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Google Ads Search Certification

Google Ads Search, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to create and run ads that appear on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and other Google properties. These ads are primarily text-based and are displayed to users when they perform relevant searches using specific keywords.

Here’s a brief overview of how Google Ads Search works:

  1. Keyword Selection: Advertisers choose relevant keywords that they believe potential customers will use when searching for products or services. These keywords are crucial as they determine when and where the ads will appear.
  2. Ad Creation: Advertisers create compelling text ads that include headlines, descriptions, and display URLs. The goal is to attract clicks and provide users with valuable information about the product or service.
  3. Bid and Budget Management: Advertisers set bids for their chosen keywords, indicating the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a click on their ad. They also set daily or campaign budgets to control overall spending.
  4. Ad Auction: When a user performs a search using one of the selected keywords, Google runs an auction to determine which ads will be displayed. The auction considers factors like bid amount, ad relevance, and expected click-through rate (CTR).
  5. Ad Placement: The winning ads from the auction are displayed on the search results page. Ad placement is based on a combination of bid amount and ad quality score, which is determined by Google based on relevance and historical performance.
  6. Cost Per Click (CPC): Advertisers are charged when users click on their ads. The actual cost per click is influenced by the bid amount, ad quality, and competition in the auction.
  7. Performance Tracking: Advertisers can track the performance of their campaigns using Google Ads’ analytics tools. They can monitor metrics such as clicks, impressions, click-through rate, and conversion data.
  8. Optimization: Based on performance data, advertisers can make adjustments to their campaigns, such as refining keywords, updating ad creatives, or adjusting bid amounts, to improve overall effectiveness and return on investment (ROI).

Google Ads Search is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach potential customers at the moment they are actively searching for products or services online. It provides a flexible and scalable advertising solution with a pay-per-click (PPC) model, allowing advertisers to control costs and target specific audiences.

Google Ads Search Exam Quiz Answers:

  • True
  • False
  • Changes in auction dynamics
  • Changes in tracked conversions
  • Renaming campaigns
  • Shifts in spend mix
  • Google Ads creates them based on existing ad copy, landing pages, and extensions
  • Google Ads creates them based on existing high performing ad copy
  • Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and description lines that have been provided
  • Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and URLs that have been provided
  • One or two
  • Only one
  • Three to five
  • Two to three
  • Description, path fields, and headline
  • Description, path fields, and URL
  • Headline, description, and path fields
  • Headline, description, and URL
  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Ad group
  • Ad
  • Appear as a text ad, a video ad, or a banner ad on one of Google’s partner sites
  • Influence organic results
  • Reach people on that might be interested in your brand, regardless of what they’re searching for
  • Show your ads when a customer is searching for your product or service
  • All of these are automatically generated
  • Description line
  • Destination URL
  • Headline
  • Someone searching for the term I want to buy a black shirt
  • Someone searching for the term black button shirt
  • Someone searching for the term shirt
  • Someone searching for the term shirt brown
  • These ads drive engagement, app installs, and in-app purchases. They appear across the Google Search and Display Networks, as well as on Google Play and YouTube
  • These ads promote your products by giving users detailed information about what you’re selling. They appear on Google Shopping and next to search results
  • These ads show up next to Google search results and on other Google partner sites, like YouTube, when people search for products or services you offer
  • These ads appear on their own or within other streaming video content on YouTube and across the Google Display Network

Universal App (1)

Search (3)

Video (4)

Shopping (2)

  • By building awareness of your brand
  • By driving online, in-app, in-person, and over-the-phone sales
  • By influencing consideration of your products and services
  • All of the above
  • Conversions
  • Revenue
  • Traffic
  • Visibility

Target ROAS (2)

Target CPA (1)

Target impression share (4)

Maximize clicks (3)

  • User ID-based bidding
  • Impression share-based bidding
  • Daily budget pacing
  • Auction-time bidding
  • You operate many retail stores and want potential customers to see the distance from their location to your stores
  • You’re interested in directing people to specific pages on your website
  • You’re focused on driving phone calls to your business
  • You want to describe the features of a specific product your business offers before customers click on the ad

Call extension (3)

Structured snippets (4)

Sitelink extension (2)

Location extension (1)

  • Message, callout, and structured snippets
  • Promotion, callout, and sitelink extensions
  • Sitelink, callout, and structured snippets
  • Sitelink, location, and call extensions
  • The cost-per-click on ad extensions is lower than on a search ad headline
  • They guarantee higher engagement for advertisers
  • They increase ad quality and drive lower conversion costs
  • They increase engagement and influence ad quality
  • Customer Match allows you to reach people who have been to your website
  • Customer Match allows you to reach people who haven’t been to your website yet
  • Customer Match relies on your own data instead of a remarketing tag
  • It wouldn’t be a good fit. You have to tag your website to use Customer Match
  • True
  • False
  • Headline length
  • Keywords
  • Networks
  • All of the above
  • Expected clickthrough rate, ad formats, and ad relevance
  • Expected clickthrough rate, landing page experience, and ad relevance
  • Expected clickthrough rate, max CPC bid, and landing page experience
  • Max CPC bid, landing page experience, and ad relevance
  • Easy to navigate
  • High amount of user traffic
  • Relevant and original content
  • Transparency about your business

Google Ads Search Final Exam Quiz Answers:

  • Posting transparency statements on the website.
  • Selecting only relevant languages in campaign setup.
  • Selecting distinct geographic areas.
  • Rewriting the landing page for clarity.
  • Changing the ad’s call-to-action statement.
  • Because user intent and the likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business don’t change according to location, time, or device
  • Because the customer journey has become more complex and bids should therefore be based on general user behavior.
  • Because the right bid can often be a hard-to-reach static target
  • Because not bidding efficiently can make you miss valuable conversions
  • Maximize conversion value with target ROAS
  • Manual CPC
  • Maximize conversion value
  • Target impression share
  • Google AI lets Ad Rank prioritizes either anticipated clickthrough rate or ad relevance.
  • Google AI is so effective that marketers don’t even need to invest in high-quality image assets to maximize their impact.
  • Google AI lets broad match and Smart Bidding connect ads to queries and make adjustments to bids in real time.
  • Google AI lets Smart Bidding anticipate which queries will have the highest volume and it sets bids automatically in response.
  • Reviewing recommendations and making adjustments under campaign settings
  • Reviewing and applying individual recommendations within each of the categories
  • Using “Apply all” to implement every recommendation with one click
  • Reviewing and applying individual recommendations in your Keyword report
  • Opting in to apply particular recommendations automatically
  • Target return on ad spend (tROAS)
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target impression share
  • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
  • Performance Planner integrates with other budgeting software, such as QuickBooks.
  • Performance Planner leverages machine learning for forecasting.
  • Performance Planner will help you identify funds from other operational budgets to allocate to marketing.
  • Performance Planner forecasting is powered by billions of Google searches conducted each week.
  • By giving advertisers control over the number of specific actions their spend will return.
  • By giving advertisers control over which competitors they place ads against in auctions.
  • By giving advertisers control over the maximum they spend per month.
  • By giving advertisers control over the next highest bid allowed in auctions they enter.
  • There’s a limit of three enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • There’s no limit of enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • There’s a limit of six enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • There’s a limit of five enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to Headline position 1, Headline position 2, and Description position 1.
  • Google Ads guarantees phone calls to your business.
  • Google Ads allows you to cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.
  • Google Ads offers separate auctions for low budgets.
  • Google Ads gives you control over your budget.
  • Increasing the trustworthiness of the website.
  • Reducing the bid rate on the ad.
  • Changing the call-to-action message of the ad.
  • Modifying the ad’s landing page to load faster.
  • replace home furnace
  • homes for sale
  • new homes for sale
  • house furnace replacement
  • Google AI is used by Responsive Search Ads to provide recommendations for optimizing marketers’ websites.
  • Google AI understands nuance in human language and connects marketers with people searching for what they offer.
  • Google AI is used by Smart Bidding to predict the value of each query for the coming quarter, enabling marketers to plan their spend.
  • Google AI defines business goals for marketers based on their offline conversion data.
  • Expanded text ads
  • Dynamic Search Ads
  • Performance Max
  • Responsive search ads
  • Have more people view his website.
  • Encourage customers to purchase electric cars.
  • Promote videos that speak to the business mission.
  • Increase email list sign-ups from potential customers.
  • They automatically generate headlines based on advertisers’ websites.
  • They help save time so marketers can reinvest in their most important priorities.
  • They help advertisers reach the right user, at the right price, with relevant ads.
  • They remove the need for marketers to optimize Search campaigns.
  • Different campaign types have different minimum and maximum budget requirements.
  • Certain campaign types will only serve ads during particular times of the day and week.
  • Google Ads will automatically create ad messaging based on the campaign type she chooses.
  • The campaign type chosen will determine where her ads appear and the format of those ads.
  • By relying on customer feedback for optimal ad placement
  • By maximizing the number of conversions for a spend scenario
  • By choosing ad types that your target demographic finds most appealing
  • By providing a discount on all ads after purchasing a license
  • The campaign is performing 25% under budget.
  • The campaign is performing better than 75% of all search campaigns.
  • The campaign needs a 75% improvement to be fully optimized.
  • The campaign could improve up to 25% by following the listed recommendations.
  • Consent mode
  • Enhanced conversions
  • Smart Bidding
  • Global site-wide tagging
  • Broad match
  • Automated bidding sets minimum and maximum bid values according to the daily budget
  • Automated bidding sets the appropriate bid for each and every auction.
  • Automated bidding integrates a large variety of signals to evaluate user intent
  • Automated bidding sets manual bids for specific times of the day
  • Automated bidding sets time and marketing resources
  • Ad Rank affects ad quality at auction time.
  • Ad landing page experience affects ad quality at auction time.
  • Expected clickthrough rate affects ad quality at auction time.
  • Bidding strategy affects ad quality at auction time.
  • Ad relevance affects ad quality at auction time.
  • You can find it in the performance strategy planner.
  • You can find it in the bidding keyword report.
  • You can find it in the auction analysis.
  • You can find it in the bid strategy report.
  • Promotional callouts
  • Dynamic callouts
  • Dynamic sitelinks
  • Call asset
  • To give users an idea of the content they’ll see upon clicking the ad
  • To match an appropriate landing page with the search term that triggered the ad
  • To give users more options over which landing page they want to navigate to
  • To allow the Google Ads system to anticipate what content is present on the landing page
  • Search
  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Video
  • Discovery
  • Target return on ad spend (tROAS)
  • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize clicks
  • Less click fraud will help you test those combinations.
  • Lower eCTR will help you test those combinations.
  • Longer funnels will help you test those combinations.
  • More relevance will help you test those combinations.
  • Greater flexibility will help you test those combinations.
  • Stay focused on certain keywords
  • Receive information on general trends
  • Apply recommendations across multiple layers of his advertising strategy
  • Make use of the expanded daily update frequency
  • Brand awareness and reach
  • Website traffic
  • Leads
  • Product and brand consideration
  • Budget type
  • Budget
  • Device type
  • Web browser
  • Location
  • The settings of comparable campaigns are cross-referenced with higher optimization scores.
  • Google AI is used to forecast how conversions will be increased as a result of recommendations.
  • Trusted, third-party tools are leveraged to analyze and optimize campaigns.
  • Every rcommendation shows how it affects optimization score as a percentage.
  • An investment of $28,000 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $20.
  • An investment of $21,000 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $15.
  • An investment of $40,000 to generate 2,000 conversions and a CPA of $20.
  • An investment of $30,000 to generate 1,500 conversions and a CPA of $20.
  • Broad match with Smart Bidding uses your budget to determine which auctions to compete in so you’re only competing in the right auctions, at the right bid, for the right user.
  • Broad match with Smart Bidding helps make sure that you’re only competing in the right auctions, at the right bid, for the right user. It achieves this by picking up on contextual signals present at auction time
  • Broad match with Smart Bidding uses your landing pages to determine which auctions to compete in so you’re only competing in the right auctions, at the right bid, for the right user.
  • Broad match with Smart Bidding uses your ad group name to determine which auctions to compete in so you’re only competing in the right auctions, at the right bid, for the right user.
  • Account executives
  • User generated scenarios
  • Industry data
  • Account settings
  • Company sales figures
  • You’ll be automatically opting into Smart Bidding.
  • You’ll see better campaign performance
  • You’ll be implementing best practices routinely to your Google Ads accounts.
  • You’ll be implementing responsive search ads automatically
  • You’ll be able to opt in without a budget increase
  • By displaying Alex’s ad on a website that reviews motorcycle helmets.
  • By showing his ad to people searching for related information about helmets.
  • By including his ad on similar motorcycle accessory store websites.
  • By linking to Alex’s ad from related social-media groups.
  • Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Select Publish campaign. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
  • Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Select Publish campaign.
  • In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Select Publish campaign. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
  • Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Select Publish campaign. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
  • Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines. Select Publish campaign.
  • Using Google Ads’ Keyword Match Types feature in order to see how your broad match keywords are being matched.
  • Implementing broad match keywords and setting up a One-Click Experiment Apply. This automatically will generate an experiment that follows all experiment best practices.
  • Using Google Ads’ Conversion Tracking features to let you track the number of conversions that are created through your broad match keywords.
  • Using the Keyword Planner to find new keywords relevant to your target audience and business.
  • By speeding up implementation for enhancements to campaigns
  • By documenting campaign budget for marketing teams
  • By using Google AI to plan campaigns without the need for input
  • By determining which campaigns to prioritize for improvements
  • Attractive imagery
  • Information based on their moment
  • Product and service comparisons
  • Relevant information
  • Ad Rank, which is based on a variety of factors to show useful ads.
  • Ad quality, which is based on ad and website relevance.
  • Bids, which is how much marketers will pay for a click.
  • Asset impact, which includes sitelinks and image assets.
  • Improving the navigability of the landing page.
  • Removing an asset from the ad.
  • Increasing the bid amount of the ad.
  • Determining the location of users.
  • Ad relevance
  • Conversion rate
  • Ad dimensions
  • Bid amount
  • Ad landing page experience
  • By relying on manual bidding for queries that marketers believe will drive the most value
  • By lowering paid-search budgets and reinvesting in high-quality image assets
  • By using exact match keywords as a means of helping AI-powered Search reach particular audiences
  • By utilizing broad match, Smart Bidding, and Responsive Search Ads together
  • Monitoring Quality Score
  • Using cross-device reporting
  • Being mindful of negative keyword targeting
  • Using responsive search ads
  • Using contextual signals
  • If the search terms have the same meaning as the keyword, their ad will appear.
  • If the search terms are related to the keyword, their ad will appear.
  • If the search terms include the keyword’s meaning, their ad will appear.
  • If the search terms contain all three of the exact keywords, their ad will appear.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that utilizes machine learning to deliver the highest impressions possible.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that utilizes machine learning to drive the highest conversion value possible by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that utilizes machine learning to deliver the highest possible click-through rate.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that utilizes machine learning to deliver the highest target impression share possible.
  • Smart Bidding
  • Interests
  • Device
  • Language
  • Geographic
  • Broad match will attract search traffic for product name queries only.
  • Exact match will attract search traffic for product name queries only.
  • Phrase match will attract search traffic for product name queries only.
  • Keyword targeting will attract search traffic for product name queries only.
  • Performance strategy planner
  • Auction analysis
  • Bidding keyword report
  • Bid strategy report
  • Performance Planner relies on machine learning for forecasting purposes.
  • Performance Planner can help you locate funds from other operational budgets so they can be allotted to marketing.
  • Performance Planner forecasting is driven by billions of Google searches conducted every week.
  • Performance Planner can integrate with additional budgeting software like QuickBooks.
  • Bidding strategy
  • Ad relevance
  • Ad Rank
  • Expected clickthrough rate
  • Ad landing page experience
  • Uses Google AI to plan campaigns without the need for input.
  • Speeds up implementation for enhancements to campaigns.
  • Documents campaign budget for marketing teams.
  • Determines which campaigns to prioritize for improvements.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that relies on machine learning to deliver the highest impressions possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that relies on machine learning to deliver the highest conversion value possible by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that relies on machine learning to deliver the highest click-through rate possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • It’s a Smart Bidding strategy that relies on machine learning to deliver the highest target impression share possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • Video
  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Discovery
  • Search
  • Google Ads allows six enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • Google Ads allows five enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to Headline position 1, Headline position 2, and Description position 1.
  • Google Ads allows unlimited enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • Google Ads allows three enabled responsive search ads per ad group. If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize conversion value
  • Maximize conversion value with target ROAS
  • Manual CPC
  • With Google AI, Ad Rank prioritizes expected clickthrough rate over ad relevance, or vice versa.
  • With Google AI, broad match and Smart Bidding match ads to queries and adjust bids in real time.
  • With Google AI, Smart Bidding predicts queries with the highest volume to set bids automatically.
  • With Google AI, marketers no longer need to invest in high-quality image assets.
  • Reducing and reinvesting paid-search budgets in high-quality image assets
  • Using a combination of broad match, Smart Bidding, and Responsive Search Ads
  • Relying on manual bidding for queries that marketers predict will deliver the highest value
  • Using exact match keywords to help AI-powered Search reach particular audiences
  • The quality of the ad will ensure the ad’s cost-per-click will be reduced by at least 40%.
  • The higher expected click-through rate will lead to a higher Ad Rank.
  • The ad will lead to a higher cost-per-click for the advertiser.
  • The advertiser will receive more bids in the auction.
  • You’ll see improved campaign performance
  • You’ll be automatically implementing responsive search ads.
  • You can opt in without increasing your budget
  • You’ll be opting into Smart Bidding automatically.
  • You’re regularly implementing best practices to your Google Ads accounts.
  • Sales, consideration, and integrity
  • Growth, reach, and traffic
  • Relevance, control, and results
  • Influence, awareness, and promotion
  • Comparable campaigns’ settings are cross-referenced with higher optimization scores.
  • The recommendations all show how they affect optimization score as a percentage.
  • Through Google AI, marketers can forecast how conversions will be increased as a result of recommendations.
  • Trusted, third-party tools are used to analyze and optimize campaigns.
  • Trusted, third-party tools are used to analyze and optimize campaigns.
  • Phrase match
  • Keyword targeting
  • Broad match
  • Exact match
  • Her business will be highlighted on Google Maps, with the option for customers to see her product line there.
  • Her ads will appear above and below search results when people search for related keywords.
  • A video summary of her product line will be automatically generated by the system and placed on YouTube.
  • Her ads will serve on website content related to her business or her customers’ interests, based on her targeting decisions.
  • Testing and reporting on the speed of Brian’s websites
  • Key aspects of his accounts, including statistics, settings, and industry trends
  • Judging ad popularity on social media
  • Comparing Brian’s sales with ad serving data
  • They no longer need to optimize their Search campaigns.
  • They are able to save time and reinvest in the priorities they value most.
  • They reach the right user at the right price with ads that are relevant.
  • They automatically create headlines based on content on their organization’s web site.
  • Responsive search ads provide greater flexibility.
  • Responsive search ads provide more relevance.
  • Responsive search ads provide longer funnels.
  • Responsive search ads provide lower eCTR.
  • Responsive search ads provide less click fraud.
  • It’s a metric that scores the quality of traffic that clicks on your ads
  • It’s an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages.
  • It’s a final score that’s based on every element of the structure of your account.
  • It’s feedback left by users who’ve clicked on your ad and browsed your website.
  • It’s better because the increasing complexity of the customer journey necessitates that bid be based on general user behaviour.
  • It’s better because the correct bid can often be a hard-to-reach static target.
  • It’s better because user intent and the likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business don’t change according to location, time, or device.
  • It’s better because the failure to bid efficiently can make you miss valuable conversions.
  • Gives users an idea of where they’ll go if they click the ad – Display URL
  • Users often will often notice this first – Headline
  • Allows advertisers to provide details about their product or service – Description
  • Takes users to a specific page of a website – Final URL
  • bicycle tube replacement
  • replace bike tire
  • bikes for sale
  • second-hand bikes for sale
  • With Google Ads you always pay using cost-per-reach, predetermined by your budget.
  • Google Ads saves you time by deciding what your budget will be on a daily basis.
  • With Google Ads, your ads will show on every available search engine.
  • With Google Ads, you can choose a maximum amount to spend per month.
  • Assets provide product and service comparisons.
  • Assets provide information that’s relevant.
  • Assets provide information based on their moment.
  • Assets provide attractive imagery.
  • Her business can catch the interest of people while they’re engaged with a mobile app.
  • Her business can show up on search results when businesses similar to hers are showing up.
  • A video can present a summary of her products to people showing an interest in her business.
  • She has the option to show users a photo of each of her products along with titles, prices, her shop name, and more.
  • Her business can have a presence at the exact moment someone is searching for the kinds of products she offers.
  • Greg can see previews of all his ads by logging into his Google My Business account and choosing the Preview tab.
  • Greg must type in the specific keywords he’s targeting once his ad has been approved, then view it in a browser.
  • Google provides examples of desktop ads using the keywords selected in the campaign to create a generic preview.
  • As he types in his URL, headline, and description, a preview of the mobile and desktop versions of his ad will appear.
  • By defining business goals for marketers based on their offline conversion data
  • By equipping responsive search ads to offer recommendations for optimizing marketers’ websites
  • By recognizing nuance in human language and using that capability to help connect marketers to people searching for their offerings
  • By predicting the value of every query for the next quarter, thus empowering Smart Bidding to help marketers plan their spend.
  • Creating ads that pertain to the keywords.
  • Raising the bid amount.
  • Creating ads likely to get clicks.
  • Having a clear and simple landing page.
  • The campaign could be improved by 78% if the listed recommendations are followed.
  • The campaign’s budget needs to be raised by 22% to be fully optimized.
  • 22% of the revenue she allocates to her campaign is being used in the wrong areas.
  • Her campaign is being outperformed by 78% of businesses like hers.
  • Use of contextual signals
  • Use cross-device reporting
  • Paying attention to negative keyword targeting
  • Monitoring of Quality Score
  • Use of responsive search ads

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