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Amrit Mahotsav Shri Shakti Challenge 2021| My Gov – Click Here to Apply

Hi Everyone, My Gov has launched a new program To support and promote women entrepreneurs and women-led Startups to find innovative solutions in the area of Women Safety and Empowerment. MyGov under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India and UN Women have come together to jointly launch the Amrit Mahotsav Shri Shakti Innovation Challenge 2021. If you wish to Apply and know more about it continue reading this post.

About the Amrit Mahotsav Shri Shakti Challenge 2021:

In continuation of Covid-19 Shri Shakti Challenge last year, My Gov together with UN Women have come together yet again with a specific focus on women entrepreneurs led solutions. The solutions are expected to leverage technology that can be utilizedfor supporting women and girls on issues linked towomen’s safety and empowerment.

Government of India under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister is committed to empowering women, and has taken various transformative steps in this direction.

Challenge Process:


Registration on MyGov Portal

  • All Participants have to register on MyGov Portal
  • Post Registration a mail will be sent to the registered Email ID of participants acknowledging their MyGov Registration
  • After registering on MyGov Portal, User can participate in the challenge

Post – Registration1. Participate and Submit Ideation Stage

  • The individual/Company representation can now click on the Participate Button.
  • The individual/Company representationcan now upload details and information in the portal.

2. Final Stage

  • The top ten (10) teams enter the final stage
  • The teams shall develop the PoCand present to the jury


1Launch of Innovation Challenge17th August
2Last Date for Registration17th September
3Last Date for Idea Submission17th September
4Declaration ofTeams Shortlisted for PresentationTo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
5Presentation by Shortlisted TeamsTo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
6Declaration of results of Stage ITo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
7Submission of Final EntryTo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
8Presentation of Top 10 TeamsTo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
9Declaration of ResultsTo be Announced to Shortlisted Participants
10Award Ceremony*(If any)To be Announced to Shortlisted Participants


1) Only Women Entrepreneurs will be eligible for the Prizes.
2) The contest is open to the following entities:
a) Start-ups,
b) Indian Legal Entities

i. Registration proof shall be submitted at the time of application
ii. It should have a minimum of 51% shareholding of Indian citizens and should not be barred or blacklisted anywhere for government work. Blacklisted means that participants shall not have been blacklisted or debarred from tendering for corrupt or fraudulent practices or non-delivery, non-performance by Govt. of India and/or any State Government and/or any Central/State PSU at the time of bid submission date.

c) Individual / Team

3) If Applicant (Individuals) is not yet registered as Start-up, they are still allowed to submit ideas, but are required to be registered as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India (as per definition available in the latest notification of DIPP at on or before 30 days from the date of declaration of stage 1 result otherwise applicant will be disqualified.

4) An entity shall be considered a ‘start-up’ as per definition of startup notified by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) vide G.S.R. order no. 127(E) dated 19th February 2019:

a) Up to a period of ten years from the date of incorporation/ registration, if it is incorporated as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.

b) Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since incorporation/ registration has not exceeded one hundred crore rupees.

c) The entity is working towards innovation, development, or improvement of products or processes or services, or if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.

i) Provided that an entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a ‘Startup’.

ii) Innovative Security Products being developed should not have violated/ breached/ copied any product already launched and/or copyrighted or patented.

6) Only Organisations or Entities registered in India would be eligible for COVID19 Shri Shakti Challenge.

7) The participants should be Indian Citizens or companies/Start-up’s with a majority stake of Indian Citizens.

8) For the product to be developed as part of the Challenge, if any IPR/Patent is being used, the contesting entity must possess the legitimate rights to use the IPR/Patents.

9) The product to be developed for the Challenge should be designed and developed in India.

Terms and Conditions:

1) All participants and team have to be eligible (See Eligibility Criteria) to participate
2) If individuals are associated with any company, then they will have to provide an NOC from their company stating that the respective company will have no right on the Prize Money and or IPR. Furthermore, the individuals have to apprise the employer through NOC or otherwise of the registration of new entity.
3) The funding under ideation stage shall be consumed for development of the solution/PoC only. The Teams will be required to provide Fund Utilization Certificate before the Next Stage on the date decided & communicated by the Organizing Team.
4) Winner/s will retain the solution/product developed as part of the Challenge. The winner/s will however have to conform to the terms and conditions defined for the Challenge during the competition and post winning the award
5) The solution should not violate/ breach/ copy any idea/ concept/ product already copyrighted, patented or existing in market.
6) Anyone found to be non-compliant, may get their participation canceled
7) Jury will take the final call for any unforeseen situation
8) For any dispute redressal, Secretary (MEITY)’s decision will be the final verdict on the matter.

Evaluation Timelines and Process:

Here is the Evaluation Process and Parameters:

  • Step I: First Level Quality Check & Review by Organizing Team
    1. Assess compliance to Eligibility Criteria of participating individual/Organization
    2. Assess quality and completeness of the responses provided in the respective nomination forms
  • Step II: Assessment & Screening Second Level
    1. Detailed Assessmentby screening committee of submitted ideas
    2. Ideas scoredon each Evaluation Parameter
    3. Shortlist 20-25entries for presentation
  • Step III: Presentation and Shortlisting Entries for Final Stage
    1. Conduct presentation for selection of 10 winners
    2. Ideas scoredon each Evaluation Parameter.
  • Step IV: Presentation of 10 Entries for Final Stage
    1. Presentation by shortlisted10 teamsto the Jury
    2. Ideasscored on each Evaluation Parameter by the Jury

Some Parameters:

1Approach Towards Problem SolvingProduct Idea, Degree of Innovation, Simplicity of Final Solution, Uniqueness & scalability of Idea, Novelty of Approach, 
2Business Use CaseBusiness Case, USP and Vision
3Solution Technical FeasibilityProduct features, Scalability, Interoperability, enhancement & expansion, Underlying technology components & stack and futuristic orientation
4Product RoadmapPotential Cost to Build Product, Go to Market Strategy, Time to Market
5Individual/Organisations Ability & CultureEffectiveness (i.e. Ability to guide, Ability to present idea), Ability to Market Product, Growth Potential of Organization
6Addressable MarketNatural Sales Appeal, Affordability, ROI, Sales Distribution Channel

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