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CS302: Software Engineering Certification Exam Answers

Software engineering encompasses a broad range of practices and methodologies used in the development, maintenance, and evolution of software systems. It involves various disciplines such as requirements engineering, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Here’s an overview of some key aspects of software engineering:

  1. Requirements Engineering: This involves gathering, analyzing, documenting, and managing software requirements from stakeholders. It’s crucial to understand the needs and expectations of users and other stakeholders to ensure the software meets their requirements.
  2. Design: In this phase, software architects and designers create the architecture and design of the software system based on the requirements. This involves creating high-level architectural designs as well as detailed design specifications for individual components.
  3. Implementation (Coding): This is the phase where developers write the actual code according to the design specifications. It involves programming in various programming languages and frameworks, following coding standards and best practices.
  4. Testing: Software testing is essential to ensure that the software behaves as expected and meets its requirements. This includes various types of testing such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.
  5. Deployment: Once the software has been developed and tested, it needs to be deployed to the production environment where users can access it. Deployment involves tasks such as configuration, installation, and rollout planning.
  6. Maintenance: Software maintenance involves making changes to the software after it has been deployed to fix bugs, add new features, or improve performance. It’s an ongoing process that ensures the software remains useful and relevant over time.

Software engineering also involves considerations of software quality, security, scalability, and maintainability. Practices such as version control, code reviews, continuous integration, and continuous delivery are commonly used to ensure high-quality software development processes.

CS302: Software Engineering Exam Quiz Answers

  • Planning, designing, programming, testing, and marketing
  • Analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance
  • Reviewing, risk management, measurement, and production
  • Communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment
  • Automation and robotics
  • Modeling and thinking about code
  • Communication and manufacturing
  • Designing hardware and writing code
  • Necessity, certainty, flexibility, and testability
  • Usability, maintainability, dependability, and efficiency
  • Number of GUIs, database independence, bandwidth, and size
  • Number of files, codebase size, programming language, and domain
  • Competency
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Personal use
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • Testing
  • Spiral model
  • Waterfall model
  • Incremental model
  • Evolutionary model
  • When requirements are well defined, such as with DSS
  • When the prototype will be used as the completed project
  • When multiple deliverables are able to be completed simultaneously
  • When rapid development of part of the system can ease a critical work situation for users
  • Error report
  • System proposal
  • System configurations
  • Initial operation of the system
  • Team Leader
  • System Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • System Designer
  • Fast development and delivery of the final system at a low cost
  • Maximizing programmers’ productivity by providing tight-knit components
  • Modeling across layers using Extended Enterprise Modeling Language (EEML)
  • Joint application design (JAD), where users are intensely involved in system design
  • It organizes the elements of the problem and the solution in one step
  • Each spiral begins with reviewing database transactions and commits
  • Each cycle involves a progression through the same sequence of steps
  • It focuses on minimizing project cost by implementing it as one spiral block
  • Dynamic binding
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • Deriving new objects from existing objects
  • Deriving new classes from existing classes
  • Using the methods from an existing library in another library
  • Using the defined data from an existing library in another library
Software Engineering 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Diversity
  • Ambiguity
  • Semanticity
  • Incompleteness
  • Justification
  • Semantic
  • Testifying
  • Triangulation
  • Meetings
  • Interviews
  • Observation
  • Questionnaires
  • Observation
  • Reviewing software
  • Reviewing external documents
  • Reviewing internal documents
  • Structured
  • Close-ended
  • Open-ended
  • Unstructured
  • Analysis
  • Coding
  • Design
  • Inheritance
  • Consistency check
  • Database design
  • Project plan
  • Test Plan
  • Attribute
  • Instance
  • Object
  • Subroutine
  • Determined the scope
  • Designed the project
  • Managed the project
  • Requested a proposal
  • Document programs
  • System tests each program
  • Unit test system
  • User acceptance tests
Software Engineering 2
Software Engineering 3
Software Engineering 4
  • They work as database management systems within other programs
  • Their programs made from objects that interact with their own methods
  • Their objects correspond to the main libraries in the main program structure
  • Their data is contained in attributes and their code takes the form of methods
  • Toolkit language
  • Linguistic language
  • Notations language
  • Configuration language
  • It is the first step in controlling changes to identify items
  • It serves as a reference for the software design and analysis process
  • It is used to investigate the current status of specific software elements
  • It is an aggregation of software designated for configuration management
  • It is performed for each of the smallest units of code
  • It is the last testing done before sending code to production
  • It verifies users’ satisfaction for each unit function in the code
  • It is conducted for each graphical user interface in the software
  • To perform an objective, unbiased assessment of the application database
  • To ensure that changes to an application have not led to unintended problems
  • To verify that the functional specifications are met and GUIs operate as desired
  • To verify the logic and processing for suites of modules that perform some activity
  • Unit testing
  • System testing
  • Integration testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Red-box testing
  • Gray-box testing
  • Black-box testing
  • White-box testing
  • Decision tables
  • Random testing
  • Equivalence partitioning
  • Boundary-value analysis
  • The SE designs the system, while the PM implements strategies
  • The SE develops the budget, while the PM monitors and controls the budget
  • The SE designs system test cases, while the PM executes those tests cases
  • The SE designs and applies unit tests, while the PM designs and applies system tests
  • They develop financial and organizational assessments
  • They usually deal with tech support and equipment issues
  • They negotiate with users about GUIs and database types
  • They act as a buffer between technical staff and team leaders
  • Acting as liaison
  • Identifying project tasks
  • Monitoring the project
  • Managing the project staff
  • Conduct a feasibility analysis
  • Review and evaluate the code
  • Implement a measurement process
  • Evaluate the software’s performance
  • GUI
  • Database
  • Participant
  • Connection Socket
  • Email
  • Contact
  • Password
  • Address Book
  • System
  • Company
  • Appointment
  • Management
Software Engineering 5
Software Engineering 6
Software Engineering 7
Software Engineering 8
  • Call virtual testers to do correctness testing
  • Run the system in different platforms with different input
  • Work with team members to conduct qualification testing
  • Turn off each GUI and test the system modules individually
  • Generate test cases randomly, using operational profiling
  • Run one test case for each module in the system in a random order
  • Design test cases, execute them, and then modify them dynamically
  • Design test cases that attempt to determine the most plausible faults
  • Do not use parameter passing often
  • Use bottom-up design for complex problems
  • Be sure to use external storage concurrently
  • Keep local variables within functions or methods
  • Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues
  • Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their employer
  • Software engineers shall ensure that their products meet the highest professional standards
  • Software engineers shall respect the work required to produce inventions and computing artifacts
  • User maintenance, site selection, preparation, and file conversion
  • Translating requirements into a representation and documentation
  • Detecting errors in the software’s requirements, design, and coding
  • Updating and improving the software to ensure continued usefulness
  • Programmer
  • System Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • System Designer
  • It demands fixed features, not fixed time
  • It has a high emphasis on analysis and design
  • It is best when requirements are vague or changing
  • A typical iteration takes somewhere between 4 to 6 months
  • It deals only with private data members and methods
  • It should be unique and must only return static values
  • It belongs to the class rather than the object of a class
  • It takes no parameters and does not return any values
Software Engineering 9
  • Public attribute
  • Private attribute
  • Protected attribute
  • Derived attribute
Software Engineering 10
Software Engineering 11
Software Engineering 12
Software Engineering 13
  • Amount
  • Execution
  • Importance
  • Structure
  • Users, who will use the software
  • Testers, who are responsible for testing the software
  • Cybersecurity teams, who are responsible for verifying online security
  • Project managers, who have a responsibility for the legal ramifications of the software
  • Design diagrams documents
  • System definition documents
  • System requirements documents
  • Software requirements documents
  • Activity
  • Comment
  • Status
  • Subroutine
  • Scripting
  • Functional
  • Procedural
  • Object-oriented
  • Toolkit language
  • Visual language
  • Configuration language
  • Object-oriented language
  • Black-box
  • White-box
  • Top-down
  • Bottom-up
  • Hire thousands of users to test the system at the same time
  • Create thousands of virtual users using a performance testing tool
  • Install the system on a distributed multi-purpose cluster-computing framework
  • Ask each of your team members to generate a series of requests in the system
  • Critical thinking
  • Allocating resources
  • Strong programming
  • Experience with algorithms
  • Acting as liaison
  • Eliciting tasks
  • Managing the project staff
  • Monitoring the project
  • When projects fall behind schedule
  • When projects lack sufficient resources
  • When improving the quality of software products
  • When adding more records to system databases
  • Increase the budget of the project
  • Consider this issue as a potential risk
  • Allocate a different type of hardware instead
  • Eliminate this hardware from required resources
  • About Us
  • Homepage
  • Enroll in a course
  • Include integration testing in your test plan
  • Verify the output of the system for different inputs
  • Conduct unit testing for each module in the system
  • Call for a meeting to verify with components developers
Software Engineering 1
  • Flight
  • flightNumber
  • getArrivalTime
  • Integer
  • It starts by turning software design into a set of specifications
  • All of its phases emphasize both generalization and classification
  • Users and stakeholders are essential players in each of its phases
  • It allows for a high level of management control and documentation
  • When the prototype will be used as the completed project
  • When multiple deliverables are able to be completed simultaneously
  • When rapid development of the system can ease a critical work situation for users
  • When requirements are well defined, such as with an order-entry/transaction system
  • Spiral model
  • Waterfall model
  • Incremental model
  • Evolutionary model
  • Coding
  • Design
  • Feasibility study
  • Testing
  • It involves sequential development of the system and the construction of prototypes
  • It is based on Unified Modeling Language and organizes the development into four phases
  • It includes manager-developer meetings, and managers are closely involved in development
  • It focuses on risk assessment and minimizing risk by breaking a project into smaller segments
  • Enclosing class methods as private methods
  • Presenting the same data member in different forms
  • Bundling data members with methods into a single unit
  • Recapitulating or briefly modifying all class data members
  • Binding
  • Inheritance
  • Instantiation
  • Polymorphism
  • It is not represented in most UML diagrams
  • It has static methods and constants, but no objects
  • It is used to represent aggregation with another class
  • Its attributes correspond to members of another class
Software Engineering 14
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Software Engineering 16
Software Engineering 17
  • Functional requirements
  • Nonfunctional requirements
  • System attribute requirements
  • Logical database requirements
  • Meetings
  • Observation
  • Questionnaires
  • Reviewing internal documents
  • It is best for multicultural companies
  • It allows decisions to be made rapidly
  • It requires triangulation to verify results
  • It prevents bias on the part of respondents
  • Interview
  • Meeting
  • Observation
  • Questionnaire
  • Interview
  • Meeting
  • Observation
  • Questionnaire
  • Attribute
  • Instance
  • Object
  • Subroutine
  • Planning the next project
  • Preparing documentation
  • Reviewing feasibility
  • Reviewing programs
Software Engineering 18
Software Engineering 19
Software Engineering 20
Software Engineering 21

Question 84: How would you model this situation with a UML class diagram?”One project may consist of several other projects.”

Software Engineering 22
Software Engineering 23
Software Engineering 24
Software Engineering 25
Software Engineering 26
  • A has B
  • A is part of B
  • A overrides B
  • A is a subclass of B
Software Engineering 27
Software Engineering 28
Software Engineering 29
Software Engineering 30
Software Engineering 31
  • Class Student extends IDCard {



  • Class Student implements IDCard {



  • Class Student {

IDCard id_card;



  • Class IDCard {

Student student;



  • Java
  • DigitalS
  • Visual C++
  • VisualWorks
  • They are the last tests done before an application is placed into production status
  • They assume that critical control code and functions will be developed and tested first
  • They aim to apply the same number of incremental tests in each module of the system
  • They are based on logic and are similar to system tests in their makeup and objectives
  • Acting as liaison
  • Maintaining corporate culture
  • Managing the project staff
  • Monitoring the project
  • Book
  • Subject
  • AuthorName
  • PublisherName
Software Engineering 32
Software Engineering 33
Software Engineering 34
Software Engineering 35
Software Engineering 36
Software Engineering 37
Software Engineering 38
Software Engineering 39
Software Engineering 40
Software Engineering 41
Software Engineering 42
Software Engineering 43
  • Message
  • Password
  • Microphone
  • ContactName
Software Engineering 44
  • x → y → k → w → z → p
  • x → y → w → k → p → z
  • x → y → z → k → p → w
  • x → y → z → p → k → w
  • Organizing resources in a logical manner
  • Maintaining automatic software development mechanisms
  • Systemizing the development, operation, and maintenance of software
  • Identifying standards for software developers’ assessment and evaluation processes
  • All methods and instance variables
  • Private methods; public instance variables
  • Private instance variables; public methods
  • All non-static instance variables and methods
  • Attribute
  • Data type
  • Instance
  • Primary key
  • Elicitation
  • Management
  • Specification
  • Validation
  • Prototyping
  • Model validation
  • Acceptance testing
  • Requirements reviews
  • Elicitation
  • Identify interactions
  • Management
  • Specification
  • It is a mix of JavaScript and Python
  • It has no pointers or low-level constructs
  • It cannot be used as a portable language
  • It requires explicit allocation and deallocation of memory
  • It helps every team member use the latest versions of their tools
  • It helps end-users keep their software updated to the latest version
  • It keeps every team member working off the latest software version
  • It allows app store managers to manage different software versions
  • Acceptance tests
  • Developmental tests
  • Regression tests
  • System tests
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • Functional tests
  • Nonfunctional tests
  • Arrange a meeting with all staff members to request a proposal
  • Prepare a detailed process planning document to discuss with vendors
  • Work with software engineers to develop a resource planning document
  • Sign contracts with each available vendor to supply different project needs
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Math and Biology
  • Software Engineering
  • Extend
  • Generalization
  • Improve
  • Include
  • Generate mutation test cases
  • Conduct unit testing multiple times
  • Apply criteria based on control flow
  • Request an input flow sequence document

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