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CS105: Introduction to Python Final Exam Answers | Saylor Academy

Saylor Academy CS105: Introduction to Python Final Exam Answers

  • The number 4 will be echoed to the screen
  • The character a will be echoed to the screen
  • <class ‘int’> will be echoed to the screen
  • An error will occur because type is not a valid command
  • 34
  • 3.0
  • 3.4
  • 34.0
  • 5=b+b
  • b=b+5
  • b=b*5
  • b+5=b
  • ‘value 1 = 25 , value 2 = 30’
  • ‘value 1 = 125 , value 2 = 20’
  • ‘value 1 = 140 , value 2 = 150’
  • ‘value 1 = 150 , value 2 = 140’
  • 213
  • ‘vwyza’
  • ‘t+s[0]’
  • ‘vawayaza’
  • x == not y
  • x>y or x<y
  • x not == y
  • x>y and x<y
  • The logical operators are disregarded
  • The relational operators are disregarded
  • Logical operators have higher precedence than relational operators
  • Relational operators have higher precedence than logical operators
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • True
  • False
  • An empty string
  • A user input variable
  • A variable of type int
  • A programmer-initialized variable
  • The string ‘z12’
  • 12 times the value input into the variable z
  • z copies of ’12’ will be concatenated together and output
  • An error, because the print expression mixes a string with a numeric value
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • c=2
  • c=4
  • c=8
  • c=10
  • Stopping a program from terminating
  • Disregarding a variable assignment within a loop
  • Allowing a program to continue when an input error occurs
  • Skipping over a set of commands within a loop and beginning the next iteration
  • Container
  • Index
  • Operator
  • Sequence
  • a.append(i+i)
  • a.append(a[i]+i)
  • a.append(a[i]-i)
  • a.append(a[i]+2*i)
  • -1
  • 8
  • [8, 7, 6, 5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
  • An error, because a negative index has been used
  • The operation 2*x is invalid
  • plt is not an allowed object name
  • matplotlib cannot be used to plot functions
  • The list defined by x does not contain enough data
  • By replacing the for loop with print(a)
  • By replacing the for loop with s=len(a)
  • By replacing the for loop with s=max(a)
  • By replacing the for loop with s=sum(a)
  • Colon
  • Comma
  • Period
  • Semicolon
  • 0
  • 1
  • 7
  • 12
  • The cosine function over the interval 0 to pi
  • The cosine function over the interval 0 to 2*pi
  • The cosine function over the interval n to pi
  • The cosine function over the interval n to 2*pi
  • -1e300
  • -1.0
  • 0.0
  • 1.0
  • Because tuples are not mutable
  • Because an index cannot be used to access tuple elements
  • Because tuple elements must be separated by a semi-colon
  • Because tuple elements must be contained within curly brackets, not parentheses
  • Sets are an ordered collection of elements and are mutable
  • Sets are an unordered collection of elements and are mutable
  • Sets are an ordered collection of elements and are not mutable
  • Sets are an unordered collection of elements and are not mutable
  • xdict[‘k1’] refers to a set
  • xdict[‘k1’] refers to a tuple
  • xdict[‘k3’] refers to a se
  • xdict[‘k3’] refers to a tuple
  • for d in key:
  • for v in key:
  • for key in v:
  • for key in d:
  • a
  • r
  • r+
  • w
  • float
  • int
  • list
  • str
  • myfile = open(‘source.txt’)

for line in myfile:



  • myfile = open(‘source.txt’)

for line in myfile:



  • myfile = open(‘source.txt’)

for line in myfile:



  • myfile = open(‘source.txt’)

for line in myfile:



  • -3
  • 2
  • 7
  • 8
  • Store the pattern to a file
  • Convert the pattern into machine code
  • Increase the efficiency of pattern matching
  • Enable pattern matching using other programming languages
  • ‘.[A-Z]\s’
  • ‘.\s[A-Z]’
  • ‘[A-Z]\.\s$’
  • ‘[A-Z]\.\s’
  • pattern = ‘[A-Z]\.\s[a-z]*’
  • pattern = ‘[A-Z]*\.\s[a-z]’
  • pattern = ‘[A-Z]*\.\s[a-z]*’
  • pattern = ‘[A-Z]+\.\s[a-z]+’
  • a.Multiple errors can be handled within a single ‘except’ block
  • b.Each ‘try’ block must be associated with exactly one ‘except’ block
  • c.The ‘except’ block will not execute unless the type of error is specified
  • d.An ‘else’ block must be included for handling the case where no error occurs
  • except NameError:


  • except TypeError:


  • except ArithmeticError:


  • except ValueError:


  • Dictionaries
  • Functions
  • Snippets
  • Variables
  • Their methods must be different
  • They will have different attributes
  • Their data attributes can take on different values
  • They cannot both be used as inputs to a function
  • def __ge__(self,other):

    return self.radius&gt;other.radius

  • def __geq__(self,other):

    return self.radius&gt;other.radius

  • def ge(self,other):

    return self.radius&gt;other.radius

  • def geq(self,other):

    return self.radius&gt;other.radius



def listprod(x):


    for i in x:


    return p


def distprop(A,B,C):

    if A.union(B.intersection(C)) == (A.union(B)).intersection(A.union(C)):

        return True


        return False

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