionServer
  • hbase-site.xml
  • hbase-default.xml

Question 11: Which HBase component manages the race to add a backup master?

  • Primary master
  • Region
  • ZooKeeper
  • HDFS
  • Region Server

Question 12: Which component of a region server is the actual storage file of the data?

  • HFile
  • Store
  • StoreFile
  • HLog
  • HRegion

Question 13: When the master node is updated, which file can be used to automatically update the other nodes in the cluster?

  • hbase-default.xml
  • hbase-site.xml

Question 14: There is a single HLog for each region server. True or false?

  • True
  • False

Question 15: What is the main purpose of the Write-Ahead log?

  • To store HBase configuration details
  • To store HDFS configuration details
  • To flush data when the system reaches its capacity
  • To prevent data loss in the event of a system crash
  • To store performance details

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