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SEMrush SEO Fundamentals Certification Exam Quiz Answers

SEMrush SEO Fundamentals Certification Answers

  • Over 1000
  • Over 20
  • Over 100
  • Over 2000
  • Over 200
  • Personally Listed Ads
  • Product Listing Ads  
  • Popular Links Analysis
  • Subdomain
  • Slug  
  • TLD
  • Protocol
  • False  
  • True
  • A site map intended for users, similar to a table of contents
  • A file that is uploaded from Search Console to the root directory of a website to confirm the rights to this website
  • A file with a list of a website’s URLs to be indexed   
  • 301 is used for a temporary page redirection, 302 for a permanent redirection
  • 301 is used for a page redirection block, 302 for a permanent redirection
  • 301 is used for a permanent page redirection, 302 for a temporary redirection 
  • 301 is used for a temporary page redirection, 302 for a redirection block
  • True
  • False 
  • Plusses
  • Dots
  • Hyphens
  • Colons
  • TripAdvisor, Foursquare
  • Google, Facebook
  • TripAdvisor, Facebook
  • Google, Yelp 
  • 302 code
  • 404 code
  • 503 code 
  • 200 code
  • Those with higher volume and lower competition
  • Those with higher volume and higher competition  
  • Those with lower volume and lower competition
  • Those with lower volume and higher competition
  • Links from PBNs
  • High authority of the linking domain  
  • Relevant keywords in the anchor text  
  • A link with a ‘nofollow’ attribute in the comment section of a blog post
  • Dynamic serving
  • Separate domain
  • Responsive design  
  • Agile Main Page
  • Advanced Mobile Performance
  • Artificial Mobile Presentation
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages  
  •, Microdata markup
  • Microdata markup, JSON-LD  
  • JSON-LD, Microdata markup
  • Microdata markup,
  •, JSON-LD
  • There is no difference
  • To ensure better user experience, you should have less content on your mobile website
  • Nofollow backlinks count when it comes to mobile SEO
  • More focus is made on local results  
  • Making sure your content is easily readable 
  • Adjusting your page elements to make them easy to click with fingertips  
  • Using a dynamic serving website to make it mobile-friendly
  • Making your content shorter so users can explore your site faster
  • Making sure your phone number is clickable  
  • You use the country’s ccTLD  A
  • You use the “.com,” “.net,” or “.org” TLD
  • A subfolder of your website contains the country’s name
  • You use the country’s language in your hreflang directive in the header  
  • Mentions of your business name, address, and phone number 
  • Total number of backlinks from trusted websites
  • Links from local websites 
  • Localized site content 
  • Follow/nofollow backlink property
  • You use the country’s ccTLD
  • You use the “.com,” “.net,” or “.org” TLD 
  • A subfolder of your website contains the country’s name 
  • You use the country’s language in your hreflang directive in the header

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