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Microsoft Search Advertising Certification Exam Answers

  • The campaign target is prioritized.
  • The ad group target is prioritized.
  • No targeting will be applied due to the conflict.
  • The effect will be cumulative.
  • Offline conversions
  • App installs
  • Universal event tracking custom event goal
  • Universal event tracking destination URL conversion
  • True
  • False
  • For Microsoft Audience Network campaigns.
  • For search campaigns.
  • Without a Microsoft Merchant Center Store.
  • Without customizing your standard universal event tracking tag.
  • True
  • False
  • Increase her bids
  • Rename her campaigns and ad groups
  • Improve the click-through rate by improving her ad copy
  • Improve her ad relevance
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • Number of impressions ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • Number of clicks  ÷ Number of impressions as a %
  • Number of conversions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Individual
  • Shared
  • Limited
  • Multiple
  • Location target
  • Negative keywords match type
  • Ad title
  • Sitelink extensions
  • Audience targeting
  • Remarketing audiences
  • Conversion tracking
  • Dynamic search ads
  • Modifier match
  • Exact match
  • Broad match
  • Phrase match
  • Expanded Type Ad
  • Expanded Text Ad
  • Exact Text Ad
  • Exact Type Ad
  • Maximize conversions
  • Target cost per action
  • Target impression share
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • True
  • False
  • Callout ad extensions provide an extra non-clickable snippet of text that highlights your website’s products or offers.
  • Callout ad extensions lit multiple categories of products or features with unique clickable link to each of these offerings.
  • Callout ad extensions highlight deals for holidays and other special occasions.
  • Callout ad extensions provide a call-to-action button in your text ad.
  • 4 headlines
  • 10 headlines
  • 15 headlines
  • 20 headlines
  • True
  • False
  • Ad relevance
  • Landing page experience
  • Bid
  • Expected click-through rate
  • Have past buyers automatically added
  • Require customized universal event tracking set up correctly for that product.
  • Refresh within minutes.
  • Ensure ads for that product are shown again to the buyer.
  • 10 lists
  • 5 lists
  • 3 lists
  • 1 list
  • Structured snippets
  • Text ads
  • Automated rules
  • Labels
  • You ensure that the file is closed.
  • The file data columns can be in any order.
  • Files formatted in .MUMBERS or .GSHEET are acceptable
  • Excel or .csv files formats are acceptable.
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target cost per action
  • Maximum conversions
  • Enhanced cost per click
  • Performance report
  • Targeting Report
  • Asset Report
  • Advanced Insights report
  • Number of conversions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Number of impressions ÷ Number of clicks as a %
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of conversions as a %
  • Number of clicks ÷ Number of impressions as a %
  • Connect with customers who have visited your website before.
  • Create additional opportunities to re-engage with customers who have abandoned their shopping cart.
  • Create a higher cost per acquisitions compared to the same ads without remarketing in paid search
  • Upsell or cross-sell to previous buyers.
  • 24 hours after implementation
  • 1 to 7 days after implementation
  • 7 to 14 days after implementation
  • 15 to 30 days after implementation
  • True
  • False
  • Individual
  • Shared
  • Debit card
  • Check
  • PayPal
  • Credit card
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • The number of times an ad has not been displayed on the search engine results page.
  • The number of times an ad is clicked.
  • The number of times a query is submitted.
  • The number of times an ad has been displayed on the search engine result page
  • Modifier match
  • Exact match
  • Broad match
  • Phrase match
  • A query
  • A click
  • A keyword
  • An impression
  • True
  • False
  • It works as a ‘key’ that can unlock powerful Microsoft Advertising features.
  • UET is a piece of JavaScript code.
  • You need to have 1 UET tag for conversion tracking, and a different UET tag for remarketing.
  • The UET tag records customer behavior on your website to spend to Microsoft Advertising.
  • Share of Voice report
  • Search Term report
  • Billing Statement report
  • Negative Keyword conflict report
  • Audience targeting
  • Broad match
  • Dynamic Keyword insertion
  • Negative keyword
  • Ad group level
  • Account level
  • Keyword level
  • Campaign level
  • True
  • False
  • You can use your own first-party data.
  • You can reach curated audiences more likely to covert in your category.
  • You must have universal event tracking implemented.
  • You can create an ad group that will only serve to that audience
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Billing Statement report
  • Search Term report
  • Negative keyword conflict report
  • Share of Voice report.
  • When all accounts and/or campaigns have been downloaded.
  • When you post your changes.
  • In real time as you make changes.
  • Each time you complete an edit.
  • Bid only
  • Target and bid
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension in to the Chrome browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension in to the Safari browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension in to the Edge browser.
  • Adding the UET Tag Helper browser extension in to the Opera browser.
  • Using Dimensions, Network
  • Using Segment, Top vs other
  • Using Segment, Network
  • Using Dimensions, Tip vs other
  • UET is recommended
  • UET is only available in the US market
  • UET is not possible
  • UET is mandatory
  • No transparency into the sites where his ads are serving.
  • Only the performance on
  • Only the performance on owned and operated (O&O) sites.
  • Full transparency into every site where his ads are serving.
  • Search engine results page
  • Search engine references prioritized
  • Search engine reference page
  • Search engine results prioritized
  • Expanded text ads
  • Product ads
  • Responsive search ads
  • Ad customizers
  • To fine tune your auto targets and ad copy.
  • To prevent the labeling and targeting of specific URLs.
  • To leverage static headlines.
  • To improve your page freshness.
  • When a customer adds a product to a shopping cart.
  • When a customer search for a product.
  • When a customer purchases a product.
  • When a customer views a product.
  • Ad group level
  • Campaign level
  • Account level
  • Keyword level
  • Billing Statement report
  • Negative keyword conflict report
  • Search Term report
  • Share of Voice report
  • Product ads
  • Ad customizers
  • Responsive search ads
  • Expanded text ads

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