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Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Answers – GreyCampus

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Anyone interested in getting a clearer insight into Quality Management and/or interested to learn the basics for ASQ’s Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam can take up this course.✔

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GreyCampus Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam Answers

  • I and II only
  • I and III only
  • II and IV only
  • II, III, and IV only
  • Critical parameter management
  • Systematic design
  • Pugh analysis
  • Set-based design
  • Theoretically means that each item in the lot had an equal chance to be selected
  • Ensures that the sample average will equal the population average
  • Means that a table of random numbers was used to dictate the selection
  • Is a meaningless theoretical requirement
  • Investigate the problem
  • Identify the problem
  • Analyse the problem
  • Solve the problem
  • 5 whys
  • Pareto analysis
  • Control charts
  • Regression analysis
  • 5% of the time one will say that there is no real difference, but in reality there is a difference
  • 5% of the time one will say that there is a real difference when there really is not a difference
  • 95% of the time one will make an incorrect inference
  • 95% of the time the null hypothesis will be correct
  • Top management
  • Middle management
  • Supporting staff functions
  • Operators
  • Strategic change
  • Technological change
  • Structural change
  • Behavioural change
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • I, II, and III
  • I, II, and IV
  • I, III, and IV
  • II, III, and IV
  • II and IV only
  • I, III, and IV only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • Both tests show a strong correlation
  • The scatter around the regression line is greatest for test #1
  • The slope for test #1 is negative
  • Y increases as X increases in test #2
  • The control manual
  • Operating procedures
  • Work instructions
  • Records and forms
  • Regression
  • 2 tailed 2 sample t test
  • Kruksal test
  • Rayleigh
  • Hypergeometric
  • Normal
  • Exponential
  • How to secure increased funding for similar projects
  • The effectiveness of the entire project
  • How to avoid mistakes that were made
  • The adequacy of project resources
  • Establish a prototype control plan
  • Re-evaluate the measurement system
  • Install visual management systems
  • Conduct an operator training effort
  • A type II error
  • A 1-alpha decision
  • A type I error
  • A 1-beta decision
  • Plan
  • Act
  • Check
  • Do
  • Factor analysis
  • Principal component analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Discriminant analysis
  • It is more thorough than other problem solving tools
  • It is a concise problem presentation format
  • It requires less preparation time than other reports
  • It minimizes the need for a follow-up plan
  • A continuous distribution
  • Used to describe sampling from a finite population without replacement
  • The limiting distribution of the sum of several independent discrete random variables
  • A special case of the Poisson distribution
  • Pareto analysis
  • Kano model
  • CTQ tree
  • Affinity diagram
  • To document performance for the annual performance evaluations
  • To monetarily compensate team members for their time and effort
  • To avoid having to pay team members overtime or to provide time off
  • To reinforce desired behaviours and induce repetitions of those behaviours
  • Centering
  • Spread
  • Dispersion
  • A&B
  • Provide rapid field service
  • Minimize shipping damage
  • Reduce product and process variation
  • Meet customer packaging requirements
  • I and IV only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • I, II, and IV only
  • I and III only
  • The project is important to the profits of the organization
  • Slack times can be used to delay the ending date of the project
  • Delays of events on this path delay the ending date of the project
  • Activities cannot be crashed
  • They are less bureaucratic than many other structures
  • Communication channels allow for the rapid dissemination of information
  • They are typical for many large organizations
  • They handle decision-making rapidly
  • Histogram
  • Probability density function
  • Cumulative distribution function
  • Expected value
  • In the upper tail
  • In both upper and lower tails
  • In the lower tail
  • In neither tail
  • Create the standard based on 10 readings from each of the 3 technicians
  • Petition NIST to establish a standard for the device
  • Document the method of establishing and maintaining the standard used
  • Indicate in the device calibration records “calibration not required”
  • Researching the competitive and non-competitive intelligence
  • Attempting to surpass the performance of the benchmarked source
  • Determining the leader in the areas felt to be deficient
  • Identifying all major critical success functions
  • Their interest in the product or service
  • Internal customers can influence the design of the product
  • External customers usually influence the design of the product
  • External customers best determine the true quality of the product
  • I and II only
  • II and III only
  • I and IV only
  • II and IV only
  • Benefit-cost analysis
  • Post-mortem analysis
  • Reward and recognition of project team members
  • Document archiving
  • Failure analysis and failure effects
  • Failure mode and failure method
  • Failure severity and failure probability
  • Failure mechanism and failure mode
  • Only the PERT method can be displayed on a Gantt chart
  • The PERT technique allows for easier crashing of project time
  • The PERT technique permits network relationships, and CPM does not
  • The PERT technique is event oriented, while CPM is activity cantered
  • III, II, IV. V, I
  • II, III, IV, I, V
  • II, III, V, IV, I
  • III, II, V, I, IV
  • I only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • Stated needs
  • Real needs
  • Perceived needs
  • Cultural needs
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Strategic planning
  • Five forces of competitive strategy
  • Quality function deployment
  • Safe products to use
  • Enhanced ability to pay taxes
  • Prestige and self-fulfilment
  • An expansion of job openings
  • Total productive maintenance to maximize equipment usage
  • Total preventive maintenance to reduce total cost
  • Total process management to manage process cost
  • Total preventive maintenance to minimize downtime
  • The project objective is defined
  • The work is divided into smaller activities
  • The interrelationships between activities are defined
  • The project schedule is established
  • Value added times
  • Process flow times
  • Productive maintenance requirements
  • Nonconforming material control
  • This level makes it difficult for the output to get out-of-control
  • This level establishes tight limits for the production process
  • This level reduces the probability of looking for trouble when none exists
  • This level ensures a very small type II error
  • Mind think
  • Groupthink
  • Isolationism
  • Active-passive behaviour
  • Determine if the interviewee is telling the truth
  • Understand the basics of the problem
  • Eliminate areas not to investigate
  • Determine the root cause of the problem
  • Identifying key performance factors
  • Selecting performance criteria based on priorities
  • Determining a leader in a critical performance area
  • Undertaking significant changes to advance performance
  • Kanban
  • Muda
  • Poka-yoke
  • An andon board
  • The project was a dismal failure
  • The project team needs additional training
  • The team leader should not be trusted with other projects
  • It depends upon whether there were other outstanding accomplishments
  • Weibull
  • Hypergeometric
  • Binomial
  • Poisson
  • That dies will be exchanged in 1 minute or less
  • That dies will be exchanged in less than 5 minutes
  • That dies will be exchanged in less than 10 minutes
  • That dies will be exchanged in less than 15 minutes
  • Recording subjective opinion doesn’t make it measured data
  • Check sheets cannot record subjective data
  • A shopping list is a check sheet
  • Both variable and attribute data can be recorded on a check sheet
  • Set-based design
  • Systematic design
  • The Pugh method
  • TRIZ
  • Establish an early warning sign for scenario arrival
  • Develop a list of perceived social, technical, or economic shifts
  • Develop a list of the top scenario priorities
  • Determine how key scenarios will affect the organization
  • Task forces and teams
  • The establishment of liaison roles
  • A matrix organizational structure
  • Cross functional collaboration
  • I, II, III
  • I , III, II
  • II, III, I
  • III, II, I
  • Treating common causes as special causes
  • Considering all causes to be local causes
  • Recognizing that common causes require quick action
  • Treating special causes as common causes
  • First order modelling
  • Determination of experimental error
  • Nested experimentation
  • The resolution of main effects
  • Presenting a topological representation of the situation
  • Capturing all process variables in a compact matrix
  • Defining the likely source of the defects
  • Visualizing the process being described
  • The process output
  • The process constraint
  • The process feedback
  • The process inventory
  • I only
  • I and IV only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • Somebody “goofed” in the original calculation of the control limits
  • The process standard deviation has decreased and nobody recomputed the control limits
  • This is terrible, perhaps we’ve been producing scrap
  • This is fine, the closer the points are to the centre line the better our control
  • X-bar – R charts
  • Multi-vari charts
  • Chi square
  • The process is within specification and in control
  • The process is within specification but out-of-control
  • The process is out of specification but in control
  • The process is out of specification and out-of-control
  • Within stream versus stream-to-stream
  • Within time versus time-to-time
  • Within piece versus piece-to-piece
  • Inherent process versus error of measurement
  • The long-term capability improves
  • The Cp is better short-term
  • The results are very comparable
  • The average drifts but the variation stays
  • Interrelationship digraph
  • Affinity diagram
  • Activity network diagram
  • Prioritization matrices
  • Not applicable to most organizations because their processes are unique
  • Infrequently used because each company needs to protect their trade secrets
  • Ignored because of the perceived barriers to sharing internal company information
  • Discouraged because of anti-trust laws
  • A process owner is named for the control plan
  • A responsible engineer is designated
  • The cross functional team signs off on the control plan
  • The control plan is a “living document” and is rarely closed
  • I only
  • I and II only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • The method of reporting
  • What is to be communicated
  • When reports are to be made
  • Project milestones
  • Indicating gages
  • Depth gages
  • Accurators
  • Tolerators
  • Systematic design concepts
  • Product development activities
  • Concurrent engineering activities
  • An inventive nine step action sequence
  • Maximization of machine efficiencies
  • Longer customer delivery lead times
  • Additional product transportation expenses
  • Potential product damage or deterioration costs
  • None, if the operator is trained and knowledgeable
  • Danger in overlooking a CTQ characteristic
  • Distraction from the actual process itself
  • It is non-value added work in the lean philosophy
  • Rework due to poor moulding
  • Performing design validation
  • In-process inspection by an inspector
  • Re-tooling because of engineering changes
  • The process level is out-of-control
  • The process level is out-of-control but not the dispersion
  • The person is misusing the chart
  • The process dispersion is out-of-control
  • Benchmarking
  • SWOT analysis
  • Gap analysis
  • Marketplace response
  • Multivoting
  • Voting
  • Consensus
  • Nominal group technique
  • A business improvement approach
  • A focus on critical customer items
  • An elimination of mistakes and defects
  • A concentrated focus on business outputs
  • It is the natural way that most people already approach problems
  • It was promoted by Dr. Deming who has a wide American following
  • It has been widely used in Japan with success
  • It requires much less work than comparable improvement techniques
  • Less than the standard to which it is compared
  • Greater than the standard to which it is compared
  • Equal to the standard to which it is compared
  • Less than or equal to the standard to which it is compared
  • The team leader summarily removes the individual from the team
  • The leader or members advise the individual of what is expected
  • If action to remove the individual from the team is warranted, do so respectfully
  • The team leader should clarify expectations with the individual
  • I only
  • I and II only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • I and II only
  • II, III, and IV only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • I, III, and IV only
  • Problem statement
  • Project scope
  • Goal statement
  • Resources required
  • The SIPOC diagram
  • Process performance metric
  • Business process management
  • The establishment of KPIVs and KPOVs
  • No defective product is reported as acceptable due to measurement errors
  • Few instruments are scrapped during calibration
  • The results of previous calibrations reflect few out of tolerance conditions during calibration
  • A particular characteristic on the gage is consistently found to be out of tolerance
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats
  • I only
  • I and III only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • Experience is required for proper interpretation
  • Bar charts are more informative than run charts
  • Most applications should be reflected in an improvement percentage
  • An improving trend is an indication of corporate survival
  • Control factor
  • Signal factor
  • Noise factor
  • Dependent variable
  • A project transition
  • A project closure
  • A charter negotiation
  • A milestone delay
  • 1.22
  • 0.46
  • 0.089
  • 0.37
  • A matrix diagram
  • A correlation chart
  • A Pareto diagram
  • A cause-and-effect diagram
  • Dr. Feigenbaum
  • Philip Crosby
  • Dr. Deming
  • Dr. Juran
  • Regression analysis
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Correlation analysis
  • Sampling
  • Make the product less sensitive to noise effects
  • Use the tools of experimental design
  • Reduce the sources of variation
  • Improve manufacturing quality
  • Higher – order experiment
  • Steepest ascent/descent experiment
  • Taguchi robustness design
  • A Latin or Graeco-Latin design
  • They are more objective with regard to the problems
  • They are higher in cost
  • They may be part of the problem
  • They have a greater knowledge about the company
  • All internal and external setup steps must be reviewed in detail
  • Outside specialists with knowledge on dies must be consulted
  • Outstanding communications between operators and setup personnel
  • Process mapping of improvement steps
  • Many American companies employ too many inspectors; perhaps 5% – 10% of the work force
  • Quality should be built into the product, not inspected in
  • In most cases, the worker should perform his/her own inspection and not rely on someone else
  • Most manual inspection will miss 10% – 20% of defects under typical working conditions
  • Standard work instructions
  • Andon boards
  • Queue times
  • Work cells
  • To provide information for goal achievement
  • To indicate the number of and return on improvement projects
  • To determine the best internal and external benchmarks
  • To measure customer retention and loyalty
  • To visually present the relationship to others
  • To check for fit; there may be a calculation error
  • There’s no rational reason for doing so
  • To permit a projection outside of the test area
  • Simplex designs
  • Orthogonal designs
  • Screening experiments
  • Mixture experiments
  • The critical path to be known in advance
  • Slack times to be added to the critical path
  • Time estimates for each activity in the network
  • Less data than a Gantt chart
  • I only
  • I and II only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • Excessive costs
  • A lowered expectation of success
  • Too much time away from regular duties
  • The possibility that the team will expand the project boundaries
  • It will take too much time
  • It can’t be done with 100,000 units
  • It will only be proven if 0 defectives are found
  • We must look for a larger improvement for testing purposes
  • Direct quality department expenses
  • Indirect internal and external failure costs
  • Preventative quality costs
  • Combined appraisal and preventative expenses
  • Brainstorming
  • Nominal Group Technique
  • Voting
  • Cultivating
  • 23
  • 24
  • 44
  • 56
  • I and II only
  • II and III only
  • I and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • 24
  • 12
  • 64
  • 81
  • The determination of the probability of failure in a specified period of time
  • The expected number of failures in a given time interval
  • The study of how a product fails and what causes the failure
  • A study of the probability of success in a given time period
  • The critical path method
  • A customer driven company
  • A PDCA process within a PDCA process
  • A reactive versus a proactive approach
  • Sanitation
  • Safety
  • Simplification
  • Setup reduction
  • Shine
  • Sustain
  • Sort
  • Straighten
  • F test
  • Barletts test
  • Levene test
  • I and IV only
  • I, II, and IV only
  • II, III, and IV only
  • I, II, III, and IV
  • III, IV, I, II
  • I, III, IV, II
  • I, III, II, IV
  • III, I, IV, II
  • Management reports
  • Supplier assessments
  • Internal audits
  • Customer surveys
  • Normal
  • Poisson
  • Weibull
  • Binomial
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer service
  • Customer loyalty
  • Product quality satisfaction
  • The 20 questions approach
  • Set-based design
  • Systematic design
  • The Pugh method
  • Manufacturing only
  • All company departments plus suppliers
  • Manufacturing, quality, and the supply chain
  • Manufacturing and quality departments
  • Aligns quality and company goals
  • Provides a prioritization system for the allocation of resources
  • Ensures the resolution of specific quality problems
  • Provides a manageable overview of quality
  • EVOP
  • Control charts
  • Total productive maintenance
  • DOE
  • Tolerance design
  • System design
  • Concept design
  • Feature design
  • Forming, norming, storming, performing
  • Develop, build, optimize
  • Forming, storming, norming, and performing
  • Forming, building, optimizing, and performing
  • All team members must participate
  • Objective data must be obtained
  • It takes longer to reach a decision
  • It presents the alternatives in a format that cannot be contested.
  • Perform customer competitive assessments
  • Conduct technical competitive assessments
  • Determine the customer needs
  • Assess the technical design features required
  • A summary of the strategic reasons for the project
  • A problem or goal statement
  • The resources available to the project team
  • The boundaries of the project team
  • Attribute data converted to variables data
  • Variables data converted to attribute data
  • Accumulated go/no-go data converted to variables data
  • Variables data converted to go/no-go data
  • FMEA
  • Pre-launch
  • Production
  • Prototype
  • Applying a statistical test such as a t test
  • Using a normal probability plot
  • Using a box-and-whiskers box chart
  • Comparing the Xs to the Ys
  • A process step
  • A decision point
  • The start of a process
  • A continuation operation
  • An increase in total quality costs
  • A decrease in appraisal costs
  • An increase in external failure costs
  • A decrease in internal failure costs
  • An interrelationship digram
  • A tree diagram
  • An activity network diagram
  • Prioritization matrix
  • A totally automated process to reduce defectives
  • A device that identifies good parts
  • A technique which separates defectives from good parts
  • A device that stops the machine whenever a defective is produced
  • SPC
  • TOC
  • CTQ
  • TPS

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  1. Can you please share the Six Sigma Black belt GreyCampus answers?

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