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Kubernetes Operators Intermediate Cognitive Class Exam Quiz Answers

Kubernetes Operators Intermediate Cognitive Class Certification Quiz Answers

Question 1: How does a user interact with an operator?

  • By accessing the operator directly
  • By using kubectl or whatever tool they use to interact with the normal Kubernetes API
  • By using the operator-sdk CLI
  • By using an operator-specific CLI

Question 2: What does the command “operator-sdk init” do?

  • Initializes a new controller image for an operator
  • Initializes the basic scaffolding for a brand new operator
  • Initializes a new controller for an operator
  • Initializes the a new Custom Resouce Definition for an operator

Question 3: There is one architecture pattern that all operators follow.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: How was the Memcached operator added to the cluster?

  • By altering the core Kubernetes images to include our additional components
  • By creating normal Kubernetes resources such as Deployments and Cluster Role Bindings
  • By deploying components external to Kubernetes and connecting them to the cluster
  • By modifying the behavior of core Kubernetes components

Question 5: What is the controller of our memcached operator responsible for?

  • The reconciliation the desired state in the etcd store with the actual state running on the cluster
  • Creating the new memcached type on our Kubernetes cluster
  • Storing data about requested memcached objects
  • Receiving and validation incoming API requests from users

Question 1: The Spec fields of our Custom Resource directly correlate to what part of the original Helm chart?

  • Values.yaml
  • The template files
  • Chart.yaml

Question 2: Helm operators allow a fine degree of control over the reconciliation of your operator.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: What sets the suffix for any API groups the Helm operator will create or use?

  • The range
  • The domain
  • The subset
  • The group

Question 4: In the Kubernetes API, what is an API group?

  • A collection of endpoints that contain related functionality.
  • Any resource that consists of multiple dependent resources.
  • An endpoint that contains related functionality.
  • A group of related resources.

Question 5: The Helm operator controller we used was an off-the-shelf image that required no additional configuration.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: What does an Ansible Role consist of?

  • A collection of Kubernetes Custom Resources
  • A collection of tasks and related scaffolding such as scripts, environment variable, etc. (correct)
  • A collection of Ansible Playbooks
  • A collection of scripts to run in order

Question 2: Why should you fill out the Custom Resource Definition in an Ansible operator?

  • So that Kubernetes users will be able to use the Custom Resource
  • So that Kubernetes users will be able to see what fields the Custom Resource should have
  • So that Kubernetes admins will be able to allow access to the CRD
  • So that the resulting Custom Resource will work

Question 3: The ansible-operator controller automatically populates the Kubernetes status of Custom Resource objects with the Ansible status of the Ansible object.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: What is the name of the file that configures the Ansible Role?

  • ansible.yml
  • main.yml
  • crd.yml
  • role.yml

Question 5: What of the following commands can be used to generate an Ansible Role?

  • operator-sdk generate bundle
  • operator-sdk create api
  • operator-sdk create role
  • operator-sdk init

Question 1: Operators always consist of a Custom Resource Definition and a controller.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: When creating an operator with Operator-sdk, what does setting the domain do?

  • Sets the
  • Sets the suffix for any API groups the operator resources will exist in
  • Sets the domain for any services created to access operator resources
  • Sets the prefix for any API groups the operator resources will exist in

Question 3: In an Ansible operator, what is the actual source of truth for the behavior of our Memcached Custom Resource?

  • The Custom Resource type itself
  • The Ansible Role
  • The Ansible Playbook
  • The Custom Resource definition

Question 4: Why is creating new RBAC rules is required for an operator?

  • To allow the Custom Resource access to the controller
  • To allow the controller to see and modify our Custom Resource
  • To allow the Custom Resource Definition access to the controller
  • To allow the controller to see and modify our Custom Resource Definition

Question 5: Which of the following initializes the basic scaffolding for a brand new operator?

  • operator-sdk start
  • operator-sdk init
  • operator-sdk generate bundle
  • operator-sdk create api

Question 6: For a Golang operator, in types.go, MemcachedSpec and MemcachedStatus correspond directly with the Spec and Status of the resulting memcached Custom Resource.

  • True
  • False

Question 7: Which component of the Golang operator is responsible for the new memcached type?

  • Controller
  • Custom Resource Definition
  • RBAC rules
  • Custom Resource

Question 8: What does the following operator-sdk command do: “operator-sdk create api –kind Memcached –controller=true”

  • Create the scaffolding for only the contoller for an operator
  • Create the scaffolding for the Custom Resource Definition and controller of an operator
  • Create the scaffolding for only the Custom Resource Definition for an operator
  • Create the basic scaffolding for a new operator

Question 9: Golang operator controllers are based on a community image maintained by the operator-sdk community.

  • True
  • False

Question 10: How were the operators in the module added to the Kubernetes cluster?

  • By altering the core Kubernetes images to include our additional components
  • By creating normal Kubernetes resources such as Deployments and Cluster Role Bindings
  • By deploying components external to Kubernetes and connecting them to the cluster
  • By modifying the behavior of core Kubernetes components

Question 11: When is a Helm operator a good choice over other operator types?

  • You have a preexisting Helm chart for your resource.
  • You want to get something running as quickly as possible.
  • You’re unfamiliar with reconciliation loops and want try writing an operator.
  • All of the above.

Question 12: In the Ansible operator, what is the name of Ansible resource that is a collection tasks and related scaffolding such as scriptts and environment variables?

  • Scenario
  • Role
  • Script
  • Playbook

Question 13: A Kubernetes user can only interact with resources from operators with special tools designed specifically for that operator.

  • True
  • False

Question 14: How can an operator be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster?

  • As a program running outside the Kubernetes cluster.
  • As a program manually deployed inside the Kubernetes cluster using Deployments, Pods, etc.
  • As a program deployed inside the Kubernetes cluster using Operator Lifecycle Manager
  • All of the above

Question 15: To write a Helm operator, you must create a new Helm chart.

  • True
  • False

Introduction to Kubernetes Operators Intermediate

Kubernetes Operators are software extensions that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components on Kubernetes. They automate the process of deploying, managing, and scaling complex applications. Here’s an intermediate-level overview:

  1. Understanding Custom Resources (CRs):
    • Custom Resources (CRs) extend the Kubernetes API to include new resource types specific to your application.
    • Operators use CRs to represent the state of the application they manage.
  2. Operator Frameworks:
    • Operator Frameworks provide tools and SDKs to build, deploy, and manage Operators.
    • Popular frameworks include Operator SDK, Kubebuilder, and Metacontroller.
  3. Operator Lifecycle Management (OLM):
    • OLM manages the lifecycle of Operators in a Kubernetes cluster.
    • It helps with installing, upgrading, and managing the lifecycle of Operators.
  4. Building Operators:
    • Use Operator SDK or similar frameworks to build Operators.
    • Define custom resources (CRs) to represent your application’s desired state.
    • Implement reconciliation logic to ensure the actual state matches the desired state.
  5. Controller and Reconciliation Loop:
    • The controller watches for changes in custom resources and triggers the reconciliation loop.
    • Reconciliation compares the actual state of the application with the desired state specified in the custom resource and takes actions to converge them.
  6. Managing Application State:
    • Operators handle various aspects of application lifecycle management, such as deployment, scaling, upgrades, and backups.
    • They ensure that the application remains in the desired state despite changes in the environment.
  7. Handling Failures:
    • Operators need to be resilient to failures and handle errors gracefully.
    • Implement mechanisms for retrying failed operations, handling transient errors, and logging errors for debugging.
  8. Scaling and Performance:
    • Consider scalability and performance requirements when designing Operators.
    • Optimize resource utilization and minimize overhead to ensure efficient operation at scale.
  9. Monitoring and Observability:
    • Implement monitoring and observability features to track the health and performance of your Operators and the applications they manage.
    • Integrate with tools like Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
  10. Security Best Practices:
    • Follow security best practices for developing and deploying Operators.
    • Apply Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) to restrict access to sensitive resources.
    • Use secrets and ConfigMaps to store sensitive information securely.
  11. Community and Ecosystem:
    • Leverage the Kubernetes community and ecosystem for best practices, tools, and resources.
    • Contribute to open-source Operator projects and share your experiences with the community.

Mastering Kubernetes Operators requires a deep understanding of Kubernetes concepts, hands-on experience with Operator development, and familiarity with tools and frameworks in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

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