Here are the answers of the quiz:
Question 1) Who coined the term AI?
A. Herbert Simon
B. John Nash
C. John McCarthy
D. Marvin Minsky
Question 2) What is AlphaGo?
A. New programming language
B. Google’s AI program that beat human Go player
C. Initial version of Go language
D. IBM’s Deep Blue program that beat Kasporov in Chess
Question 3) What is AI?
A. Simulation of human intelligence using artificial device
B. Simulation of computer intelligence into Humans
C. Augmented intelligence
Question 4) AI has nothing to do with?
Select one:
A. Face Recognition
B. Siri
C. Voice Recorder
D. Google Search
Question 5) What is Machine Learning ?
A. Making Robots
B. Writing Intelligent Algorithm
C. Making computer programs learn own from data
D. Doing reasoning
Question 6) What field of scientists are involved into developing Artificial intelligence?
A. Physicists & Astrologers
B. Mathematics, Engineering, Economics, Psychology
C. Aerodynamics, Space and Computer Scientists
D. Doing reasoning
Question 7) Which scientist first proposed various fields of AI?
A. Marvin Minsky
B. John McCarthy
C. Herbert Simon
D. John Nash
Question 8) Select all the options which are the correct way of naming a variable:
Select one or more:
A. @x123
B. _123
C. 12abc
D. Abc_123
Question 9) What is the output of the following:
Select one:
A. str
B. int
C. Boolean
D. error
Question 10) What is the output of the following:
Select one:
A. str
B. int
C. boolean
D. error
Question 11) Which binary operator is used to find the remainder of a division operation:
Select one:
A. /
B. //
C. %%
D. %
Question 12) Consider a tuple a = (1,5,10). Which is the correct way of inserting a value of 4 between 1 and 5.
Select one:
A. insert(5,4)
B. a[1] = 4
C. a.append(4)
D. Not possible
Question 13) Consider a list: X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Which is/are the correct way to get the output [7,8,9,10]
Select one or more:
A. X[-4:-1]
B. X[7:10]
C. X[6:]
D. X[6:11]
E. X[6:10]
Question 14) Consider a list: X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Which is/are the correct way to get a list of 3,6,9
Select one or more:
A. X[2:9:3]
B. list((X[2],X[5],X[8]))
C. X [-2:-9:-3][::-1]
D. [X[2],X[5],X[8]]
Question 15) Consider a list X = [2,4,6,8]. Which of the following commands would result in [4, 8, 12, 16]
Select one or more:
A. [value*2 for _, value in enumerate(X)]
B. X * 2
C. [value*2 for value in X]
D. list(map(lambda a : a * 2, X))
Question 16) Consider a series: X = pd.Series([1,2,3,4]) Which of the following is/are the correct way(s) of accessing the second element?
Select one:
A. X[1]
B. X.loc[1]
C. X.iloc[1]
D. All of the above
Question 17) Two events are mutually exclusive if:
Select one:
A. P(A ∩ B) = 0
B. P(A|B) =0
C. P(B|A) =0
D. All of the above
Question 18) The expected value of a random variable, which is the center of a distribution is also known as
Select one:
A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. None of the above
Question 19) Marginal probability of an event comprises of joint probabilities of events that are
Select one:
A. Independent
B. Mutually exclusive
C. Collectively exhaustive
D. Mutually exclusive and Collectively exhaustive
Question 20) If an outcome of an event X is not impacted by the outcome of another event Y, then
Select one:
A. X and Y are Statistically Independent
B. X and Y are Mutually exclusive
C. X and Y are a part of Bayesian Inference
D. None of the above
Question 21) Computation of ___ is used to summarize a categorical variable.
Select one:
a. Standard deviation
b. Frequency
c. Mean
d. Variance
Question 22) Rows in a dataset suggests:
Select one:
a. Features
b. Objects
c. Attributes
d. Dimensions
Question 23) Type of graph used to represent the relationship between two features of a dataset:
Select one:
a. Bar graph
b. Scatter Plot
c. Histogram
Question 24) What defines the normal distribution of a variable?
Select one:
a. Frequency of the variable
b. Variance
c. Mean and standard distribution
d. Mean and Variance
Question 25) The graph used to represent the trend of students attending the video lecture from 2nd January to 10th January is ____
Select one:
a. Histogram
b. Scatter plot
c. Bar Graph
Question 26) What is the mean and standard deviation of a standard normal distribution?
Select one:
a. mean = 1, standard distribution =0
b. mean = 10.2, standard distribution = 6.7
c. mean = 0, standard distribution =1
d. mean = 2.8, standard distribution = 3
Question 27) Consider one dimensional data set with variable X =[4,4,4,4,4,4,4] . What is the standard deviation of X?
Select one:
a. One
b. Zero
c. Two
d. Three
Question 28) Which plot is the best fit for the depiction of Linear regression?
Select one:
a. Bar plot
b. Scatter Plot
c. Histogram
d. None of the above
Question 29) Regression models are also said to be _________ models.
Select one:
a. Interpretable
b. Noninterpretable
Question 30) Which of the following is an example of unsupervised learning?
Select one:
a. Given a set of news articles found on the web, group them into set of articles about the same story
b. Given email labeled as spam/not spam, learn a spam filter
c. Both A & B
d. Neither A nor B