Scheme for Internship for PG/Research/Chartered Accountancy/ICWA/Company Secretary-ship/MBA students in the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises is now live. Get Complete details and now apply.
The Internship will be available to students engaged in Research (M.Phil/Ph.d.)/PG (studies) in Economics or Commerce/Chartered Accountancy/ICWA/Company Secretary-ship/MBA having Graduate Degree. Such students should be willing to have an exposure to the preparation of P E Survey, finalization of MoU signed between the CPSEs and GOI annually, restructuring of sick & loss making CPSEs and other functions of the Department of Public Enterprises
Duration: Duration of Internship will be for a maximum period of six months at a time
Stipend: A token remuneration @Rs.10000/-per month will be payable to each Intern.
Skills Required: Knowledge of computer softwares, such as, photoshop, library software as well as excellent written and oral communication, ability to work in a dynamic environment, good comprehensive skills will be given additional weightage while selecting the intern.
How to Apply?
The interested PG/Research students pursuing studies at various Universities and recognized Research Institutes may send their applications in the enclosed proforma alongwith their CVs (optional), at least one month in advance from the date they intend to join.
The applications may be sent either by post or by hand addressed to
Shri Singh Vir Pratap, Joint Director, Department of Public Enterprises, Room No. 318, Block No. 14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.
The candidate will be required to produce a permission/recommendation letter from their head of the Institution or the Head of the Department before undertaking the internship.’