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Hubspot Digital Advertising Certification Exam Answers

HubSpot offers a suite of digital advertising tools designed to help businesses streamline their advertising efforts across various platforms. These tools are integrated into HubSpot’s broader marketing automation platform, allowing users to manage their campaigns alongside other marketing activities such as email marketing, social media management, and website analytics.

Here are some key features and capabilities of HubSpot’s digital advertising tools:

  1. Ad Campaign Management: HubSpot allows users to create, manage, and optimize their digital ad campaigns from within the platform. This includes setting up targeting criteria, creating ad creatives, and defining campaign objectives.
  2. Multi-Channel Advertising: HubSpot supports advertising across multiple channels, including Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. This enables businesses to reach their target audience wherever they are online.
  3. Audience Targeting: Users can leverage HubSpot’s audience targeting capabilities to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps optimize ad spend by ensuring ads are shown to the most relevant audiences.
  4. Ad Performance Tracking: HubSpot provides insights into ad performance, allowing users to track key metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROI. This data helps users understand which ads are driving results and make informed decisions about campaign optimization.
  5. Integration with CRM: HubSpot’s digital advertising tools are integrated with its CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform, allowing users to track ad-generated leads and tie them back to specific campaigns. This closed-loop reporting enables better attribution and ROI analysis.
  6. Automation and Optimization: HubSpot uses automation features to streamline ad management tasks such as ad scheduling, budget allocation, and A/B testing. Additionally, machine learning algorithms help optimize ad performance over time based on historical data and trends.
  7. Reporting and Analytics: HubSpot provides robust reporting and analytics features, allowing users to generate custom reports and dashboards to track the performance of their ad campaigns. This includes metrics such as cost per lead, conversion rate, and revenue generated.

Overall, HubSpot’s digital advertising tools aim to simplify the process of running and optimizing digital ad campaigns, enabling businesses to maximize their advertising ROI and drive growth.

OFFICIAL LINK FOR THE HubSpot Digital Advertising Certification EXAM: CLICK HERE

Hubspot Digital Advertising Certification Exam Answers

  • True
  • False 
  • paid; not paid
  • for ecommerce only; for all businesses
  • more targeted; less targeted
  • unhelpful; helpful
  • Remarket to existing contacts and website visitors
  • Use analytics to better understand your audiences across platforms
  • Outperform your organic marketing efforts
  • Optimize your ad content to perform its best across channels
  • Decision
  • Consideration
  • Research
  • Awareness
  • Promote generic, unbranded content
  • Direct someone to a pricing page
  • Include discounts to encourage immediate purchase
  • Help your buyer persona solve their problem
  • People who have previously interacted with one of your digital ads
  • A lookalike audience based on your existing customers
  • People who have previously visited your website
  • An audience based on people who have watched your company’s YouTube videos
  • “Different types of dog food”
  • “How to teach a dog to sit”
  • “Best animal rescues near me”
  • “PetSpot animal supplies”
  • ideas
  • historical performance
  • target audience
  • conversion path
  • Earned media
  • Owned media
  • Social media
  • Paid media
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Annually
  • New advertising channels that you haven’t advertised on before
  • Brand campaigns across advertising channels
  • Video production
  • Proven efforts that drive your main KPIs
  • Maximize conversions
  • Maximize views
  • Target ROAS
  • Target CPA
  • Contextual targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Audience targeting
  • Behavioral targeting
  • are between the ages of 25-49 located in Austria who speak German
  • have visited your website before or are subscribed to your blog
  • have searched for key terms in German related to marketing software
  • have an interest in technology and read an online publication called Martech Today regularly
  • have conducted searches online for keywords related to startups and entrepreneurship
  • are interested in startups and read articles on
  • recently downloaded your Guide to Entrepreneurship lead generation content offer
  • are located in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • contextual
  • demographic
  • audience
  • behavioral
  • Retargeting
  • Contextual targeting
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Focus on value
  • Use simple language
  • Include conversational CTAs
  • Use acronyms
  • “Looking for a new car insurance policy? Talk to a CISR today.”
  • “Protect you and your loved ones with a car insurance policy made for the whole family.”
  • “You drive your car on a regular basis during the course of the day. Protect yourself with affordable car insurance.”
  • “You never know what things might happen while on the road. Get car insurance that you can trust.”
  • views
  • sales
  • brand awareness
  • lead generation
  • engagement
  • sales
  • views
  • lead generation
  • True
  • False
  • Contrasting colors
  • Seasonal theme
  • The rule of thirds
  • None of the above
  • Align your ad creative and copy to your landing page
  • Always use a pop-up form to increase conversions
  • Collect as much information as possible in your form or checkout process
  • Remove the navigation from your landing page
  • True
  • False
  • the number of connections a person has on Facebook
  • new people who share the characteristics of your existing audience
  • people who have already expressed an interest in your business
  • people who recently created a Facebook account
  • people who have already expressed an interest in your business
  • new people who share the characteristics of your existing customers
  • the number of years a person has been on Facebook
  • people who have viewed your social media posts but not interacted with them
  • Quality
  • Engagement
  • Conversion
  • Relevance
  • It costs less money to advertise in Explore so advertisers can see better performance
  • Fewer advertisers run ads in Explore so there is less competition
  • People in Explore are in the mindset to discover content from creators they don’t follow
  • More people view content in Explore than they do in their own feed
  • Display messages in the Facebook News Feed to your audience
  • Run story ads on Facebook Messenger
  • Add a call-to-action in your Facebook ads to start a conversation with your business in Facebook Messenger
  • Advertise to people who have interacted with your business on Facebook Messenger
  • Engagement
  • Website clicks
  • Sales
  • App downloads
  • An accounting firm
  • A fashion brand
  • A marketing technology company
  • A government agency
  • In the subscriptions bar
  • In the search results
  • Before a video
  • During a video
  • Story ads
  • Image ads
  • Sponsored messages
  • AR lenses
  • Lead generation
  • Sales
  • Brand awareness
  • Conversions
  • They always appear first in the search results, above other ads
  • They protect your traffic if a competitor bids on your brand keywords
  • They see a higher click-through rate than non-brand keywords
  • They are significantly less expensive than search ads for other keywords
  • broad
  • exact
  • specific
  • negative
  • negative
  • phrase
  • broad
  • specific
  • negative
  • phrase
  • broad
  • specific
  • A negative keyword
  • A phrase keyword
  • A broad match modifier
  • A phrase match modifier
  • “dog treats”
  • [dog treats]
  • dog treats
  • -dog treats
  • +smart tv
  • -smart tv
  • [smart tv]
  • “smart tv”
  • wall art
  • “wall art”
  • wall +art
  • -wall art
  • True
  • False
  • /
  • ^
  • +(ANSWER)
  • Campaigns, ad groups, keywords
  • Ad groups, campaigns, keywords
  • Keywords, campaigns, ad groups
  • Keywords, ad groups, campaigns
  • Take up more space in the SERPs
  • Improve click-through rate
  • Provide more value to potential customers
  • All of the above
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • All that are available
  • As many as many as make sense for your business
  • HTTP cookies
  • virtual reality
  • machine learning
  • ad tracking
  • Advertising platform
  • Demand-side platform
  • Keyword manager        
  • Targeted advertising manager
  • First-party cookies are generated by visiting any website, third-party cookies are generated by downloadable apps
  • First-party cookies are generated when you launch an ad campaign, third-party cookies are generated when you launch any other marketing campaign
  • First-party cookies are generated by your own website, third-party cookies are generated by websites other than your own
  • First-party cookies tell you information about what websites a person visits, third-party cookies tell you information about what social media platforms a person uses
  • UTM parameters
  • Tracking pixels
  • HTTP cookie
  • Demographic targeting
  • HTTP cookie
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Tracking pixels
  • Tracking URLs
  • collecting data and user insights on the performance of online advertising campaigns
  • running marketing experiments to see which version of an ad connects better with your audience
  • quantifying the number of digital views or engagements of a piece of content
  • finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines
  • The rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touch points along conversion paths
  • A code that gets generated and stored on a website visitor’s computer when they visit your site
  • An online advertising method in which marketers place ads on search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • The use of artificial and machine learning to buy ads in real-time, instead of going through human negotiations and pre-set prices
  • First and last
  • First-touch
  • Linear
  • Simple decay
  • Linear
  • First-touch
  • Last interaction
  • Simple decay
  • Creative
  • Audiences
  • Landing pages
  • All of the above
  • Campaign 1 because it has a greater return
  • Campaign 1 because it drove more leads
  • Campaign 2 because it has a greater return
  • Campaign 2 because it drove more leads
  • $3
  • $4
  • $5
  • $6
  • Address the problem your buyer persona is experiencing
  • Question why your buyer persona cannot solve their own problem
  • Present your business as the only solution that is right for your audience
  • Focus on your competitive position in the marketplace
  • Tell your buyer persona why the other products or services available are bad
  • Promote lead generation content offers
  • Highlight the value of your company’s products or services
  • Target only your existing customers
  • Sustainability
  • Ethical sourcing
  • Free shipping
  • Charitable donation
  • All of the above
  • an efficient CPA
  • an inefficient CPA
  • a big advertising budget
  • a small advertising budget
  • are located in the Denver metro area and have a household income between $50,000 and $100,000
  • have an interest in video games
  • spent at least 5 minutes reading your most recent blog post
  • spend a lot of time reading online news publications
  • Pixel-based retargeting is for anonymous site visitors, list-based retargeting is for existing contacts
  • Pixel-based retargeting is for existing contacts, list-based retargeting is for anonymous site visitors
  • Pixel-based retargeting relies on tracking pixels, list-based retargeting relies on forms and a CRM
  • Pixel-based retargeting is more effective, list-based retargeting is less effective
  • Contextual targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Audience targeting
  • Behavioral targeting
  • brand awareness
  • engagement
  • sales
  • lead generation
  • draw attention to the most important elements of your ad creative
  • make your ad creative pop by using contrasting colors
  • use imagery of people that is representative of your target audience
  • turn one concept into three ad creatives
  • A metric used to quantify the number of digital views or engagements of a piece of content, usually an advertisement, digital post, or a web page
  • The process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action
  • A reporting strategy that allows marketers and sales teams to see the impact that marketers made on a purchase or sale
  • The process by which an anonymous website visitor becomes a known lead
  • location, demographics, interests, behavior, and connections
  • the number of years a person has been on Facebook
  • people who have already expressed an interest in your business
  • new people who share the characteristics of your existing audience
  • Create ad campaigns in the Facebook Ads Manager
  • Create ads from your Facebook Page and promote them on both Facebook and Instagram
  • Promote posts and stories directly from your Instagram professional account
  • Boost existing posts from your Facebook account
  • Advertising on LinkedIn is often less expensive than advertising on Facebook
  • You can target audiences with unique demographics, like job title and industry
  • LinkedIn has more ad types than any of the other social media platforms
  • You can advertise to a highly engaged audience that interacts with more ads than organic content
  • A brand keyword is more expensive, a non-brand keyword is less expensive
  • A brand keyword receives less traffic, a non-brand keyword receives more traffic
  • A brand keyword has more variations, a non-brand keyword has fewer variations
  • A brand keyword includes a brand’s name, a non-brand keyword does not include a brand’s name
  • A negative keyword
  • A phrase keyword
  • A broad match modifier
  • A phrase match modifier
  • /
  • ^
  • +
  • – (answer)
  • Questions
  • Keywords
  • A call-to-action
  • Analogies
  • Remove the H.Bloom logo from the landing page
  • Add the keyword “flower delivery” to the landing page
  • Remove the header navigation from the landing page
  • Move the form to the bottom of the landing page
  • A value used to determine your ad position
  • The maximum amount of money you’re willing to pay for a desired action on your ad
  • A set of related ad groups often used to organize categories of products or services you offer
  • The amount/number of advertising dollars you spend to acquire one new customer
  • Make a hypothesis, collect research, choose measurement metrics, create and execute the experiment, analyze the results
  • Choose measurement metrics, collect research, make a hypothesis, create and execute the experiment, analyze the results
  • Analyze the results, make a hypothesis, choose measurement metrics, create and execute the experiment, collect research
  • Collect research, choose measurement metrics, make a hypothesis, analyze the results, create and execute the experiment
  • CPC
  • Reach
  • CPM
  • ROAS
  • Lead ads
  • Message ads
  • Video ads
  • Search ads
  • Demand-side platform
  • Data management platform
  • Advertising platform
  • Supply-side platform
  • Not targeted
  • Disruptive
  • Hidden
  • Inexpensive
  • Contextual targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Audience targeting
  • Behavioral targeting
  • have expressed an interest in dogs
  • meet the demographic profile of your buyer persona
  • have liked your posts on social media
  • have added items to their cart, but did not complete their purchase
  • The rule of thirds
  • Contrasting colors
  • Seasonal theme
  • None of the above

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