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Technical Search Engine Optimization Certification – Technical SEO MCQ (Muliple Choice Questions) | The Digital ADDA

Technical Search Engine Optimization Certification – Technical SEO MCQ (Muliple Choice Questions) | The Digital ADDA

Technical Search Engine Optimization refers to the practice of optimizing web pages to improve a website’s search engine rankings and earn organic traffic. In addition to publishing relevant, high-quality content, on-page SEO includes optimizing your headlines, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images. The quiz below will help shed some light on that. Do give it a shot and see what new facts you may learn about this emerging concept in business.

Technical Search Engine Optimization Certification

  • 1,000 words or more.
  • It doesn’t matter.
  • 100 words on e-commerce pages, 500 words or more on article pages.
  • Whatever is most appropriate to the topic and focus of the web page.
  • Improving source code, social media, and analyzing meta data
  • Branding , keywords and title tags
  • On page optimization, technical optimization and off page optimization
  • When one page has the exact same content as another.
  • When you copy content from a competitor’s site.
  • When there are substantive blocks of content on a web page that either completely match, or are appreciably similar to, content on another web page.
  • When one page has nearly the same content as another.
  • 10
  • 1000
  • 100
  • Google
  • Moz
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • MSN/Bing
  • Teoma (prior To Acquisition By Ask)
  • Search Engine Optimum
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Electronic Optimization
  • None of the above
  • The title tag
  • The meta keywords tag
  • Headings
  • None of above
  • Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page
  • Organizes the Doorway Pages
  • Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pages
  • Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages
  • Having a clear hierarchy and text links
  • Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
  • If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pages
  • Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
  • Use less than 30 images or graphics per page
  • It is the main body of text on a particular web page
  • The text within the left or top panel of a web page
  • It is the visible text that is hyperlinked to another page
  • It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page
  • list:
  • link:
  • webpage:
  • site:
  • Domain authority
  • Number of link
  • Number of advertisements
  • The largest text on a page
  • The visible text which is hyperlinked to another page
  • The most important keyword for a page
  • The visible bolded text
  • No specific advantage for search engines
  • They will be bolded in searches for that term
  • It increases relevance to Yahoo! and MSN/Live, although Google & Ask ignore it
  • None of the above
  • Stop eating rice pudding
  • search engine results page
  • search engine resource page
  • search engine resource program
  • determining missing or duplicate meta description or title tag 
  • providing keyword ideas
  • monitoring competitors
  • None of the above
  • Leverage branding
  • White hat SEO
  • Black hat SEO 
  • None of the above
  • data 
  • money
  • contents
  • None of the above
  • readable content
  • quality content 
  • indexable content
  • None of the above
  • link exchanges
  • buying links
  • hidden text
  • It is an XML form
  • This is Realtime streamlined syndication
  • Displaying static information
  • It is a Linux technology
  • A really mean marketer
  • Search phrases over two words in length
  • Search phrases equal to or under two words in length
  • None of the Above
  • Website
  • Phone Number
  • Location
  • Password
  • They are used to tell search engines what language and country a website is intended to serve.
  • They are used to tell search engines what language and/or country a website is intended to serve.
  • They are used to tell search engines what language, or what language and country a website is intended to serve.
  • They are used to indicate the preferred dialect of a language for a web page.
  • It tells web servers that users more about what a user needs.
  • It tells users that tells a site’s content varies from time to time.
  • It tells ISPs to not cache a site’s content.
  • It tells caching servers that a site’s content varies by user agent.
  • A site design that adapts to the specific needs of the user.
  • A site design that uses CSS to dynamically adapt the HTML to fit the user’s device and screen size.
  • A site design that determines the user agent of the browser and sends different HTML sized for optimal viewing.
  • A site that provides different HTML to Google from the HTML it delivers to users.
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Lycos
  • Google
  • Indexing
  • Crawling
  • Processing
  • They are arguably the Internet’s “killer app.”
  • They are monetized almost exclusively by search engine marketing.
  • They have solved the problem of how users instantly find information on the Internet.
  • There are hundreds of search engines vying for user attention, with no clear leader having yet emerged.
  • Ants
  • Caterpillars
  • Spiders
  • Worms
  • To encourage clicks from Search Engine Results Pages
  • Improve ranking for pages
  • Create Rich Social Media Posts
  • A link from a page in your site to another page in your site
  • A link from another website to your website
  • When some clicks the browser back button
  • To own more real estate online
  • Google decides who shows up differently for each
  • IIt’s important to show for categories and keywords
  • All of the above
  • the look of a website
  • categories
  • website speed
  • keywords
  • 0.01-0.1%
  • 3-4%
  • More than 10%
  • Below 40%
  • The first 10 search results for a particular keyword.
  • The box with paid ads that appear when you perform a search.
  • A special category of sites that are listed in kid-safe searches
  • This is where sites are kept till they get mature enough to be included in the top rankings for a particular keyword
  • SEO refers to organic/natural listings while sem covers pay per click, or paid search.
  • Search engine optimization focuses on organic/natural search positions, sem encompasses all facets of search marketing.
  • No difference, they’re synonymous.
  • SEO has a tendency to be a west shore term, sem is much more eastern shore.
  • Reciprocal link exchange programs.
  • Viral content creation & promotion.
  • Renting out pages from trustworthy domains and also positioning web links on them.
  • Purchasing web links from web link brokers & networks.
  • It is a form of XML.
  • It stands for Realtime streamlined syndication.
  • It is an excellent way of presenting static information.
  • It is a microsoft technology.
  • It will allow Google to crawl any one of the dynamically generated pages. It will certainly additionally allow thealtavista scooter crawler to access every page.
  • It will certainly disallow Google from crawling any one of the dynamically generated web pages. It will certainly likewise disallow the altavista scooter crawler from accessing any page.
  • It will certainly disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated web pages. It will certainly allow the altavista scooter robot to access every page.
  • None of the above.
  • Targeting basic synonyms of the main keyword.
  • Targeting the highest possible looked keywords only.
  • Copying rival keywords.
  • Optimizing 5 or more keywords per web page.
  • Trick concern– meta description are NOT vital.
  • They aid to inform the engines which keywords are essential on your page.
  • They serve as the duplicate that will certainly attract searchers to click on your listing.
  • They are crucial ranking factor in the search formulas.
  • False, Google does not recognize the information inside of iFrames.
  • True, content within an iFrame is visible on your site therefore Google can index it.
  • Loading a webpage or meta tags with keywords.
  • A coding tool designed to help people with disabilities find your page faster
  • Loading your web page with content from other sites
  • All of these
  • Incoming and outgoing links
  • Keywords in domain name
  • Website loading speed
  • When there are multiple schema markups that you want to implement on a single page
  • When you are unable to use a plugin to add structured data to your website
  • You should always work with a developer to implement structured data.
  • When there are a large number of required or recommended properties in a markup
  • Google’s response to a user’s search query
  • Visually enhanced search results that provide supplemental information to the title, URL, and meta description of a web page
  • A standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content
  • A markup language
  • Request a link from them
  • Deliver value to them
  • Pitch an idea for a piece they can write
  • Tell them how important you are
  • It does not make a difference 
  • No. Separate versions are better
  • Google prefers websites with responsive design
  • None of the above

About Clear My Certification

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