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Artificial Intelligence Foundations Exam Answers – SkillUp

Question 1: True or False? Artificial Intelligence is “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,” as defined by computer scientist John McCarthy in 1956.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Alan Turing (1912-1954) is known as:

  • the one who popularized the term “machine learning.”
  • the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.
  • the father of machine perception.
  • the one who coined the term “artificial intelligence” in 1955.
  • the father of information theory which contributed to the development of modern AI.

Question 3: True or False? Machine Learning is a computer programmed to learn like a human, but faster.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: ____________ attempts to mimic the way the brain works and learns with multiple nodes between the input and the output with the program building connections between those nodes.

  • Cognitive Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Neural Network
  • Natural Language Processing

Question 1: True or False? Artificial Intelligence as we know it now—self-driving cars, phone apps, etc. is often called Artificial General Intelligence.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: True or False: Narrow Intelligence if the only type of AI to exist currently.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: ______________ is moving onto the realm of computers that operate in such a human manner that they have self-awareness.

  • Narrow AI
  • Artificial General Intelligence
  • Super AI
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 4: True or False: Artificial Super Intelligence is where machines go beyond human intelligence, including creativity, intelligence, memory, and ability.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Machines must have structures in place that allows them to acquire, build, and understand language. To do this, programs use operations like:

  • Text Analytics
  • Word Frequency
  • Stemming
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • All of the above

Question 2: ______________ is the process of pulling meaningful data from images and video to accomplish a given task.

  • Image analysis
  • Image classification
  • Equalization
  • Edge detection
  • Image index

Question 3: True or False: The core of bot programming is Natural Language Processing which can be automated through QandA cognitive services which creates a natural conversational layer over a custom knowledge base of information.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: Which of the following is a very robust QandA bot that is most often accessed by voice as a chatbot?

  • Siri
  • Cortana
  • Alexa
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 1: True or False: AI analytics is a component of business intelligence that uses software that mimics human behavior such as learning, reasoning, and analyzing.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT part of the acronym IRAC?

  • Issue
  • Rule
  • Application
  • Closing
  • None of the above

Question 3: Which of the following is NOT one of Satya Nadella’s Proposed Laws for AI?

  • AI must be designed to assist humanity
  • AI must be transparent
  • AI must be designed for intelligent privacy
  • AI must reflect human bias
  • None of the above

Question 4: In __________________ data is selected to support the desired outcome and data that runs counter to the ideal is purposely ignored.

  • Sampling Bias
  • Measurement Bias
  • Exclusion Bias
  • Prejudicial Bias
  • Confirmation Bias

Question 1: True or False: There are two types of Supervised learning: Classification and Regression.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: True or False: Classification can be of two types: Binary Classification and Multi-level Classification.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: __________________ is a hierarchical method of clustering. In this method, each data point is considered as a different group to start with and then based on the distance between each other they are aggregated progressively until they make one big cluster.

  • K-Means Clustering
  • Density-based Clustering
  • Agglomerative Clustering
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 4: In Density-based Clustering, the points along the perimeter are considered ______________.

  • eps
  • core points
  • border points
  • noise
  • outliers

Question 1: True or False: AI, in its current state, could be said to be computers or programs that attempt to mimic human intelligence through displays of reasoning, learning, analyzing, and problem solving.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Fill in the blank: ______________ is known as the “father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.”

  • Alan Turing
  • Arthur Samuel
  • Claude Shannon
  • Ray Solomonoff
  • Jerome Wiesner

Question 3: Fill in the blank: _______________ is the first industrial robot to replace a human on an assembly line at a GM automobile manufacturing plant in New Jersey.

  • Shakey
  • Deep Blue
  • Unimate

Question 4: Fill in the blank: _____________ analyze, visualize, and model large sets of data to build and implement new machine learning models to inform and guide industry decisions—whether that is in science, marketing, media, or law.

  • Data Scientists
  • None of the above
  • AI Robotics Engineers
  • Computer Vision Engineers
  • Machine Learning Engineers

Question 5: True or False: The development of Applied Artificial Intelligence, what we have now, could lead to the AI we dream of, termed Artificial General Intelligence.

  • True
  • False

Question 6: Which of the following is NOT true about Narrow Intelligence?

  • Narrow Intelligence is the only type of AI to exist currently.
  • “Personal assistants” like Siri and Cortana use Narrow Intelligence.
  • Narrow Intelligence machines are not only self-aware, but self-preserving.
  • Narrow Intelligence programs are the spam filters on your email inbox, facial recognition software, recommendations brought to you by Amazon, Netflix, Google Ads, etc.
  • Narrow Intelligence is designed for a specific task, running just as its programming prescribes, with no variance (unless re-programmed, updated, or additional data loaded).

Question 7: Fill in the blank: _____________ which is the automated process of understanding and classifying unstructured text.

  • Term Frequency
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Stemming
  • Text Analytics
  • Word Frequency

Question 8: Fill in the blank: _______________ is the analysis and classification of text that reveals subjective information like emotion and opinion about specific topics.

  • Term Frequency
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Stemming
  • Text Analytics
  • Word Frequency

Question 9: True or False: As image and video processing applications become more refined and widely used, concerns around accuracy, bias, and privacy abound. Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.

  • True
  • False

Question 10: Which one of the following is NOT one of the six ways to reduce bias?

  • Create guidelines for avoiding and eliminating biased data selection and document bias when it does occur so that it can be identified and mitigated.
  • Test and evaluate learning models before being placed in production.
  • Create a plan for selecting accurate and representative data. Review the nature of the data selection field in order to understand the best way to select clean data.
  • Keep the data selection process and data cleansing private. Making this process available for external review will cause biased data.
  • Identify potential data bias sources, selections, and risks. Eliminate or mitigate biased data.

Question 11: True or False: There is a tension between law and technology in part because technology evolves faster than law can keep up.

  • True
  • False

Question 12: AI in Healthcare is already being used to:

  • Perform surgery using robotics
  • Analyze charts, scans, tests, and medical histories
  • Predict, track, trace, and prevent viral outbreaks
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 13: True or False: Multi-class Classification is when the target you are trying to find can only be one of the two outcomes such as On/Off or Yes/No.

  • True
  • False

Question 14: Fill in the blank: ______________ is a hierarchical method of clustering where each data point is considered a different group to start with and then based on the distance between each other they are combined progressively until they make one big cluster.

  • Density Based Clustering
  • K-Means Clustering
  • Agglomerative Clustering
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 15: True or False: The dataset is split into training set and test set. The training set is used to train the model and the test set is used to check the accuracy of the predictions.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: SQL is short for,

  • Structured Questions Lists
  • Structured Query Lists
  • Structured Query Language
  • Structured Quests Language

Question 2: SQL is a relational database. (T/F)

  • True
  • False

Question 3: SQL is useful for which of the following technology areas. Select all that apply.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data visualization
  • Machine Learning
  • Business Intelligence

Question 1: Which of the following is NOT a SQL Database

  • Microsoft SQL
  • Oracle and RDB
  • DB2
  • Excel

Question 2: In what format is data structured in a SQL Database?

  • JSON Objects
  • Text files
  • XML
  • Tables

Question 3: A table can more than one Primary Key. T/F

  • True
  • False

Question 4: A Primary Key is defined as,

  • Values that uniquely identify each row in the table.
  • Values that identify a unique value
  • Used to identify a row in a table
  • Used to identify a column in a table
  • Constrains the ability to query a database

Question 5: A Foreign Key is defined as,

  • A foreign key links two databases together
  • A foreign key
  • A foreign key is a column or combination of columns that is used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables
  • A key that is located in the Parent Table

Question 6: One-to-one relationships between data,

  • have only one relationship to many databases.
  • have only one relationship to many tables.
  • have only one relationship to many records.
  • have only one record on either side of the relationship.

Question 7: Which of the following is a numeric data type.

  • HH:MM:SS – 23:59:30
  • 1,2,3,4…256
  • YYY-MM-DD – 2020-06-10
  • -2,147,483,648
  • March 15, 1909

Question 8: Which of the following are NoSQL databases.

  • Microsoft Access
  • MongoDB
  • Apache CouchDB
  • Excel
  • Fox Pro
  • CosmosDB
  • Amazon DynamoDB

Question 1: Which SQL Statement selects the correct database.

  • USE [database name]
  • SELECT [database name]
  • ORDER [database name]
  • USE and SELECT [database name]

Question 2: The key syntax for listing the results in descending order in an ORDER BY statement is?

  • ORDER BY Country, ASC
  • ORDER BY Country, DESC
  • ORDER BY DESC Country

Question 3: The AVG() function returns what value?

  • Average value in numeric column
  • Sum of the average value in a table
  • Average values in all columns
  • Average values in all tuples

Question 4: A _______ Join returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table.

  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Full Join

Question 5: In todays AI world, which development environment is most widely used?

  • Pandas
  • R
  • Python
  • C#

Question 1: Sequel is short for:

  • Systems Query Language
  • A continuing story
  • Structured Query Language
  • Structured Questions Language

Question 2: Which of the following are NOT a relational databases.

  • SQL Server and Access
  • Word
  • DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server
  • Oracle and RDB
  • PowerBi

Question 3: A _______ represents the name of the relation with its attributes.

  • Tuple
  • Relation Schema
  • Relation Key
  • Relation instance

Question 4: The word used to specify rules for the data in a table is?

  • Attributes
  • Tuples
  • Foreign Key
  • Contraints

Question 5: A single row in a table, which contains a single record is called a?

  • Foreign Key
  • Tuples
  • Primary Key
  • Cardinality

Question 6: A table typically has a column or combination of columns that contain values that uniquely identify each row in the table. These values are called?

  • Foreign Keys
  • Tuples
  • Primary Keys
  • Main Keys
  • Attributes

Question 7: A column or combination of columns that is used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables is called a?

  • Foreign Keys
  • Tuples
  • Primary Keys
  • Main Keys
  • Attributes

Question 8: In this table which column/columns would be consdiered the Primary Keys? Select the correct answer.

  • Column A
  • Column A and B
  • Column D
  • Column A and C
  • Column A and C

Question 9: When both tables have only one record on either side of the relationship, this is called a,

  • 1:1 relationship
  • 1:Many relationship
  • Many:Many relationship
  • 1:2 relationship

Question 10: Database relationships are?

  • Associations between tuples
  • Associations between columns
  • Associations between tables
  • Associations between constraints

Question 11: In MS SQL, the image above represents what type of relationship?

  • 1 to 1
  • Many to Many
  • 1 to Several
  • 1 to Many

Question 12: What is the SQL statement so obtain all of the columns from a table called VendorTable.

  • GET * FROM VendorTable;
  • SELECT * FROM VendorTable;
  • SELECT ALL FROM VendorTable;
  • OBTAIN * FROM VendorTable;

Question 13: The ORDER BY keyword is used to,

  • Order all results
  • Order results according to table name
  • Order results only from selected columns
  • Order results-sets in ascending or descending order

Question 14: How would you write the SQL statement to order in descending order?

  • ORDER BY column1, column2, DESC;
  • ORDER BY column1, column2;
  • ORDER BY column1, column2, ASC/DESC;
  • DESC ORDER BY column1, column2;

Question 15: To find the number of customers in each country, you could use which SQL statement?


Question 16: Using a table called “Products”, what data would be returned using the following SQL Statement, SELECT COUNT(ProductID) FROM Products;

  • The number up tuples in the table
  • The number of columns in the ProductID table
  • The sum of the number of records with a ProductID in the Products table
  • The number of records with a ProductID in the Products table

Question 17: A _____ Join returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table.

  • Right Join
  • Left Join
  • Inner Join
  • Full Join

Question 18: Using an INNER JOIN on Table A and B would produce which result?

  • Option 2

Question 19: The most common method for using Python is to combine Python with,

  • R
  • SQL
  • C#
  • Pandas

Question 20: Which of the following formats could Python use to access a dataset?

  • .csv
  • .elxs
  • .xml
  • HTML
  • All of the above

Question 1: Python allows users to do both,

  • Object Oriented programming and C#
  • Java and C++
  • Object Oriented programming and functional programming
  • Functional programming and Java

Question 2: In Python string data is referred to as what data type?

  • “str”
  • “string data”
  • “strg-data”
  • “strng”

Question 3: Select the line that shows how a list object looks in Python.

  • {1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”}
  • (1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”)
  • 1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”
  • [1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”]

Question 4: Select the line that shows how a set looks in Python.

  • [1,”two”,3.5,True]
  • {1,”two”,3.5,True}
  • 1,”two”,3.5,True
  • “1,”two”,3.5,True”

Question 5: In Python, Dict stands for,

  • Diction
  • Dictate
  • Direction
  • Dictionary

Question 1: Strings in Python are created by enclosing characters in,

  • Only single quotes
  • Square brackets
  • Double quotes or single quotes
  • Curly brackets

Question 2: A collection of diverse type of objects that are also immutable are called,

  • Tuples
  • String data
  • Lists
  • Functions

Question 3: Which of the following would NOT be considered an arithmetic operator?

  • +
  • *
  • /
  • These are all arithmetic operators

Question 4: Logical Operators are used to return either a,

  • Table
  • List and Tuple
  • True of False
  • Sting or list

Question 5: What are the two types of functions in Python?

  • User-defined Functions and object functions
  • Built-in Functions and List functions
  • Built-in Functions and dictionary functions
  • Built-in Functions and User-defined Functions

Question 1: Which of the following is NOT a type of algorithm

  • Searching
  • Sorting
  • Geometric
  • Algebraic
  • Graph

Question 2: An algorithm can be defined as,

  • A set of rules to obtain the expected output from a given input.
  • A set of rules to that helps to figure out problems.
  • A complex mathamatical formula
  • A set of rules to live by.

Question 3: Select all of the tpes of sorting algorithms. Select all that apply.

  • Linear
  • Bubble
  • Jump
  • Selection
  • Insertion
  • Regression
  • Graph
  • Quick
  • Merge

Question 4: A Graph Algorithm would be a good way to describe which of the following data requirements

  • Social networking
  • COVID-19 response
  • Twitter usage
  • All of the above

Question 1: A sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time is called a,

  • Memory sort
  • Bubble sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Merge sort

Question 2: Compare and swapping two elements like soap bubbles is called a,

  • Bubble sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Merge sort
  • Quick Sort

Question 3: A sort that makes use of Insertion sort and Merge sort is called a,

  • Quick sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Bubble sort
  • Timsort

Question 1: What are the two categories of searches?

  • Insertion and Sorting
  • Interval and Merge search
  • Sequential and Interval Seraches
  • Sequential and Bubble Searches

Question 2: For an interval search to be the most effective, the data needs to be,

  • merged before searching
  • sequenced before searching
  • sequenced before sorting
  • sorted before searching

Question 3: A search where every element in a list is checked until the requested search item is found is called a,

  • Merge search
  • Sequential search
  • Bubble search
  • Sorted search

Question 1: Select all of the reasons Python is one of the most popular languages.

  • Flexibility
  • Easy to use
  • Full-stack
  • Pre-Built Models and Libraries
  • Easy to understand
  • Simple to connect to databases

Question 2: Data type that returns either True or False is called,

  • String data type
  • Boolean data type
  • Numeric data type
  • Tuple data type

Question 3: With Python, the code “TableA” would return what value type?

  • Any
  • a sorted value
  • a boolean type
  • all of the above

Question 4:  The following Python code is an example of what type of operation?

  • Boolean operation
  • Tuple operation
  • Sorting operation
  • String operations

Question 5:  The following Python code for lists would produce what output?

  • 1,2,4,4,5,6,7
  • list
  • one,two,three
  • my_list

Question 6:  The following Python code for lists would produce what output?

  • ‘one’
  • 1
  • 2
  • {“two”}

Question 7: The elif statement, short for,

  • elist
  • elipseif
  • else if
  • if else

Question 8: A Python operation that happens repetitively is called a,

  • ifelse
  • boolean loop
  • tuple string
  • for loop

Question 9: For an interval search to be the most effective, the data needs to be,

  • booleaned
  • sorted
  • searched
  • listed

Question 10: Combinatorial computational geometry is used extensively in which type of construction.

  • pyramid construction
  • spacecraft construction
  • marine construction
  • All of the above

Question 1: Cognos is a business intelligence performance management tool for IBM that allows technical and non-technical employees in any company to,

  • write code in any language
  • create interactive dashboards
  • write AI code
  • create charts and graphs

Question 2: Cognos can only accept data from which company ,

  • Microsoft
  • Oracle
  • NCR Teradata
  • SAP
  • All of the above

Question 3: Select all of the advantages of Cognos.

  • It’s free
  • Data exploration
  • Data sharing
  • Does not require coding
  • Data prparation

Question 1: A simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers is calles what?

  • Median
  • Mode
  • Average
  • Mean

Question 2: The middle number in a data set is called the,

  • Median
  • Mode
  • Average
  • Mean

Question 3: A collection of information that is divided into groups is called,

  • Categorical Data
  • Quantitative data
  • Median data
  • Counted data

Question 4: Determinung the strengths of the relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable you would use,

  • Python code
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Linear Regression
  • SPSS

Question 5: Which of the following are considered Business Intelligence Tools?

  • Tableau
  • Visio
  • Power BI
  • SPSS
  • Excel

Question 1: What are the advantages of IBM Cognos?

  • Data Preparation
  • Data Sharing
  • Does not require coding
  • Data Exploration

Question 2: A statistical measure that determines the middle value of a dataset listed in ascending order is called

  • Mean
  • Mode
  • Median
  • Standard Deviation

Question 3: Categorical data are measures of values or counts and are expressed as numbers, both whole numbers and numbers with decimals.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: Which of the following are the examples of Categorical Data?

  • gender
  • a jar of coffee beans
  • seasons
  • Proficiency level             

Question 5: Probability is used extensively in AI to develop machine learning models which will predict the outcome based on probability.

  • False
  • True

Question 6: What does the above graph represent?

  • Positive Correlation
  • Negative Correlation
  • No Correlation

Question 7: Two Statistically Dependent random variables X and Y are said to be negatively dependent if the inequalities are reversed

  • True
  • False

Question 8: Which of the following are Statistical Analysis tools?

  • SPSS
  • Visio
  • Axure
  • Tableau

Question 9: 48.24, 87.04, 34.98, 25.61, 90.08

Calculate the mean of the following (upto 2 decimal places)

  • 57.19

Question 10: 10.97, 12.34, 23.32, 23.12, 16.96, 23.46, 21.21, 16.39

Calculate the standard deviation of the following (upto 2 decimal places)

  • 4.71

Question 1: True or False? Data visualization is the communication of data in a visual manner.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a principle of data visualization put forth by Edward Tufte?

  • make large data sets coherent
  • encourage the eye to compare different pieces of data
  • present the data in a way that reflects your assumptions
  • reveal the data at several levels of detail, from a broad overview to the fine structure
  • serve a reasonably clear purpose: description, exploration, tabulation or decoration

Question 3: True or False? Visualization dashboards help you link your data with the rendering code you created to build your visualizations.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: True or false? The three popular dashboard tools mentioned in this course are free.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: True or False? Basic visualization tools can help you build the most commonly used types of charts, graphs, and plots.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: True or False: Microsoft Power BI users can only use the chart types available in the tool.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: True or False? There are specialized tools available to build map visualizations.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: Which of the following is NOT a map type available in geoplotlib?

  • Heatmap
  • Scatter plot
  • Spatial graph
  • Delaunay triangulation
  • GeoJSON

Question 1: True or False? Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: True or False? Labels for chart axis are optional.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: Which of the following statements about Folium is NOT true?

  • Folium is a powerful subscription-based Python library that helps you create several types of Leaflet maps.
  • Folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the Leaflet.js library.
  • Folium enables both the binding of data to a map for choropleth visualizations as well as passing Vincent/Vega visualizations as markers on the map.
  • The Folium library has a number of built-in tilesets from OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Stamen, and supports custom tilesets with Mapbox or Cloudmade API keys.
  • Folium supports both GeoJSON and TopoJSON overlays, as well as the binding of data to those overlays to create choropleth maps with color-brewer color schemes.

Question 4: True or false? pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: True or False: When using data visualization tools, it is important to have the chart represent your original hypothesis.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Dashboards allow you to develop visualizations with ease. Which is the following is a popular visualization dashboard?

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 3: True or False: In his 1983 book The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward Tufte writes: “Excellence in statistical graphics consists of complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision and efficiency.”

  • True
  • False

Question 4: Which of the following statements about Tableau Desktop is NOT correct:

  • It includes live visual analytics
  • It includes an interactive dashboard
  • You can connect data on-premises or in the cloud
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Question 5: True or False: Microsoft Power BI users have the ability to visit the Microsoft AppSource where a growing list of Power BI visuals are available to use in your own dashboards and reports.

  • True
  • False

Question 6: Which of the following is NOT a category of visualizations offered by Qlik in Qlik Sense and QlikView?

  • Composition charts
  • Distribution charts
  • Relationship charts
  • Family charts
  • Comparison charts

Question 7: True or False: Jupyter Notebook is a subscription-based web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

  • True
  • False

Question 8: Fill in the blank: A ________________ is designed to reveal trends or changes that occur over time. It is best used when you have a continuous data set, versus one that starts and stops

  • Line chart
  • Map graph
  • Bar chart
  • Column graph
  • Pie chart

Question 9: When using the pandas groupby method to summarize data, the general process of group by involves three steps. Which one of the following is NOT one of those three steps?

  • Split
  • Apply
  • Group
  • Combine
  • None of the above

Question 10: True or False: Folium was developed for the sole purpose of visualizing geospatial data.

  • True
  • False

Question 1: Artificial Intelligence can be defined as,

  • The science and engineering of making intelligent machines
  • Smart code
  • Computer science of intelligent machines
  • Problem solving code

Question 2: “A computer programmed to learn like a human, but faster. It can process pre-programmed information as well as take in new information, independently interpret it, then make decisions, and take action accordingly.” This is a definition of?

  • Deep Learning
  • AI
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Computer Science

Question 3: Systems that attempt to mimic the way the brain works are also referred to as,?

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Langiuage
  • Intelligent Machines
  • Neural Networks

Question 4: Personal assistants such as Siri and Cortana are considered to be examples of,

  • General Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Narrow Intelligence
  • Deep Learning

Question 5: What are the two types of Macine Learning

  • Deep Learning and Narrow Learning
  • Edge and Corner Detection Learning
  • General and non-general Learning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Question 6: Multi-Class Classification is defined as,

  • Where the outcome can be one of three or more options.
  • Were we predict a continuous value which is a number.
  • When the target you are trying to find can only be one of the two (bi – two) outcomes.
  • What the code will look like but is not the actual code.

Question 7: AI applications need to utilize relational databases in order to,

  • Managing very large volumes of data from all over the world.
  • Process data in intelligent ways.
  • Forcing companies to carefully plan their scalability and apply more intelligence than ever before.
  • All of the above

Question 8: SQL stands for,

  • Structured Question Learning
  • Sequential Query Language
  • Structured Query Language
  • Systems Query Language

Question 9: A Table has what two main properties?

  • Degrees and Data
  • Data and Tuples
  • Primary and foreign keys
  • Rows and Columns

Question 10: Which of the following is a “key constraint?”

  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Person Keys
  • Tuples
  • Both A and B
  • Both B and D

Question 11: The SELECT statement is used to,

  • Select data from a database and the data that is returned is stored in a result table.
  • Order data alphanurmerically
  • Select only specific tuples
  • Select tuples in descending or ascending order.

Question 12: A collection of software code (also known as a software library) written for Python and used for data manipulation and analysis is also called,

  • Python
  • JSON
  • DBMS
  • Pandas

Question 13: “I am learning Python!” is an example of what data types?

  • int
  • string
  • Boolean
  • float

Question 14: In Python, [1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”] is an example of a,

  • Tuple
  • Primary Key
  • List
  • Set

Question 15: Dict stands for?

  • Dictation
  • Direction
  • Mutiple dictionaries
  • Dictionary

Question 16: A collection of heterogenous objects is called,

  • Tuples
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • ints

Question 17: The length of a tuple is,

  • Always changing
  • Set by variable
  • Whatever it is at the time of creation
  • Varies according to code

Question 18: A collection of diverse type of objects is called a,

  • Tuple
  • List
  • Dict
  • Set

Question 19: A simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers is called a,

  • Mode
  • Mean
  • Medium
  • Tuple

Question 20: In this data set, what is the Mode?

The dataset is 19,4,33,2,51,32,2,41,18,2,4,1

  • 19
  • 4
  • 2
  • 33

Question 21: What is the Mean of the following dataset?

The dataset is 3,5,3,9,12,30

  • 10.33
  • 11
  • 12.32
  • 15

Question 22: What is the probability of rolling a 4 with a die?

  • 1/4
  • 1/2
  • 1/6
  • 1/12

Question 23: I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter is an example of

  • Nominal data
  • Ordinal data
  • Tuple
  • Quantitative data

Question 24: A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strengths of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of the other changing variable (Known as the independent variable) is called?

  • Regression
  • Linear Regression
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Java Regression

Question 25: Which of the following tools is best to use for visualizing geographical data?

  • Excel
  • geoplotlib
  • Mathlib
  • Cognos

Question 26: A chart that represents a whole unit, divided into categories is called a,

  • Gantt chart
  • Bar chart
  • Line chart
  • Pie chart

Question 27: Charts that have openings in the middle that are for aesthetic purposes or for layering are called?

  • Map Graphs
  • Ring Plots
  • Pie Charts
  • Column

Question 28: When building a map that shows population density or per-capita income you would build a,

  • Choropleth map
  • Stamen Watercolor map
  • Map graph
  • Folium Map

Question 29: A comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python is called,

  • Folium map
  • Tableau
  • Matplotlib
  • pandas

Question 30: Which of the following statements about Folium is NOT true?

  • Folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the Leaflet.js library.
  • Folium enables both the binding of data to a map for choropleth visualizations as well as passing Vincent/Vega visualizations as markers on the map.
  • Folium is a powerful subscription-based Python library that helps you create several types of Leaflet maps.
  • The Folium library has a number of built-in tilesets from OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Stamen, and supports custom tilesets with Mapbox or Cloudmade API keys.
  • Folium supports both GeoJSON and TopoJSON overlays, as well as the binding of data to those overlays to create choropleth maps with color-brewer color schemes.

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