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Saylor Academy ESL001: Elementary English as a Second Language Certification Answers

Enroll Here : Saylor Academy ESL001: Elementary English as a Second Language Certification

About the course :

In Unit 1, you will learn about the eight parts of speech and when each is used. You will learn how to recognize each part of speech and why using them correctly improves your communication skills. In Units 2 and 3, you will learn how to read actively by using context clues and other reading skills and see how reading more can help you expand your vocabulary. Unit 4 focuses on taking those reading skills and using them to help you write. By the end of ESL001, you’ll be able to write a few sentences about your daily routine using the lessons on parts of speech, reading actively, and vocabulary to help you communicate clearly. Successful completion of ESL001 will prepare you for ESL002, where you will continue to improve your English reading and writing skills at the A2 level.

To receive a free Course Completion Certificate, you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on this final exam. Your grade for the exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again as many times as you want, with a 7-day waiting period between each attempt.

Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a free Course Completion Certificate.

  • You will have two (2) hours to complete this exam
  • You must wait 7 days between consecutive attempts of this exam
  • Exam questions are distributed across multiple pages
  • Your answers are saved each time you move to another page in the exam
  • You can answer the questions in any order
  • You can go directly to any question by clicking its number in the navigation panel
  • You can flag a question to remind yourself to return to it later
  • You will receive your grade as soon as you submit your answers
  • The passing grade is 70% or higher

Here are the final exam answers :

Which words in this sentence are verbs?

He studied all day and partied all night again!

a.he, all, night
c.studied, partied
d.and, again

Question 2 :What part of speech is the word “on” in this sentence?

The pandas at the zoo rolled on the grass while visitors took pictures.


Question 3:Which word in this sentence is a preposition?
They asked the children about the park.


Question 4 :In this sentence, which word does the adjective “friendly” describe?

Everyone was very friendly at the party, even the host’s scary pets.


Question 5 : Which of the following is an example of a phrase?

b.when she eats the painted door
d.Amira cooked spinach pasta

Question 6 : What type of phrase is the underlined part of this sentence?
The students were smart enough to complete the assignment.

a.noun phrase
b.adverb phrase
c.adjective phrase
d.prepositional phrase

Question 7 :In this sentence, which part is the independent clause?
Since she sang and danced all day yesterday, she felt tired today.

a.Since she sang
b.all day yesterday
c.she felt tired today
d.she sang and danced

Question 8:Which of the following should you preview before reading?

a.Author’s name
b.Bold or highlighted words
c.The full concluding paragraph
d.The full introduction paragraph

Question 9:Where are the definitions of all important words in a chapter listed?

a.The index
b.The sidebar
c.The glossary
d.The table of contents

Question 10:Reading the title and writing down your ideas is an example of what reading strategy?

b.Making predictions
c.Using context clues
d.Reviewing conclusions

Read the following passage. When does the writer’s father prepare food for his family?

My dad works in a bank. He works there from Monday to Friday. He helps people. He counts money and uses a computer. He is an important man at the bank. Dad also works at home. On weekends, he always cooks dinner. Usually he fixes Italian food. On Saturdays, he makes spaghetti. On Sundays, he makes pizza. Sometimes he fries chicken or fixes Chinese food. My mother watches and helps. She cuts the vegetables and tosses the salad. I wash the dishes. Some people say it is strange for a man to cook. My dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. His father was a weekend cook, too.

a.On Sundays
b.On Saturdays
c.On weekends
d.Monday to Friday

Question 12 :What do readers use when they think about the topic on their own in order to make predictions?

c.Author notes
d.Prior knowledge

Question 13 :When should you use a general dictionary?

a.When a technical dictionary is not available
b.When a word is used frequently in everyday conversation
c.When a word is specialized to a particular field, like science or technology
d.When a word may cross into a wide variety of fields, like science and history

Question 14 :What is a contrast or antonym clue?

a.When a phrase is used to illustrate meaning
b.When a similar word is used to give meaning
c.When a word that means the opposite is used to give meaning
d.When a word or phrase uses what you already know to give meaning

Question 15:What is an example clue?

a.When a phrase is used to illustrate meaning
b.When a similar word is used to give meaning
c.When a phrase in a nearby sentence is used to give meaning
d.When a word that means the opposite is used to give meaning

Question 16 :What are the benefits of an online dictionary?

a.It slows down your reading speed
b.You can make notes in it as you find new words
c.Few people can access the same information as you
d.One search entry can access three or four dictionaries at once

Question 17 :Which of the following sentences is an example of a synonym clue for the word “deportment”?

a.The cat’s deportment, or attitude, was friendly toward the children.
b.The cat’s deportment, such as purring when pet, was friendly toward the children.
c.The cat’s deportment, defined as its demeanor or conduct, was friendly toward the children.
d.The cat’s deportment was friendly toward the children. Its attitude was pleasant to everyone.

Question 18 :Which of the following sentences is an example of an example clue for the word “deportment”?

a.The cat’s deportment, or attitude, was friendly toward the children.
b.The cat’s deportment, such as purring when pet, was friendly toward the children.
c.The cat’s deportment, defined as its demeanor or conduct, was friendly toward the children.
d.The cat’s deportment was friendly toward the children. Its attitude was pleasant to everyone.

Question 19 :Which of the following is an example of an experience clue for the word “elation”?

a.The boy’s elation, or overjoy, was because school was out for summer break.
b.A poor final exam grade did not dim the boy’s elation, referring to his joy, for summer break.
c.The start of summer break gave the boy elation. He shouted joyfully as he ran out of the school.
d.Even a poor grade on his final exam could not stop the boy’s elation at school being out for summer break.

Question 20 :Which transition word is needed to connect the parts of this sentence?
Dennis chopped the onions and carrots, and __ his sister added them to the pot.


Question 21 :What is the best word to connect the ideas in this sentence?

__ Marie left the room, the teacher gave a pop quiz.

d.As soon as

Question 22: Which transition word is used to connect the parts of this sentence?

Yesterday, your cousin broke the vase on the coffee table or the lamp near the bed.


Question 23 : What is the best word to connect the ideas in this sentence?

__ the movie starts late, we can stop to buy some ice cream.


Question 24:What is the correct order of these sentences?

1) In late February, I get my tools ready and begin to prepare the garden beds.
2) It’s a big one, so I have to start planting my flowers and vegetables early.
3) Spring is my favorite season because I can work in the garden.
4) Then, I can plant petunias, tomatoes, and cucumbers, so I can enjoy my garden for the rest of the year.

a.1, 4, 2, 3
b.2, 1, 4, 3
c.3, 1, 4, 2
d.3, 2, 1, 4

Question 25:What is the correct order of these sentences?

1) The bird saw him coming and flew away.
2) The dog saw a bird in the front yard and wanted to chase it.
3) He rushed out the front door and onto the lawn.

a.1, 2, 3
b.2, 3, 1
c.3, 1, 2
d.3, 2, 1

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