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Containers on AWS reSkill Quiz Answers

Amazon AWS reSkill Quiz Answers – Containers on AWS reskill Quiz Solutions

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Answer: 3000

Answer: AWS Lambda

Answer: Metrics Level

Answer: Cannot use docker images in build

Answer: Amazon EKS

Answer: AWS CodeCommit

Answer: AWS Fargate

Answer: Amazon ECS

Answer: sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

Answer: docker push aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.{region}{repository-name}:latest

Answer: is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies

Answer: aws ecr delete-repository –repository-name {repository name} –force

Answer: task definition

Answer: Use CloudWatch to create a CloudWatch alarm that sends an email message using Amazon SNS when the alarm changes state from OK to ALARM trigger SNS service to send the notification to your team

Answer: Dockerfile

Answer: eksctl

Answer: Amazon CloudWatch

Answer: Continuous Deployment

Answer: 300MB

Answer: You can define multiple containers in a task definition

Answer: EC2 MacOS + Networking

Answer: Amazon EC2 Instances

Answer: AutoPriority Load Balancer

Answer: docker start

Answer: AWS IAM

Answer: AWS CodePipeline

Answer: Amazon ECR

Answer: Public IPv4 DNS

Answer: AWS Fargate

Answer: True

Answer: Jenkins CI

Answer: A ECS cluster may be created using either Fargate or EC2 launch types

Answer: CloudWatch Container Insights

Answer: eksctl delete cluster -f cluster.yaml

Answer: Data Plane

Answer: AWS CodeCommit

Answer: kubectl get nodes-o wide

Answer: task definition

Answer: Clusters are global – and by default the cluster is distributed across multiple regions.

Answer: You have not enabled cluster insights setting while creating your cluster

Answer: aws ecr delete-repository –repository-name {repository name} –force

Answer: docker build -t filePath

Answer: Cannot Integrate with CodeBuild, Jenkins other CI tools

Answer: Your security group is not present under the same VPC

Answer: Control Panel

Answer: With AWS CodeDeploy, you can push your changes to production; but it does not provision resources so you can use AWS CloudFormation (or its alternatives) for provisioning infrastructure

Answer: eksctl create cluster –name {name} –region {region} -f {cluster-config file path}

Answer: Control Plane

Answer: buildspec.yml

Answer: make cluster

Answer: ecs:PutLog

Answer: kubectl apply -f deployment/deployment.yml

Answer: Dockerfile

Answer: AppSync

Answer: Amazon ECR

Answer: Enable privileged mode when setting up AWS CodeBuild

Answer: Amazon ECS container agent

Answer: CloudWatch Logs Agent

Answer: three

Answer: By creating and configuring services

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  1. Thanks for the amazon aws reskill quiz answers.

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