TCS is Hiring for the Position of Survey Programmer | Jobs for Engineering Students | Apply before 3 Aug 2022
Hi everyone, TCS is hiring for the position of Survey Programmer. This opportunity is for students so if you satisfy the eligibility then go ahead and apply for it.
- Corporate People
- Engineering Students
Highlights of the Program:
- Application Deadline: 3 Aug 22
- Start Date: 12 Jul 2022
- End Date: 3 Aug 2022
- Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Responsibilities of the Candidate:
- Manage level 3 complicated jobs (on a scale of 5).
- Control processes using XML mode.
- Programming for dashboards.
- Use options like Tool to add and Max Variations.
- Complex cross requirements can be resolved in Quota Excel.
- Maintain communication skills sensors.
- communicating skills of Python, Javascript, Jquery, and CSS.
- The ability to change themes.
- Possess a solid knowledge of STG scripting features.
- Basic understanding of data storage.
- Experience working with complex quotas, such as least fill CAPI, is preferred (Offline).
- Strong communication abilities.
- Must have experience with trackers.