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UpGrad Promo Code for Paid Courses: lf8XQE
Course 1: Business Analytics Starter Pack
- Module 1: Jargon Busting
- Module 2: Understanding Business Problem and Formulating Hypothesis
- Module 3: Anatomy of Decisions
- Module 4: Data Analysis in Excel
- Module 5: Analysing Patterns and Storytelling
- Module6 : EDA (Excel)
Course 2: Getting Started with Digital Marketing
- Module 1: Fundamentals of Marketing
- Module 2: Search Engine Optimization
- Module 3: Search Engine Marketing
- Module 4: Email Marketing
- Module 5: Web Analytics
Course 3: Management Essentials
- Module 1: Communication Masterclass
- Module 2: Marketing Masterclass
- Module 3: Economics Masterclass
Course 4: Python for Data Science
- Module 1: Intro to Python
- Module 2: Programming using Python
- Module 3: Python Libraries
- Module 4: EDA
Course 5: Getting Started with Excel- Basics & Advanced
- Module 1: Data Analysis in Excel
- Module 2: Analysing Patterns and Storytelling
- Module 3: EDA using Excel
Course 6: Introduction to Machine Learning Concepts
- Module 1: Linear Regression
- Module 2: Logistic Regression
- Module 3: Clustering
- Module 4: Recommender Systems
Course 7: Getting started with Java Programming
- Module 1: Variables and Datatypes
- Module 2: Conditionals, Loops & Functions
- Module 3: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- Module 4: Abstraction and Encapsulation
- Module 5: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Course 8: Statistics for Data Science
- Module 1: Inferential Statistics
- Module 2: Hypothesis Testing
- Module 3: Assignment
Course 9: All About Social Media Marketing
- Module 1: Fundamental of Marketing
- Module 2: Social Media Marketing
Course 10: Blockchain Development with Ethereum
- Module 1: Blockchain Basics
- Module 2: Blockchain Features
- Module 3: Smart Contract Development in Ethereum
Course 11: Introduction to Blockchain
- Module 1: Blockchain Basics
- Module 2: Blockchain Features
Course 12: Getting Started with SQL Programming
- Module 1: Database Design and Intro to MySQL Advanced SQL
- Module 2: Advanced SQL
- Module 3: SQL Assignment (1 & 2)
Course 13: Data Science in E-commerce
- Module 1: Intro to E-commerce; Recommendation Systems
- Module 2: Price Optimisation
- Module 3: Market Mix Modelling
- Module 4: A/B Testing
- Module 5: Recommendation Systems – Assignment
Course 14: Introduction to Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Module 1: Maths for Data Analysis
- Module 2: Intro to Deep Learning
- Module 3: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Course 15: Node.js for Beginners
- Module 1: Fundamentals of Node.js
Course 16: Crack Interviews with Data Structures & Algorithms – Series I
- Module 1: Arrays & Linked Lists
- Module 2: Algorithm Analysis
- Module 3: Searching & Sorting Algorithms
- Module 4: Stacks & Queues
- Module 5: Assignment – Searching & Sorting Algorithms
- Module 6: Assignment – Stacks and Queues
Course 17: Mastering React.js with Phone Directory Application
- Module 1: React.js – I
Course 18: Learn Top Digital Marketing Skills of 2020
- Module 1: Social Media Marketing
- Module 2: Search Engine Marketing
- Module 3: Content Marketing
Course 19: Getting Started with Frontend Development
- Module 1: Basics of JavaScript
- Module 2: Advanced JavaScript