Monday , March 24 2025
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Here are the answers of the quiz:

A. Herbert Simon

B. John Nash

C. John McCarthy

D. Marvin Minsky

A. New programming language

B. Google’s AI program that beat human Go player

C. Initial version of Go language

D. IBM’s Deep Blue program that beat Kasporov in Chess

A. Simulation of human intelligence using artificial device

B. Simulation of computer intelligence into Humans

C. Augmented intelligence

A. Face Recognition

B. Siri

C. Voice Recorder

D. Google Search

A. Making Robots

B. Writing Intelligent Algorithm

C. Making computer programs learn own from data

D. Doing reasoning

A. Physicists & Astrologers

B. Mathematics, Engineering, Economics, Psychology

C. Aerodynamics, Space and Computer Scientists

D. Doing reasoning

A. Marvin Minsky

B. John McCarthy

C. Herbert Simon

D. John Nash

A. @x123

B. _123

C. 12abc

D. Abc_123

A. str

B. int

C. Boolean

D. error

A. str

B. int

C. boolean

D. error

A. /

B. //

C. %%

D. %

A. insert(5,4)

B. a[1] = 4

C. a.append(4)

D. Not possible

A. X[-4:-1]

B. X[7:10]

C. X[6:]

D. X[6:11]

E. X[6:10]

A. X[2:9:3]

B. list((X[2],X[5],X[8]))

C. X [-2:-9:-3][::-1]

D. [X[2],X[5],X[8]]

A. [value*2 for _, value in enumerate(X)]

B. X * 2

C. [value*2 for value in X]

D. list(map(lambda a : a * 2, X))

A. X[1]

B. X.loc[1]

C. X.iloc[1]

D. All of the above

A. P(A ∩ B) = 0

B. P(A|B) =0

C. P(B|A) =0

D. All of the above

A. Median

B. Mean

C. Mode

D. None of the above

A. Independent

B. Mutually exclusive

C. Collectively exhaustive

D. Mutually exclusive and Collectively exhaustive

A. X and Y are Statistically Independent

B. X and Y are Mutually exclusive

C. X and Y are a part of Bayesian Inference

D. None of the above

a. Standard deviation

b. Frequency

c. Mean

d. Variance

a. Features

b. Objects

c. Attributes

d. Dimensions

a. Bar graph

b. Scatter Plot

c. Histogram

a. Frequency of the variable

b. Variance

c. Mean and standard distribution

d. Mean and Variance

a. Histogram

b. Scatter plot

c. Bar Graph

a. mean = 1, standard distribution =0

b. mean = 10.2, standard distribution = 6.7

c. mean = 0, standard distribution =1

d. mean = 2.8, standard distribution = 3

a. One

b. Zero

c. Two

d. Three

a. Bar plot

b. Scatter Plot

c. Histogram

d. None of the above

a. Interpretable

b. Noninterpretable

a. Given a set of news articles found on the web, group them into set of articles about the same story

b. Given email labeled as spam/not spam, learn a spam filter

c. Both A & B

d. Neither A nor B

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