What is Flutter?
Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework created by Google and released in May 2017. The Flutter framework consists of both a software development kit (SDK) and their widget-based UI library. This library consists of various reusable UI elements, such as sliders, buttons, and text inputs.
Developers building mobile applications with the Flutter framework will do so using a programming language called Dart. With a syntax like JavaScript, Dart is a typed object programming language that focuses on front-end development
About The Course:
In this course, you’ll learn how to build apps with Flutter, a new mobile platform backed by Google. You’ll start by exploring how to build a “Hello World” app with Flutter. Finally, you’ll discover how to create a complete database app. By the end of the course, you’ll have a strong foundation in Flutter that will help you build successful mobile apps for Android and IOS.
Course Curriculum:
- Introduction
- Flutter
- Case Study
- Quiz
Here are the quiz Questions and Answers:
Question 1: A notable feature of the Dart platform is its support for “hot reload”
- False
- True*
- Both
- None of these
Question 2: Which of the following widgets used for repeating the content
- Expanded
- ListView
- Stack
- Scaffold
Question 3: Which of the following can detect a Tapping gesture?
- GestureDetector.*
- Inkwell
- ListTile
- All the above
Question 4: Which of the following best explains the flutter?
- It is an open-source database management system
- This is an open-source backend toolkit
- This is an open-source UI toolkit
- None of the above
Question 5: Which of the following widget allows us to refresh the screen?
- Stateless widgets
- Statebuild widget
- Stateful widget*
- All of the above
Question 6: Which of the given below commands checks our environment and shows the report of the status of our Flutter and Android studio apart from the IDE software installation.
- Flutter clean
- Flutter screen
- Flutter master*
- Flutter doctor
Question 7: What types of tests can you perform in Flutter?
- Unit Tests
- Widget Tests
- Integration Tests
- All of the above*
Question 8: Which of the following widgets are used for layout?
- Text
- Column
- Expanded*
- Inkwell
Question 9: Access and manipulate the cloud database is possible with which of the following options?
- Firebase *
- SQFlite Database
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of the above
Question 10: Which of the following companies developed Flutter?
- Facebook.
- Google.*
- Microsoft.
- IBM.