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Learn Python Basics for Data Analysis Quiz Answers

  • Label, content
  • Description, value
  • Name, value
  • Purpose, type
  • Variable names can start with an underscore.
  • Variable names can start with a digit.
  • Keywords cannot be used as a variable name.
  • Variable names can have symbols like: @, #, $, etc.
  • int
  • string
  • decimal
  • float

x = 10
x += 12
y = x/4
x = x + y

  • x will be 27, y will be 5.5
  • x will be 27.5, y will be 7
  • x will be 27, y will be 5
  • x will be 27.5, y will be 5.5
  • num[2] = ‘two’
  • num[1] = ‘two’
  • num[‘two’] = 2
  • num[‘two’] = ‘2’
  • All elements in a list must be of the same type.
  • A list may contain any type of object except another list.
  • These represent the same list:[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] [‘c’, ‘a’, ‘b’]
  • There is no conceptual limit to the size of a list.
  • print(a[4:-2])
  • print(a[-5:-3])
  • print(a[-6])
  • print(a[1])
  • colors = []

colors. append(‘Red’)

colors. append(‘Green’)

colors. append(‘Yellow’)


  • colors = []

colors. insert(‘Red’)

colors. insert(‘Green’)

colors. insert(‘Yellow’)


  • frequency = []

frequency [0] = ‘Monday’

frequency [1] = ‘friday’

  • frequency = [‘sunday’, ‘monday’, ‘tuesday’,’wednesday’]

frequency. remove(‘monday’)

  • test[5]
  • test[4]
  • test[‘5’]
  • test[‘4’]
  • .  operator
  • +  operator
  • strcat()  function
  • ^  operator
  • Parameters of a function are variables defined inside a method signature as being necessary input for performing a task.
  • Arguments are values sent to a method.
  • Return values are the output, or in other words, the result a function needs to return.
  • Parameters and return values are mandatory in functions.
Learn Python Basics for Data Analysis Quiz Answers
  • x -> 1, y -> 10
  • x -> 22, y -> 64
  • x -> 64, y -> 22
  • x -> 1, y -> 64
  • Functions are used to create objects in Python.
  • Functions make your program run faster.
  • A function is a piece of code that performs a specific task.
  • All of the above.
  • Function name
  • Parameter list
  • Return value
  • def keyword
  • Methods are functions that are defined inside a class.
  • Methods are functions only for string data types.
  • A method can’t change the original object.
  • You can call a method with the dot notation:  variableName.methodName()
  • print(a.capitalize())
  • print(a.upper())
  • print(a.lower())
  • print(a.firstCapitalize())
  • dict_values([2, 10, 18, 8, 12])
  • dict_values([2, 10, 8, 12])
  • dict_values([2, 18, 12])
  • dict_values([12, 18, 2])
  • print (math. e)


  • from math import e


  • from math import e

print (math. e)

  • =  operator
  • _  operator
  • operator
  • .  operator
  • myNotes.mean()
  • myNotes[1]
  • myNotes.sum()/5
  • myNotes.max()

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