Basics of Computer Free Certificate – National Level Certificate for Students | Itronix Solutions
This Basic of Computer Free Certificate is designed to help you assess your knowledge of basic computer knowledge. This is also a useful resource for employers to examine the Basics of Computer Certificate knowledge of the candidates during an interview or for applicants. If you pass this test with 80% or above (16 questions or more), it is likely that you have a pretty solid fundamental knowledge of the basics of Computer Programming.
Here are the Questions and Answers:
Question 1: What is software?
Answer: Instructions that tell the hardware what to do.
Question 2: Which of the following are types of computer hardware? Select all that apply.
Answer: Processor.
Question 3: The computer’s main circuit board is called a __.
Answer: Motherboard.
Question 4: The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called?
Answer: Analytical Engine.
Question 5: Which is a single integrated circuit?
Answer: Gate.
Question 6: Tabulating Machine was invented by ——-
Answer: Herman Hollerith.
Question 7: Which of the following are all basic parts of a desktop computer?
Answer: Keyboard, Mouse, Computer Case.
Question 8: A _________ computer is battery operated and portable.
Answer: Laptop.
Question 9: What type of operating system do we use on our classroom computers?
Answer: Microsoft Windows.
Question 10: A computer _ is a group of computers connected together.
Answer: Network.
Question 11: One thousand Bytes Represent
Answer: Kilo bytes.
Question 12: Which of the following is a correct Format of Email address
Question 13: IC stands for
Answer: Integrated Circuit.
Question 14: Web pages are written using?
Answer: HTML.
Question 15: Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?
Answer: Intelligence.
Question 16: Which of the following is an example of non volatile memory?
Answer: ROM.
Question 17: Find the odd one out?
Answer: C.
Question 18: The —— is the administrative section of the computer system?
Answer: Central Processing Unit.
Question 19: Which of the following performs arithmetic and logical operations?
Answer: Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Question 20: A ___ is a type of input device that can record videos and take pictures.
Answer: Transistors.