CP101 Chef Principles Certification Exam Answers
Question 1: When a chef-client runs, which of the following is NOT retrieved from the Chef server?
- Run-list.
- chef-client configuration.
- Data bag items.
- Cookbooks.
Question 2: What happens when you don’t specify a resource’s action?
- You get an error message but the chef-client run continues.
- You get an error message and the chef-client run halts.
- The default action is assumed.
Question 3: What is a Chef Resource?
- the equivalent of a Chef cookbook.
- the equivalent of a Chef recipe.
- an item that can be configured on your system.
Question 4: Which of the following statements is true regarding nodes?
- The Chef server dynamically builds each node prior to a chef-client run.
- The chef-client pulls node data in JSON format from the Chef server at the start of the run.
- Nodes are stored on the Chef server as JSON objects that contains just the run-list and node name.
- Nodes are represented on the Chef server as JSON objects that contain all the node data.
Question 5: Which is NOT valid about a run-list?
- Every node must have a unique run-list assigned to it.
- A run-list defines some of the information necessary for Chef to configure a node into the desired state.
- A run-list is a list of roles and/or recipes that are run in the order specified.
- A run-list is stored as a node object element which can be queried via knife.
Question 6: When must you list a resource’s attributes?
- Immediately after the resource name.
- Immediately after the actions.
- You can list them anywhere within the resource block.
Question 7: Where do you define the source of dependent cookbooks?
- Policyfile.rb
- metadata.rb
- Policyfile.lock.json
Question 8: What Chef Infra command would you use to lock your policies in place by creating a Policyfile.lock.json file?
- chef push Policyfile.rb
- chef install Policyfile.rb
- chef init Policyfile.rb
Question 9: You would like to run an InSpec test locally which is stored on Github. Which of the following commands would achieve this?
- inspec test https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec exec https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec check https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- It is not possible. The InSpec profile needs to stored locally on the node.
Question 10: You want to use an InSpec profile that is stored at https://github.com/security to scan a docker container. How would you achieve this?
- inspec exec https://github.com/security -t docker -i ContainerID
- inspec profile https://github.com/security -t docker -i ContianerID
- inspec exec https://github.com/security -t docker://ContainerID
- Download the profile from Github, then scan the container as usual. Profiles must be stored locally when scanning containers.
Question 11: Where do you define custom InSpec resources?
- providers folder
- resources folder
- libraries folder
- top directory of the inspec profile
Question 12: To limit an InSpec run to only certain controls, you would:
- Specify the –controls argument.
- Specify the –limit argument.
- grep the output.
Question 13: You want to make sure that an AWS ec2 instance named ‘ec2-instance’ is running. What should the InSpec test look like?
- describe ec2(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should be_running }
- describe aws(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should be_running }
- describe ec2(‘aws-ec2-instance’) do
it { should_be running }
- describe ami(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should_be running }
Question 14: In the following InSpec test, what exactly is being tested?
describe file(‘/etc/sysconfig’) do
it { should be_directory }
it { should be_executable.by(‘owner’) }
it { should_not be_writable }
it { should_not be_readable.by_user(‘Tom’) }
- It tests that /etc/sysconfig is a directory, that the directory is executable by the owner, the directory can not have files added or removed, and the contents of the directory cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that the file /etc/sysconfig is executable by the owner of the file, the file can not modified, and the contents of the file cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that /etc/sysconfig is a directory, that the directory has a mode of 0544, and the contents of the directory cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that the file /etc/sysconfig is executable by the owner, the file has a mode of 0544, contents of the file cannot be read by a user named Tom.
Question 15: When defining custom InSpec resources, what language(s) are available to use?
- Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Custom Resource DSL and Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Chef Recipe DSL and Ruby
Question 16: You would like to run an InSpec test locally which is stored on Github. Which of the following commands would achieve this?
- inspec test https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec exec https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec check https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- It is not possible. The InSpec profile needs to stored locally on the node.
Question 17: You want to use an InSpec profile that is stored at https://github.com/security to scan a docker container. How would you achieve this?
- inspec exec https://github.com/security -t docker -i ContainerID
- inspec profile https://github.com/security -t docker -i ContianerID
- inspec exec https://github.com/security -t docker://ContainerID
- Download the profile from Github, then scan the container as usual. Profiles must be stored locally when scanning containers.
Question 18: Where do you define custom InSpec resources?
- providers folder
- resources folder
- libraries folder
- top directory of the inspec profile
Question 19: To limit an InSpec run to only certain controls, you would:
- Specify the –controls argument.
- Specify the –limit argument.
- grep the output.
Question 20: You want to make sure that an AWS ec2 instance named ‘ec2-instance’ is running. What should the InSpec test look like?
- describe ec2(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should be_running }
- describe aws(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should be_running }
- describe ec2(‘aws-ec2-instance’) do
it { should_be running }
- describe ami(‘ec2-instance’) do
it { should_be running }
Question 21: In the following InSpec test, what exactly is being tested?
describe file(‘/etc/sysconfig’) do
it { should be_directory }
it { should be_executable.by(‘owner’) }
it { should_not be_writable }
it { should_not be_readable.by_user(‘Tom’) }
- It tests that /etc/sysconfig is a directory, that the directory is executable by the owner, the directory can not have files added or removed, and the contents of the directory cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that the file /etc/sysconfig is executable by the owner of the file, the file can not modified, and the contents of the file cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that /etc/sysconfig is a directory, that the directory has a mode of 0544, and the contents of the directory cannot be read by a user named Tom.
- It tests that the file /etc/sysconfig is executable by the owner, the file has a mode of 0544, contents of the file cannot be read by a user named Tom.
Question 22: When defining custom InSpec resources, what language(s) are available to use?
- Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Custom Resource DSL and Ruby
- Inspec DSL and Chef Recipe DSL and Ruby
Question 23: You want to run an inspec test (test.rb) on a remote node with ssh. The remote node does NOT have InSpec or chef-client installed using ssh. How would you do this?
- inspec exec test.rb -t ssh://user@hostname
- It is not possible. The target node must have InSpec installed.
- It is not possible. The target node must have chef-client installed.
- inspec exec ssh://user@hostname test.rb
Question 24: How are Studio dependencies defined in a Habitat Plan file that should not be included in the package artifict when running build?
- pkg_deps
- pkg_build_deps
- pkg_run_deps
- pkg_deps_ignored
Question 25: How can you search for a specific file within packages installed inside the Studio?
- The hab pkg provides command
- The hab pkg search command
- Examining the package manifest in Builder
- Running hab pkg export and opening the artifact with an editor
Question 26: The core Habitat Builder origin:
Check all that apply
- Only includes build tools, like curl
- Is a set of foundation packages
- Is managed and versioned by the Habitat maintainers
- Provides packages that cover every use-case
- Can be used as dependencies for custom pacakges
Question 27: Where is Habitat package metadata defined?
- The metadata.rb file
- Habitat Builder
- The Plan file
- Within the package source repository
Question 28: What kind of file is generated within the Habitat Studio when running build?
- Plan.sh
- .hart
- .tar
- .rpm
Question 29: What package export formats are available within the Habitat Studio?
Select all that apply.
- .hart
- .tar.gz
- .rpm
- .msi
- Apache Mesos
- Cloud Foundry
- docker
Question 30: You have just uploaded a package to Habitat Builder and wish to pull it into your Studio for testing. On running hab pkg install, you receive an error that no suitable package candidate can be found. What is a potential reason for this error?
- A package release channel wasn’t specified in the install command
- The package hasn’t been promoted to the stable channel
- You are not logged into the correct Builder origin
- You need to authenticate your Studio session with Builder
Question 31: What is the purpose of the Habitat Supervisor?
Select all that apply.
- Starts and monitors child services
- Retrieve resource metadata from cloud providers
- Monitor information from other Supervisors
- Reconfigure services with lifecycle hooks
Question 32: You would like to run an InSpec test locally which is stored on Github. Which of the following commands would achieve this?
- inspec test https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec exec https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- inspec check https://github.com/PATH/TO/INSPEC/PROFILE
- It is not possible. The InSpec profile needs to stored locally on the node.
Question 33: Which of the following is a valid way to install InSpec on a node?
- gem install kitchen-inspec
- gem install serverspec
- Install Chef Workstation
- gem install chefspec
Question 34: Manually scanning for compliance is often:
- Time-consuming.
- Error-prone.
- Non-portable.
- All of these.
Question 35: In the Automate Compliance dashboard, what language are compliance tests written in?
- Chef
- Ruby
- InSpec
Question 36: You want to run an InSpec test locally that is stored locally on the node. How would you do this?
- inspec test /PATH/TO/PROFILE
- inspec compliance /PATH/TO/PROFILE
- inspec exec /PATH/TO/PROFILE
- inspec check /PATH/TO/PROFILE
Question 37: Where are compliance profiles stored?
- On target nodes.
- On the Chef Automate Compliance server.
- On Chef Infra Server.
Question 38: You want to run an inspec test (test.rb) on a remote node with ssh. The remote node does NOT have InSpec or chef-client installed using ssh. How would you do this?
- inspec exec test.rb -t ssh://user@hostname
- It is not possible. The target node must have InSpec installed.
- It is not possible. The target node must have chef-client installed.
- inspec exec ssh://user@hostname test.rb
Question 39: You can log in to the compliance scanner with
- inspec compliance login.
- chef compliance login.
- chef exec compliance login.
Question 40: In the following Chef Compliance package, choose the correct specification for control 5.2.4 from the CIS Sample Linux benchmark that enables both scanning and remediation.
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.4_Ensure_SSH_Protocol_is_set_to_2
run: true
run: false
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.4_Ensure_SSH_Protocol_is_set_to_2
run: true
run: true
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.4_Ensure_SSH_Protocol_is_set_to_2
run: true
run: true
justification: “ACME corporation requires strict compliance standards for SSH”
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.4_Ensure_SSH_Protocol_is_set_to_2
run: true
run: true
overlay: “ACME corporation requires strict compliance standards for SSH”
Question 41: What feature is used within a Chef Compliance control to ignore a scan, permanently or for a defined time period?
- Waivers
- Justifications
- Overlays
- Exceptions
Question 42: In the following Chef Compliance package, choose the correct specification for control 5.2.14 from the CIS Sample Linux benchmark that grants a waiver until July 1st, 2023.
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.14_Ensure_SSH_access_is_limited
run: true
expiration_date: 2023-07-01
run: false
start_date_utc: “— 2020-12-01 08:25:57.571436000 Z\n”
expiration_date_utc: “— 2023-07-01 08:25:57.571522000 Z\n”
identifier: ticket_14500
justification: “Security waiver granted until expiration date”
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.14_Ensure_SSH_access_is_limited
run: false
expiration_date: 2023-07-01
run: false
start_date_utc: “— 2020-12-01 08:25:57.571436000 Z\n”
expiration_date_utc: “— 2023-07-01 08:25:57.571522000 Z\n”
identifier: ticket_14500
justification: “Security waiver granted until expiration date”
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.14_Ensure_SSH_access_is_limited
run: true
expiration_date: 2023-07-01
run: false
begin_date_utc: “— 2020-12-01 08:25:57.571436000 Z\n”
expiration_date_utc: “— 2023-07-01 08:25:57.571522000 Z\n”
identifier: ticket_14500
reasoning: “Security waiver granted until expiration date”
- provider: Chef
benchmark: CIS Sample Linux
provider_version: v.1.0.0
– id: 5.2.14_Ensure_SSH_access_is_limited
run: false
expiration_date: 2023-07-01
run: false
begin_date_utc: “— 2020-12-01 08:25:57.571436000 Z\n”
expiration_date_utc: “— 2023-07-01 08:25:57.571522000 Z\n”
identifier: ticket_14500
reasoning: “Security waiver granted until expiration date”
Question 43: How is remediation enabled for a Chef Compliance control?
- In bulk, within the Habitat package’s config.yml file
- In bulk, within the InSpec benchmark code
- Per-control, within the Habitat package’s config.yml file
- Per-control, within the InSpec benchmark code
Question 44: Where are Chef Compliance profiles customized and turned into consumable packages?
- The Chef Habitat Workspace
- The Chef Habitat Studio
- The Chef Habitat Builder
- The Automate Compliance Dashboard
Question 45: What components comprise the Chef Compliance solution?
- Chef Premium Compliance Profiles
- Chef Audit
- Chef Remediation
- All of the above
Question 46: What open-source Chef tool is used to package Chef Compliance profiles and controls into consumable artifacts?
- Chef Workstation
- Chef InSpec
- Chef Habitat
- Chef Automate
Question 47: What language does Chef Compliance use to provide a common language for security stakeholders to collaborate?
- InSpector
- InSpec
- ServerSpec