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Google Ads Display Certification Exam Answers 2024

  • If you do not bid efficiently, you could miss valuable conversions.
  • User intent and likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business do not vary based on location, time, or device.
  • The appropriate bid can often be a static target that is challenging to reach.
  • The customer journey has become more complex and therefore bids should be based on general user behavior.
  • They’re built for performance, reach, and scale.
  • They don’t require you to upload images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions.
  • They’re limited to banner-eligible slots.
  • They enable advertisers to control all aspects of their branding.
  • Language targeting, which lets you reach people with your selected language as their browser’s language setting.
  • Heritage targeting, which allows advertisers to serve ads only to users who have a specified family history.
  • Company targeting, which allows you to serve ads to the people who work for a specific company you choose.
  • Variable targeting, which allows ads to be served to a subset of users on specified dates for a set ad price.
  • Device targeting, which allows you to serve your ads to users on desktops, smartphones, and tablets.
  • By bundling together all the pillars of a campaign.
  • By offering the ability to display Bumper ads.
  • By helping advertisers deliver relevant advertising as people browse the web.
  • By helping advertisers reach customers searching for specific search terms.
  • When your ads will only be run in banner-eligible slots.
  • When your primary goal is to control the look and feel of your ads
  • When your primary goal is performance.
  • When your primary goal is meeting branding requirements..
  • Build awareness
  • Influence consideration
  • Drive action
  • Increase sales
  • Parents of infants
  • Men and women, ages 35 to 44
  • TV comedy fans
  • People looking to buy a car
  • Golf enthusiasts
  • Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App
  • Search, Display, Video, Print, and App
  • Social, Video, App, Audio, and Shopping Ads
  • Search, Print, TV, Shopping, and App
  • To analyze demographic performance
  • To review new keyword opportunities
  • To check for status issues
  • To react to ever-changing external factors
  • It allows him to isolate valuable audiences regionally and convert local sales the first time his ad is seen.
  • It allows him to reach over 90% of global internet users across more than three million apps and websites.
  • It allows him to identify valuable audiences and collect statistical usage data from the websites where his ad appears.
  • It allows him to select for new audiences and scale down his advertising to appear on specific websites that he chooses.
  • Google Ads gives you control over your budget.
  • Google Ads allows you to cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.
  • Google Ads offers separate auctions for low budgets.
  • Google Ads guarantees phone calls to your business.
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)
  • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
  • Target impression share
  • Topics
  • Keywords
  • Placements
  • Remarketing lists
  • They can spur meaningful actions you can measure.
  • They can entice users to provide their information.
  • They can forecast reductions in pricing for keywords.
  • They can reduce unwanted clicks from competitors.
  • Changes in auction dynamics
  • Changes in tracked conversions
  • Renaming campaigns
  • Shifts in spend mix
  • Google Ads creates them based on existing ad copy, landing pages, and extensions
  • Google Ads creates them based on existing high performing ad copy
  • Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and description lines that have been provided
  • Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and URLs that have been provided
  • One or two
  • Only one
  • Three to five
  • Two to three
  • Description, path fields, and headline
  • Description, path fields, and URL
  • Headline, description, and path fields
  • Headline, description, and URL
  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Ad group
  • Ad
  • Appear as a text ad, a video ad, or a banner ad on one of Google’s partner sites
  • Influence organic results
  • Reach people on that might be interested in your brand, regardless of what they’re searching for
  • Show your ads when a customer is searching for your product or service
  • All of these are automatically generated
  • Description line
  • Destination URL
  • Headline
  • Someone searching for the term I want to buy a black shirt
  • Someone searching for the term black button shirt
  • Someone searching for the term shirt
  • Someone searching for the term shirt brown
  • Sitelink extension (3)
  • Structured snippets (4)
  • Call extension (1)
  • Location extension (2)
  • Message, callout, and structured snippets
  • Promotion, callout, and sitelink extensions
  • Sitelink, callout, and structured snippets
  • Sitelink, location, and call extensions
  • The cost-per-click on ad extensions is lower than on a search ad headline
  • They guarantee higher engagement for advertisers
  • They increase ad quality and drive lower conversion costs
  • They increase engagement and influence ad quality
  • True
  • False
  • Customer Match allows you to reach people who have been to your website
  • Customer Match allows you to reach people who haven’t been to your website yet
  • Customer Match relies on your own data instead of a remarketing tag
  • It wouldn’t be a good fit. You have to tag your website to use Customer Match
  • Headline length
  • Keywords
  • Networks
  • All of the above
  • Easy to navigate
  • High amount of user trac
  • Relevant and original content
  • Transparency about your business
  • Tim searches for “best skateboards”.
  • Tim scans the search results.
  • Tim launches a Google Search ad.
  • Tim browses different skateboards on the website he navigated to.
  • Tim makes a purchase from the website he navigated to.
  • has a larger font size
  • includes at least two different colors
  • has a relevant headline
  • includes a current promotion
  • is listed after search results
  • Dynamic video insertion
  • More qualified leads
  • Faster loading landing pages
  • Better ad quality
  • Attractive video assets
  • Including keywords in his ad text
  • Decreasing the bid for the ad
  • Improving the speed of his website
  • Cloning the ad multiple times
  • Exact
  • Broad
  • Broad-match modifier
  • Phrase
  • True
  • False
  • Google Ads will automatically create ad messaging based on the campaign type she chooses.
  • The campaign type chosen will determine where her ads appear and the format of those ads.
  • Certain campaign types will only serve ads during particular times of the day and week.
  • Different campaign types have different minimum and maximum budget requirements.
  • Search Ads
  • Uploaded Ads
  • Social Ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • Simplicity
  • Automation
  • Control
  • Reach
  • True
  • False
  • Shopping 2)
  • Search (3)
  • Video (4)
  • Universal App (1)
  • By building awareness of your brand
  • By driving online, in-app, in-person, and over-the-phone sales
  • By influencing consideration of your products and services
  • All of the above
  • Automated bidding
  • Automated conversions
  • Automated creatives
  • Automated targeting
  • Intent
  • Machine learning
  • Performance
  • Search
  • Traffic (3)
  • Conversions (2)
  • Visibility (1)
  • Revenue (4)
  • Auction-time bidding
  • Daily budget pacing
  • Impression share-based bidding
  • User ID-based bidding
  • Build awareness
  • Drive action
  • Generate buzz
  • Influence consideration
  • Custom remarketing
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Email remarketing
  • Standard remarketing
  • Custom Affinity
  • Custom Intent
  • Demographics
  • Remarketing
  • Affinity
  • Custom Intent
  • In-Market
  • Remarketing
  • An investment of $8,400 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $6
  • An investment of $9,600 to generate 1,600 conversions with a CPA of $6
  • An investment of $9,100 to generate 1,300 conversions and a CPA of $7
  • An investment of $9,800 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $7
  • Image ads
  • Uploaded ads
  • Responsive display ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Device targeting allows you to reach customers on any device: desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Occupancy targeting allows advertisers to serve ads to households with a specific number of occupants.
  • Location targeting allows ads to be served in the specific geographic locations you choose.
  • Employment targeting allows you to serve ads only to people who work in a specific field.
  • Efficiency (2)
  • Control (1)
  • Automated rule creation
  • Automated bidding
  • Automated video production
  • Automated YouTube video creation
  • Google Display ads connect with audiences through apps, YouTube, and millions of other websites affiliated with Google.
  • Google Display ads deliver advertising on user-selected websites that were built exclusively with Google’s website builder.
  • Google Display ads deliver advertising on YouTube videos from authorized creators that meet a minimum threshold of views.
  • Google Display ads connect advertisers with custom-built audiences on participating network sites on all search engines.
  • All channels they wish to target
  • A maximum conversion number
  • Keyword bids and modifiers
  • The images they wish to use
  • It reaches TV-like audiences, based on a holistic picture of their lifestyles, interests, and passions.
  • It allows her to show ads to people who previously visited her website as they browse websites and use apps.
  • It reaches audiences who differ from those on an original remarketing list or other uploaded compatible list.
  • It reaches specific audiences based on declared data.
  • Display
  • Video
  • Local
  • Discovery
  • It calculates the number of times an ad is effectively run on test websites, then shows the ad on all relevant websites.
  • It focuses a campaign on either Gmail, TrueView, or Chrome to better isolate specific audiences.
  • It determines a user’s primary marketing objective and enables the features that will best achieve it.
  • It harnesses a multitude of signals to place ads against the most relevant content.
  • Tailors bids to each user’s unique context, using relevant signals present at auction time (1)
  • Alleviates the strain on marketing resources by automating more manual tasks (4)
  • Integrates a large variety of signals and considers new ones to evaluate user intent (2)
  • Algorithmically helps set the appropriate bid for each and every auction (3)
  • They offer unlimited placement across the web for a lower overall cost than other ad formats.
  • They help advertisers and publishers deliver a faster experience to their audiences using AMP.
  • They offer advertisers far greater control over where their finished ads display on websites.
  • They’ll automatically create ads from your images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions.
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding
  • He wants to get his newest product in front of as many people as possible.
  • He wants to create dynamic call-only ads to reach specific audiences.
  • He wants to use Google’s automation technology to grow direct sales of his products.
  • He wants to engage users who intend to purchase his products and are actively researching them.
  • Uploaded ads
  • Responsive display ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Image ads
  • Image ads and dynamic ads
  • Shopping ads and remarketing ads
  • Video ads and call-only ads
  • AMPHTML ads and image ads
  • Similar Audiences
  • Remarketing
  • In-Market audiences
  • Affinity Audiences
  • She prefers more control over all aspects of her Display campaigns.
  • She wants to deliver both Search and Display Ads from the same campaign.
  • She prefers to offer minimal input and relies on automated solutions.
  • She wants the same level of results without managing the campaigns.
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • In-Market audiences
  • Affinity audiences
  • Sets manual bids for specific times of the day
  • Saves time and marketing resources
  • Minimum and maximum bid values are determined by the daily budget
  • Sets the appropriate bid for each and every auction
  • Integrates a large variety of signals to evaluate user intent
  • Demographic Audiences
  • In-Market Audiences
  • Affinity Audiences
  • Dynamic Remarketing
  • Affinity audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Demographic targeting
  • In-Market audiences
  • An awareness-based bidding strategy
  • A conversion-focused bidding strategy
  • A consideration-focused bidding strategy
  • A revenue-focused bidding strategy
  • Google Display Ads delivers advertising only on websites that partner with Google’s Display network.
  • Google Display Ads primarily connects with target audiences through Gmail, but users can configure it to reach other websites they designate as important.
  • Google Display Ads connects with audiences through Gmail, YouTube, and millions of other websites partnering with Google.
  • Google Display Ads delivers advertising on YouTube videos that meet a minimum threshold of views.
  • Affinity Audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • To reengage users who previously showed interest in his scooters.
  • To dynamically generate ads, based on an audience’s interest in scooters.
  • To engage with audiences who previously bought his scooters.
  • To reach a broad audience for his scooters.
  • By keeping her ads updated with new copy.
  • By guaranteeing improved results.
  • By automatically setting the maximum CPC bid limit.
  • By setting her bids when auctions happen.
  • In-Market audiences, Affinity Audiences, Similar Audiences
  • Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences, Custom Affinity audiences
  • Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences, Affinity Audiences
  • In-Market audiences, Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Affinity audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • At least 30 conversions on Display or at least 50 conversions on Search.
  • At least 100 conversions on Display or at least 50 conversions on Search.
  • At least 50 conversions on Display or at least 30 conversions on Search.
  • At least 50 conversions on Display or at least 100 conversions on Search.
  • It allows her to collect statistical usage data from the websites where her ad appears.
  • It makes it possible for her to engage with valuable audiences quickly and often.
  • It can sometimes be used as a Shopping campaign.
  • It can always be used as a Shopping campaign.
  • Ad extensions
  • Manual control
  • Seller ratings
  • Machine learning
  • Provide clear forecasts that allow for smoother purchasing.
  • Place ads for his business on all search engines.
  • Helps users find and discover his products
  • Increase overall installs and interactions with his app.
  • Sell him business leads at a preset price.
  • By allowing Bill to increase per-transaction sales by adjusting the prices of his products, based on customer interest.
  • By allowing Bill to show his ads to the exact audience he selected, based on his automated marketing objective.
  • By allowing Bill to improve the customer experience by finding only those who are interested in his products.
  • By allowing Bill to strategically show his message to users when they’re actively browsing, researching, or comparing the types of products he sells.
  • His ads can enable customers to purchase his products directly from within the ad.
  • His ads can appear on Google Search results when customers are searching for specific search terms.
  • His ads can contain proprietary formatting that allow him to precisely demonstrate how his products work.
  • His ads can appear on websites relevant to bicycles, and therefore connect him to his potential audience.
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Similar Audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Similar Audiences
  • Remarketing
  • In-Market audiences
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Influence consideration
  • Drive action
  • Build awareness
  • Increase leads
  • Increase clicks
  • Drive action
  • Build awareness
  • Influence consideration
  • He wants to leverage Google’s automation technology to drive direct sales of his products.
  • He wants to engage with users who intend to purchase his products and are actively researching them.
  • He wants to get his Display Ads in front of as many people as possible.
  • He wants to generate dynamic ads to reach specific audiences.
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Affinity Audiences
  • Users actively researching and intending to buy new products or services
  • Audience interest around different topics
  • Input from specific landing pages and keywords
  • Input from keywords, URLs, and apps
  • It reaches specific audiences based on a combination of declared and inferred data.
  • It reaches TV-like audiences based on a holistic picture of their lifestyles, interests, and passions.
  • It reaches audiences who previously visited her website as they browse network websites and use network apps.
  • It reaches audiences who are different from an original remarketing list or other uploaded compatible list.
  • In addition to standard Google Ads reporting, it provides reports that facilitate broad, strategic ad management.
  • Its summary report provides executive summaries of total cost and bidding.
  • It provides “recommended insights,” which are focused on Topic Targeting.
  • Its reporting functionality includes exclusive placement reports designed for high-level advertising strategies.
  • Postal code
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Remarketing
  • In-Market audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • Affinity Audiences
  • It harnesses best-in-class intent signals to place her ads against the most relevant content.
  • Her ads enable customers to purchase her clothing items directly from within the ad.
  • It automatically defines her marketing objective and provides her the features and options that are relevant to her audience.
  • It allows her ads to appear above a Google Search result to people who are searching for surfing attire.
  • Options and tracking
  • Profit and privacy
  • Credits and context
  • Control and results
  • By giving advertisers control over the number of specific actions their spend will return
  • By giving advertisers control over which competitors they place ads in auctions against
  • By giving advertisers control over the next highest bid allowed in auctions they enter
  • By giving advertisers control over the maximum they spend per month.
  • Sales, consideration, and integrity
  • Growth, reach, and traffic
  • Relevance, control, and results
  • Influence, awareness, and promotion
  • Image ads and AMPHTML ads
  • Image ads and AVHTTPS ads
  • Video ads and AMPHTTP ads
  • Video ads and AMPHTML ads
  • Recommended campaign bid scaling
  • A recommended Campaign-level Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)
  • A recommended average daily budget
  • A recommended Campaign-level Target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend)
  • By finding areas of your total budget that could contribute to marketing
  • By teaching your employees the fundamentals of personal budgeting
  • By determining which of Google’s ads are most appropriate for your brand
  • By optimizing your ad budget for maximum growth
  • Responsive Display Ads use a machine-learning model to determine optimal assets for each ad slot using predictions based on an advertiser’s performance history.
  • Responsive Display Ads leverage powerful machine-learning models to generate reports customized to meet the specific requirements of each campaign.
  • Responsive Display Ads automate ad creation for most apps, but not desktop and mobile devices.
  • Responsive Display Ads use a machine-learning model to create an advertiser’s assets, using assets that have performed well in the past.
  • Automated bidding’s algorithms integrate a minimum number of signals to evaluate user intent.
  • Automated bidding uses machine learning to algorithmically help you set the appropriate bid for each and every auction.
  • The customer journey has become more direct, so setting bids should be based on general user behavior.
  • Cross-referencing data with context to establish intent and set the appropriate bid is a simple and direct task.
  • It allows them to run ads and connect with audiences through Gmail, YouTube, and millions of other websites.
  • It allows them to focus their campaigns on either Gmail or TrueView, in order to better isolate specific audiences.
  • It enables them to create online purchasing options native to Display ad formats.
  • It allows them to choose which specific YouTube videos they want their ads to be placed on.
  • It harnesses best-in-class signals to place ads against the most relevant content.
  • It determines a user’s primary marketing objective, and enables the features and options that will best achieve it.
  • It calculates the number of times an ad is effectively run on test websites, then shows it on all relevant websites.
  • It focuses a campaign on either Gmail, TrueView, or Chrome to better isolate specific audiences.
  • It combines search, shopping, and image ads to create the most relevant ads across the web.
  • Its ability to automatically set marketing objectives influences how campaigns perform and how visible ads are.
  • Its technology bundles together all the pillars of a campaign to help isolate valuable audiences.
  • Its real-time view of context and behavior across the web powers unique understandings of intent.
  • To allocate budgets that drive incremental conversions
  • To take advantage of seasonal trends throughout the year
  • To find growth opportunities regarding device targeting
  • To identify the most profitable location targeting
  • Negative keywords
  • URLs
  • Keywords
  • Topics
  • Offline conversions
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Standard remarketing
  • Remarketing
  • Affinity Audiences
  • 3,000,000
  • 300
  • 3,000
  • 300,000
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize conversions
  • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)
  • Maximize clicks
  • Text ads
  • Responsive Display ads
  • Call-only ads
  • In-stream video ads
  • Uploaded ads (Image & AMPHTML)
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • A Google My Business account
  • A list of relevant placements​
  • A pre-uploaded feed
  • A gallery of product images
  • By tracking website traffic, improving customer service, and driving longer customer interactions.
  • By getting her ad to the people she selects, based on automated marketing objective tracking.
  • By building a social following, improving customer engagement, and driving larger transactions.
  • By getting her ad in front of the right people, in the right place, at the right time.
  • Keyword examples
  • Example placements
  • Budget amount
  • Creative assets
  • Interest categories
  • It will show exact products to potential customers that have previously seen them on his website.
  • It will help him display new products to previous visitors who viewed, but did not purchase, a product he sells.
  • It will connect with users based on their demonstrated in-market behavior and purchase intent.
  • It will reach audiences based on their lifestyles, interests, and passions.
  • Efficiency (1)
  • Control (2)
  • In-Market audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Custom Affinity Audiences
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • It allows her to reach over 90% of local internet users across thousands of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 75% of regional internet users across thousands of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 75% of national internet users across millions of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites.
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • In-Market audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Affinity audiences
  • It places Mandy’s ads against the most relevant content by using best-in-class intent signals.
  • It makes it possible for her customers to purchase art supplies directly from within her ads.
  • It allows Mandy’s ads to appear above a Google Search result to people who are searching for art supplies.
  • Its Google Display Ads measurable performance features select her company marketing goals automatically, requiring no input from her.
  • Retention-focused bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Search
  • Shopping
  • Video
  • Display
  • She prefers minimal input and relies on automated solutions.
  • She’s interested in in-depth reporting without managing the campaigns.
  • She wants full control over all aspects of her Display campaigns.
  • She wants to deliver both Search and Display Ads from the same campaign.
  • Search, Display, Video, App, and Access
  • Search, Display, TV, Shopping, and App
  • Social, Display, Video, Shopping, and App
  • Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App
  • Shopping campaign (1)
  • Display campaign (3)
  • App campaign (2)
  • Responsive Display Ads (5)
  • None (2)
  • Image ads (1)
  • AMPHTML ads (3)
  • Responsive Display Ads (4)
  • Automated rule generation
  • Automated ad language translation
  • Automated targeting
  • Automated video production
  • An investment of $40,000 to generate 2,000 conversions and a CPA of $20
  • An investment of $30,000 to generate 1,500 conversions and a CPA of $20
  • An investment of $28,000 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $20
  • An investment of $21,000 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $15
  • Reaches users based on their lifestyles, interests, and passions.
  • Shows ads to users based on a combination of declared and inferred data.
  • Connects him with audiences most interested in what he has to offer.
  • Finds users that are similar to an original remarketing list.
  • Affinity audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Demographic targeting
  • Target CPA (cost per acquisition)
  • Enhanced CPC (cost-per-click)
  • Cost per engagement
  • Target ROAS (return on ad spend)
  • Viewable CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions)
  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Search
  • Video
  • Similar Audiences will find websites and apps that users on the Checkout Abandoners list have visited.
  • Similar Audiences will find web content relevant to users on the Checkout Abandoners list, and recommend sites where Phillip can choose to place his new ads.
  • Similar Audiences will automatically generate lists with keywords and URLs taken from the Checkout Abandoners list.
  • Similar Audiences will find users who are similar to those on the Checkout Abandoners list.
  • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)​
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)
  • Quinn remarkets using his original business objectives and campaigns, with new users from an uploaded compatible list. By leveraging existing materials, he aims to extend his reach while saving cost.
  • Quinn creates a list of cart abandoners that identifies users who visited his website, considered buying his clothing, but didn’t purchase. He shows them an ad with a promotional discount code.
  • Quinn uses the In-Market audience segment for baking supplies with the intent of reaching potential customers while they’re actively browsing for women’s apparel and are close to a conversion.
  • Quinn creates a custom audience segment using keywords and URLs as inputs. He hopes to extend his audience to customers interested in women’s accessories.
  • Maximize conversions
  • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)
  • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)
  • Target impression share
  • Performance Planner leverages machine learning for forecasting.
  • Performance Planner forecasting is powered by billions of Google searches conducted each week.
  • Performance Planner integrates with other budgeting software, such as QuickBooks.
  • Performance Planner is free to use with any merchant-hosted storefront.
  • Performance Planner will help her identify funds from other operational budgets to allocate to marketing.
  • Affinity Audiences
  • In-Market audiences
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Demographic retargeting
  • App campaigns, which can increase engagement, app installs, and even in-app actions, such as ordering her products.
  • Television campaigns, which promote her products directly to consumers while they are watching their favorite network and cable TV programs.
  • Social Media campaigns, which showcase her products to users while they browse their favorite social media platforms.
  • Shopping campaigns, which promote her products by giving consumers detailed information about what she is selling before they click her ad.
  • A Smart Display campaign
  • A Dynamic remarketing campaign
  • A Standard Display campaign
  • A Standard remarketing campaign
  • His ads are automatically generated from Google’s content providers, matching his website’s data feeds to the most relevant images and descriptions available.
  • His ads can be manually built using his custom-sized headlines, descriptions, logos, and images
  • His ad formats are lifted directly from his data feeds, allowing him full control over their size, placement, and screen orientation.
  • His ads are automatically generated from the building blocks he provides, like headlines, descriptions, logos, and images.
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target impression share
  • Target return on ad spend (tROAS)
  • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
  • In-Market audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • Videos
  • Ad dimensions
  • Headlines
  • Images
  • Keywords
  • Allows advertisers to bid only for clicks from a specific group.
  • Uses machine learning to set bids, which saves time.
  • Guarantees reduced conversion costs for advertisers.
  • Is auction-specific to increase the chance for conversion.
  • Allows advertisers to serve ads only at specific times.
  • Demographic targeting
  • Affinity audiences
  • In-Market audiences
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Google Display Ads will build a social following for Trevor’s products to improve customer engagement and drive larger transactions.
  • Google Display Ads will build Trevor’s brand awareness by showing customized ads to customers who are browsing websites that Trevor chooses.
  • Google Display Ads will help place Trevor’s ad before customers who already showed interest in his brand.
  • Google Display Ads will improve Trevor’s customer-service outreach by finding audiences using his products.
  • Search
  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Video
  • Location targeting is not decided by machine learning.
  • Machine learning will choose an ad schedule for campaigns without her input.
  • Machine learning will choose the keywords used to serve her ads to users.
  • Machine learning helps her set the appropriate bid for each and every auction.
  • Ad extensions
  • Keywords
  • Bids
  • Ads
  • Budgets
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Performance, auctions, and user journey complexities
  • Budget, competition, and user thought processes
  • Location, calls-to-action, and user conversion costs
  • Targeting, auctions, and campaign cost-per-click
  • Higher CPAs
  • Cross analysis
  • Guaranteed results
  • Time saving
  • Competitive analysis
  • Improved communication: Respond immediately to any website visitor query with an automated speech system or text.
  • Cost-effective: Get more conversions at a similar cost-per-acquisition.
  • xtended reach: Create ads that serve in most ad slot sizes, into both native and non-native inventory.
  • Insight: Provides more robust industry data than other ad formats.
  • Guidance: Gives instruction to users on how to adjust ad size, appearance, and format to fit a specific ad slot.
  • Increase online, in-app, in-person, and over-the-phone sales.
  • Enable premium membership subscriptions.
  • Reach more users by placing ads on all search engines.
  • Get more of the right people to visit your website.
  • Cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.
  • Distribution
  • Validation
  • Simulation
  • Instrumentation
  • Differentiation
  • Performance
  • Calls-to-action
  • Competition
  • Languages
  • To create an optimized copy of your existing campaign, so that it can be tested with the drafts and experiments tool
  • To determine which Google Ads features should be enabled to get the best performance from your campaigns
  • To analyze the search term report and add both keywords and negative keywords, depending on historical performance
  • To improve return on investment so you can drive more conversions within your target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)
  • Campaign-level Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)
  • Applying bid adjustments to specific locations
  • Including or excluding “Google search partners”
  • Using “Target impression share” as an automated bid strategy
  • Predictions built from ad portfolio data, aggregated across benchmark businesses.
  • Predictions built from your performance history.
  • Predictions built from files exported from your CRM.
  • Predictions built from performance data across your industry.
  • Uses machine learning to target new demographics
  • Sets your ad budget for maximum growth
  • Forecasts how your current campaigns will perform in the future
  • Recommends the perfect ad structure for your budget
  • Highly segmented insights are provided for daily campaign deep dives.
  • Smart Display campaigns can automatically create video content.
  • A Smart Display campaign can be created with minimal input from advertisers.
  • Display Network recommendations are generated based on Smart Display campaign performance.
  • Create alternative versions of best performing ad variations
  • Apply specific bid adjustments to device and location targeting
  • Add a themed group of negative keywords
  • Set a specific target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)
  • A/B testing
  • Google Ads are updated automatically
  • Click-through rate averages require planning
  • Auctions fluctuate all the time
  • By choosing ad types that your target demographic finds most appealing
  • By relying on customer feedback for optimal ad placement
  • By maximizing the number of conversions for a spend scenario
  • By providing a discount on all ads after purchasing a license
  • They let you create ads that serve in all ad slot sizes.
  • They offer greater control over the way your ads look and feel.
  • They enable publishers to deliver a faster experience using AMP.
  • They help limit ads to banner-eligible slots.
  • You can upload your own creative assets.
  • You can upload your own ads using templates.
  • You can set the ads to run in banner-eligible slots.
  • You can choose images from their built-in libraries.
  • They’re built for performance, reach, and scale.
  • They enable advertisers to control all aspects of their branding.
  • They’re limited to banner-eligible slots.
  • They don’t require you to upload images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions.
  • They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot.
  • They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to meet your exact branding requirements.
  • They allow you to manually adjust their size, appearance, and format to meet your exact branding requirements.
  • They allow you to manually adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot.
  • They offer greater control over the way your ads look and feel.
  • They’re limited to banner-eligible slots.
  • They will automatically create ads from your images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions.
  • They help publishers deliver a faster experience using AMP.
  • They can be uploaded.
  • They can run on native inventory.
  • They can meet exact branding requirements.
  • They can respond to manual A/B testing.
  • You want to upload your ads.
  • You want to increase control of your ad format.
  • You want to meet your company’s branding requirements.
  • You want to increase ad performance.
  • Reach, scale, control
  • Complete creative control and simplicity
  • Reach, simplicity, automation
  • Complete creative control and reach
  • Size, appearance, and format
  • Format, appearance, and external links
  • Format, image sizes, and external links
  • Size, external links, and font
  • When your ads must meet exact branding requirements.
  • When you want ads that serve in all ad slot sizes.
  • When your ad has exceeded budget and you must cut costs.
  • When performance is your primary goal.
  • When your goal is to provide faster ad experiences.
  • When your goal is to maximize the reach and scale of your campaign.
  • When your goal is maximum creative control.
  • When your goal is to provide safer ad experiences.
  • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)
  • Maximize Conversions
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize clicks
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Image ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • Uploaded ads
  • Image ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Uploaded ads
  • Uploaded ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Image ads
  • Image ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • Search ads
  • Results, targeted locations, and purchase history
  • Customer search history, competition, and conversions
  • User journey complexities, performance, and auctions
  • Ad schedule and budget
  • Certified netware engineers
  • College students
  • 27-year-old men
  • Residents of a certain city
  • It reaches TV-like audiences, based on their lifestyles, interests, and passions.
  • It reaches people who have the intent to purchase, updated in real time.
  • It reaches past visitors as they browse network websites and use network apps.
  • It reaches people while they’re actively browsing, researching, or comparing products and are close to a conversion.
  • The ads can meet exact branding requirements.
  • The ads adjust to available screen space when delivered.
  • They offer the advertiser more creative control than uploaded ads.
  • The ads can be manually uploaded.
  • It enables advertisers to reach customers searching for specific search terms.
  • It uses best-in-class automation and bidding to reach millions of users at just the right moment.
  • It bundles the pillars of a campaign to reach millions of valuable audiences across the internet.
  • It offers advertisers the most control over the geographic locations where their ads will be seen.
  • Device targeting allows you to reach customers on any device: desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Occupancy targeting allows advertisers to serve ads to households with a specific number of occupants.
  • Employment targeting allows you to serve your ads only to those people who work in a specified field.
  • Location targeting allows your ads to be served only in the specific geographic locations you choose.
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding
  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Because bid automation is a standard capability in the market that allows a lesser degree of precision, based on the conversion opportunity of each auction.
  • Because given the dynamic nature of Google’s auctions, the appropriate bid can often be a moving target that is challenging to reach at scale when using manual bidding
  • Because users’ intent and their likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business hardly vary based on location, time, or device
  • Because cross-referencing data with context to establish intent and set the appropriate bid is a more simple, direct task.
  • This practice allows you to receive detailed insights from Google Analytics with regards to how website behavior is impacted after applying Performance planner recommendations.
  • This practice allows you to monitor targets set in the Performance Planner and to receive alerts and recommendations when a campaign is not on track.
  • This practice allows you to ensure seasonality and budget reallocation are accounted for future periods so you can prevent your campaigns from becoming “Limited by Budget”.
  • This practice allows you to fully automate all aspects of account management to improve the likelihood of meeting performance targets.
  • So that spend is not reallocated between two different marketing objectives
  • To avoid any potential keyword duplicates between different marketing objectives
  • So that seasonal trends can be better identified for each individual marketing objective
  • To prevent campaigns from becoming “Limited by Budget”
  • It validates budgets against other vendors in the same market.
  • It is the only ad budgeting software on the market.
  • It makes recommendations that are validated using machine learning.
  • It helps businesses determine a go-to-market strategy.
  • Manual control
  • Machine learning
  • Bidding suggestions
  • Sitelink extensions
  • Auction-time bidding
  • With Google Ads you always pay using cost-per-reach, predetermined by your budget.
  • Google Ads saves you time by deciding what your budget will be on a daily basis.
  • With Google Ads, your ads will show on every available search engine.
  • With Google Ads, you can choose a maximum amount to spend per month.
  • Your ads will be placed on all search engines.
  • Machine models automatically determine your advertising budget.
  • You can set your own budget and can change it at any time.
  • With Google Ads you always pay using cost-per-reach, predetermined by your budget.
  • Place your business’s ads on every available search engine.
  • Boost your conversions by connecting you to people in the moments that matter.
  • Help you reach a wider audience and maximize exposure.
  • Coach your company to fully move to an online-only presence.
  • Cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.
  • Google Ads allows you to cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.
  • Google Ads guarantees phone calls to your business.
  • Google Ads offers separate auctions for low budgets.
  • Google Ads gives you control over your budget.
  • Affinity Audiences enables her to show ads to users based on the sports teams they have an affinity for.
  • Affinity Audiences allow her to reach sports fans who’ve previously visited her website.
  • Affinity Audiences allow her to reach sports fans who’ve opted in to receive emails about sports.
  • Affinity Audiences allow her to reach sports enthusiasts.

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