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Computer Vision Basics Coursera Answers – Free Certificate

ENROLL NOW: Computer Vision Basics Course

Week 1: Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers: Coursera

Question 1: Computer vision includes which of the following?

  • Automatic extraction of features from images
  • All are correct
  • None are correct
  • Understanding useful information
  • Analysis of images

Question 2: The image acquisition devices of computer vision systems capture visual information as digital signals?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Correct Syntax to read image in MATLAB in current folder

  • var_image = imread(‘my_image.jpg’)
  • var_image = imread(‘my_image’)

Question 4: Select the correct option to crop top-left 50×50 section from the image read below.

  • var_image = imread(‘my_image.jpg’)
  • cropped_section = var_image(0:50,0:50)
  • cropped_section = var_image(1:50,1:50)
  • cropped_section = var_image[0:50,0:50]
  • cropped_section = var_image[1:50,1:50]

Question 5: What is initial data type of the image you read through imread function of MATLAB?

  • int8
  • double
  • uint8

Question 6: I1 = imread(‘my_image.jpg’)

I2 = im2double(I1)

  • Scales the image intensity values from 0 to 1
  • Converts the image from uint8 to double format
  • The array dimensions remain same

Question 7: Select the options which assigns height and width of an image correctly in MATLAB.

var_image = imread(‘my_image.jpg’)

  • [height,width] = size(var_image );
  • image_dimension = size(var_image );
    • height = image_dimension(1)
    • width = image_dimension(2)
  • [width,height] = size(var_image );
  • image_dimension = size(var_image );
    • width = image_dimension(1)
    • height = image_dimension(2)

Question 8: Accessing Image Sub-Regions

img = imread(‘cameraman.tif’);

subimg1 = img(1:50,1:50);

subimg2 = img(  end -49 :end,  end -49 :end);

SSD = sum(sum((double(subimg1) – double(subimg2)).^2));

SSD = immse(subimg1, subimg2) * numel(subimg1);


Week 2: Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers : Coursera

Question 9: Which of the following are area sources?

  • Bulb
  • All of these
  • Sun at infinity
  • Diffuser boxes
  • White walls

Question 10: Does distance of the light source affect the color of a pixel?

  • No
  • Yes

Question 11: We lose depth information in perspective projection.

  • True
  • False

Question 12: Match column A with correct options in column in B

Column AColumn B
1) Shutter speeda) Amount of light per unit area reaching image sensor
2) Exposureb) an effect that causes different signals to become indistinguishable when sampled
3) Aperturec) The length of time when sensor is exposed to light when taking a photograph
4) Aliasingd) Hole or an opening through which light travels

Answer: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

Question 13: Color Imaging – RGB Channels

%Read the image

img = imread(‘image.jpg’);

%Get the size (rows and columns) of the image

[r,c] = size(img);


%Wrire code to split the image into three equal parts and store them in B, G, R channels




%concatenate R,G,B channels and assign the RGB image to ColorImg variable

ColorImg(:,:,1) = R;

ColorImg(:,:,2) = G;

ColorImg(:,:,3) = B;


Week 3: Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers : Coursera

Three-Level Paradigm

Question 14:

Column AColumn B
1) Computational Theorya) Steps for Computation
2) Representation and algorithmb) Physical realization of algorithms, programs and hardware
3) Implementationc) What the device is supposed to do

Answer: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b

Question 15: Low-level vision consists of:

1) feature detection and matching

2) early segmentation

  • 1
  • 1 and 2
  • 2
  • None

Question 16: Image Gradient Magnitude

img = imread(‘cameraman.tif’);

[Gx, Gy] = imgradientxy(img);

[Gmag, Gdir] = imgradient(Gx, Gy);

%Uncomment the code below to visualize Gx and Gy


%Uncomment the code below to visualize Gmag and Gdir


Week 4: Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers : Coursera

Question 17: Match the Algorithms in column A with correct techniques in column B

Column AColumn B
1) Dynamic Programminga) Binary Image Restoration
2) Graph algorithmsb) Stereo matching
3) Dynamic Programmingc) Seam Carving
4) Graph algorithmsd) Image segmentation

Answers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a

Question 18: Aligning RGB Channels (using SSD)

img = imread(‘course1image.jpg’);

[height, width] = size(img);

oneThird = floor(height/3);

B = img(1:(oneThird), :);

G = img((oneThird+1):(2*oneThird), :);

R = img((2*oneThird+1):(3*oneThird), :);

c_x = (341/2-25);

c_y = (400/2-25);

ref_img_region = double(G(c_x:c_x + 50, c_y:c_y + 50));

red_offset = offset(double(R(c_x:c_x + 50, c_y:c_y + 50)), ref_img_region);

shifted_red = circshift(R, red_offset);

blue_offset = offset(double(B(c_x:c_x + 50, c_y:c_y + 50)), ref_img_region);

shifted_blue = circshift(B, blue_offset);

ColorImg_aligned = cat(3, shifted_red, G, shifted_blue);

%ColorImg_aligned = cat(3, G, shifted_red, shifted_blue);

%ColorImg_aligned = cat(3, G, shifted_blue, shifted_red);

%ColorImg_aligned = cat(3, G, shifted_blue, shifted_red);


% Find the minimun offset by ssd

function [output] = offset(img1, img2)

    MIN = inf;

    for x = -10:10

        for y = -10:10

            temp = circshift(img1, [x, y]);

            ssd = sum((img2 – temp).^2, ‘all’);

            if ssd < MIN

                MIN = ssd;

                output = [x, y];





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  1. During this time, we remain as passionate as ever about helping you learn, grow, and connect with learners and educators around the world. Both here and on our social media channels we’ll continue sharing uplifting stories, new ways to learn, and courses we think you’ll love.
    Thanks for watching Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers : Coursera

  2. Thanks for Computer Vision Basic Course Certification Answers. All answers are correct.

  3. You’re amazing Priya!

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