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Saylor Academy ESL002: Intermediate English as a Second Language Exam Answers

Saylor Academy ESL002: Intermediate English as a Second Language Exam Answers

Developing skills in a second language involves understanding how the language works and taking the time to practice using it. ESL002 encourages you to work with new grammar ideas and word choices and practice using those topics to write about yourself and develop your writing skills. In Unit 1, you will learn how past and present tenses change the meaning of what you read and write. Unit 2 improves your ability to read actively as you skim, scan, and read intensively. In Unit 3, you will read more to collect new vocabulary and learn strategies to develop it more with synonyms, antonyms, and suffixes. Unit 4 brings these skills together as you write a narrative paragraph about something you learned in the past. By the end of ESL002, you will be able to use different tenses to describe past experiences and explain to a reader how you best learn.

Here are the questions and answers :

ESL002: Intermediate English as a Second Language Exam Answers :

Question 1 : Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?

Select one:

a.The movie plays on Friday evening for a large crowd.
b.The movie played on Friday evening for a large crowd.
c.The movie will play on Friday evening for a large crowd.
d.The movie has played on Friday evenings for a large crowd.

Question 2 : Read this sentence and select the answer that correctly changes it to present tense.

The exam was occurring early in the morning while students still remembered the information.

Select one:

a.The exam occurs early in the morning while students still remember the information.
b.The exam could occur early in the morning while students remember the information.
c.The exam will occur early in the morning while students still remember the information.
d.The exam will be occurring early in the morning while students still remember the information.

Question 3 : Which word in this sentence is a form of the verb “to be”?

“Are you going to the movies after school?” Mira asked her brother.

Select one:


Question 4 :Which of the following is an example of first person present plural verb conjugation?

Select one:

a.It dives
b.We dive
c.You dive
d.He dives

Question 5 :Which time marker or signal phrase correctly changes the action to past simple in this sentence?

I walk to the supermarket with my friend every day.

a.I walked to the supermarket with my friend right now.
b.This year, I walked to the supermarket with my friend.
c.I walked to the supermarket with my friend in the afternoons.
d.Last year, I walked to the supermarket with my friend every day.

Question 6 :What is the time marker or signal phrase used in this sentence?

They love to drink their tea on the porch in the mornings.

Question elect one: drink
b.their tea
c.on the porch the mornings

Question 7 :What word or phrase best shows an action completed in the past?

a.just now
b.these days (+month name)
d.this (+time period)

Question 8 :How can a timeline help you understand a reading?

a.You can use it to add your own descriptions
b.You can define words you don’t understand
c.You can use it to ask questions before you read
d.You can keep track of the order of events and information

Read this article and answer the question that follows.

Penguin Swims Ashore in Peru

Date of article: Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Magellanic Penguin near Punta Arenas, Chile, photographed in its natural summer habitat. A Magellanic Penguin, who normally makes its home off the coast of Chile where the Pacific Ocean waters are cold, has taken a small vacation on the coast of Peru, an event that has never happened before in the country.

According to scientists, the penguin was looking for food when it got lost in the ocean currents off Peru’s coast. It is reported that the penguin swam nearly 3,100 miles [5,000 kilometers] off course.

“It seems he was disoriented and got lost in the sea due to the different ocean currents. In his endless search for food, he casually climbed up on our shores, something that has never happened before”, said the head of the National Paracas Reserve in Peru, Wilder Canales.

For the moment, the penguin will stay at the reserve, in its natural habitat until researchers can coordinate for the penguin’s release with officials in Chile. The penguin also required a small injury to be fixed that he received from a fishing net during his travels.

“It has not been kept in a cage or anything like that. It has been kept where it can live naturally”, said David Orosco, a biologist at the reserve.

Source: Wikinews,

Question 9: On a timeline, what event in this article comes first?

a.The penguin got lost in the ocean
b.The penguin was kept in a reserve in Peru
c.The penguin walked on to the beach in Peru
d.The penguin was looking for food in the ocean

Read this article and answer the question that follows.

Most Complete Dinosaur from Britain Goes on Display

Date of article: Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bristol, United Kingdom – The most complete dinosaur to be found in the United Kingdom has recently been put on public display. The scelidosaurus dinosaur was discovered on the Dorset coast, from which it was moved to Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery for public display. The director of Geology for the museum said, before the display was opened to the public, that “this is certainly a coup for Bristol”. He then said that the museum was “pleased to have these outstanding specimens, [as] they are the best-preserved dinosaur remains ever found in England”.

Large numbers of people have visited the museum in the last few days to see the dinosaur, which is believed to have died in a flood. The remains of the dinosaur’s final meal are visible near the neck of the animal.

The children of the dinosaur were also recovered in Dorset, and they have been included in the display at the Bristol museum.

The scelidosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic period, almost 200 million years ago.

Source: Wikinews,

Question 10 :What does creating a timeline tell you about the dinosaur fossil in this article?

a.What kind of food this dinosaur ate
b.How many young this type of dinosaur had
c.If the scientists will find more dinosaurs on the Dorset coast
d.How the dinosaur fossil was discovered and taken to a museum

Read this article and answer the question that follows.

Ulysses Spacecraft Retires After 17 Year Mission

Date of article: Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Ulysses spacecraft has been retired from service today, following a successful 17-year mission. The probe was launched aboard Space Shuttle Discovery, in October 1990. Following separation from Discovery, Ulysses was boosted into a Heliocentric orbit by an Inertial Upper Stage, and a Payload Assist Module.

Ulysses was a joint venture between the European Space Agency (ESA), and the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Its primary mission was to study the Sun. It made several significant discoveries, including that the density of dust particles in the solar wind was over 30 times what scientists had expected, and that the solar magnetic field was weaker, and more complex, than expected.

Over the last few years, the spacecraft has started to show its age, and several major systems have failed. When one of the high-band communications antenna was shut down to conserve power, technicians were unable to restart it, and from January onwards, the low-band antenna had to be used to relay all data to and from the probe. When the main power system started to fail, the decision was taken to retire the spacecraft before its propellant froze, making it completely inoperable.

Ulysses operated for over three times its design life. It was originally planned to survive for five years, and make a single orbit of the Sun. Its seventeen year mission duration made it one of the oldest spacecraft in service at the time of its retirement, along with the Hubble Space Telescope, which was launched just six months earlier, the Voyager probes, and the much older Pioneer Solar probes. It was also one of a handful of spacecraft to use a nuclear radioisotope thermoelectric generator to generate power.

Source: Wikinews,

Question 11 :On a timeline, what event in this article comes last?

Question 11Select one:

a.The Ulysses spacecraft was retired from service
b.Major systems in the Ulysses spacecraft began to stop working
c.The Ulysses spacecraft collected information about solar dust particles
d.The Ulysses spacecraft was launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery

Skim this news article and answer the question that follows.

New Zealand Recycles Old Computers for Free

Date of article: Monday, September 4, 2006

Saturday, September 2nd, Wellington held a computer recycling day for free hosted by computer maker, Dell. Now Auckland is looking to host one of their own.

During the recycling day, sponsored by Environment Ministry and Computer Access New Zealand Trust, Dell New Zealand took in more than 30 tonnes of obsolete equipment by 1,200 people at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium. Instead of the equipment going to a landfill where it is unable to decompose and will leak chemicals into the ground, 97% of all equipment collected will be recycled.

Susan McGregor, an Auckland City Council spokesperson, said: “There is a regional forum looking into waste disposal; but to date there is only a scheme for hazardous material to be collected separately by the council. It [the council] would welcome computer companies taking some responsibility for disposing of old computer ware”.

Dell has indicated it will hold another PC clean up next year.

According to Dell, out of the 6.3 million New Zealand computers, 250,000 of them are old and obsolete, mainly because most computer owners, according to a survey, will upgrade their computers every two to five years.

Sydney, Australia had recently hosted one of their own computer recycling days; however Wellington’s event was four times more successful.

Source Wikinews,

Question 12: According to the article, how often will the recycling program occur?
Select one:
a.Every year
b.Every three years
c.Every five years
d.Every ten years

On Wednesday, automobile company Volvo announced all of its cars to be released in 2019 onwards are to use some form of battery-powered engine, leaving conventional petrol-only vehicles altogether. The decision comes after Volvo announced in May their intent to cease production of diesel vehicles. The Volvo S90, one of Volvo’s current cars available in hybrid. Image: Jakub Maciejewski.

The chief executive of Volvo Cars, Håkan Samuelsson, said, “People increasingly demand electrified cars”. Volvo aims to release five new electric vehicle models between 2019 and 2021. While little has yet been revealed about them, the company has stated two of them are to be high-performance electric vehicles, branded as Polestars.

Other car models from 2019 may be plug-in hybrid or 48-volt “mild hybrid” systems. Audi and Mercedes-Benz are also releasing mild hybrid cars for the European market.

“This announcement marks the end of the solely combustion engine-powered car. Volvo Cars has stated that it plans to have sold a total of 1m electrified cars by 2025. When we said it we meant it. This is how we are going to do it”, Samuelsson said. Volvo is owned by Chinese automotive giant Geely, and China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said by 2025 they want new vehicle sales to be 20 percent “new energy vehicles”.

Source: Wikinews,

Question 13:What information does the reader need to know before reading this article?

Select one:

a.That Volvo is a car company
b.How many cars Volvo makes a year
c.The location of Volvo’s headquarters
d.Which Volvo models are the most popular

Large herd animals may have the ability to detect earth’s magnetic field, concluded scientists in Germany in a report published in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences after performing studies of cattle and deer grazing and sleeping patterns. The animals tended to face north-south oriented toward the earth’s magnetic poles. Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany led the team that announced the unconfirmed study. Burda and his team gathered cattle data via analysis of Google Earth images.

The team originally intended to test for possible human magnetic field detection by studying the orientation of sleeping bags in outdoor campers, but it proved difficult to obtain data because humans usually slept under tents. Cattle were easier to observe, and 8,510 head of cattle at 308 locations demonstrated a strong tendency to align body orientation in accordance with the earth’s magnetic field. Other possible factors such as wind or sunlight direction did not supply a better explanation for the behavior.

“I think the really amazing thing is that hunters and herdsmen and farmers didn’t notice it.” – Hynek Burda, University of Duisburg-Essen

To compare against a second large species, Burda and his team analyzed data on 2,974 deer studied through photography, direct observation, and snow imprints. The deer demonstrated a similar pattern. “I think the really amazing thing is that hunters and herdsmen and farmers didn’t notice it”, said Burda according to a National Public Radio report.

Other scientists found the results of the study intriguing. Peter August of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, commented: “I was really amazed at the consistency with which they found north-facing cows and deer. It was really intriguing”. No independent study has yet confirmed the Duisburg-Essen team’s findings.

This is the first study that indicates magnetic field detection in large mammals. Burda’s previous research involves naked mole rats, a small blind mammal species whose behavior indicates an internal magnetic compass. According to a report by Jeremy Hsu at MSNBC, “Previous research has shown that animals such as birds, turtles and salmon migrate using a sense of magnetic direction, and small mammals such as rodents and one bat species also have a magnetic compass.

Source: Wikinews,

Question 14:What information would you gain from skimming this article?

Select one:

a.This is the first study to do this
b.Researchers came from Germany
c.Cattle farming is important in many regions
d.Magnetic fields are of interest to many scientists

Which of the following is a way to skim a reading?

Question 15Select one:

a.Read every word and sentence
b.Only complete readings that interest you
c.Read the title and each subtitle or heading
d.Define every important word in the reading

Question 16: Which suffix correctly changes the adjective “confident” to another part of speech in this sentence?

It’s very important to show confid____ at job interviews.

Select one:


Question 17:Which suffix correctly changes the verb “achieve” to another part of speech in this sentence?

His college degree is the biggest achieve____ in his life so far.

Select one:


Question 18 :Which suffix correctly changes the noun “fever” to another part of speech in this sentence?

The whole world seemed to come to an end in his fever____ mind.

Select one:


Question 19: Which synonym most closely matches the meaning of “appreciate”?


Question 20 : Which synonym matches the meaning of “create” in this sentence?

A. G. Bell is generally thought to have created the world’s first telephone over 100 years ago.

Select one:


Question 21 :Which antonym most closely matches the meaning of “assertive”?
Select one:


Question 22: Which statement makes an effective supporting sentence for this topic sentence?

My cat Tazzie is very loyal to me.

Select one:

a.Tazzie’s eyes are two colors: brown and blue.
b.Tazzie often wakes up too early to cry for food.
c.I am the only one Tazzie allows to give her pets.
d.My husband takes care of her when I am not at home.

Question 23 :Which statement makes the best conclusion for this paragraph?

Gardening is the best hobby if you are stressed. First, digging, planting, or watering allow your mind to be free. Caring for flowers or vegetables provides time for reflection. Also, being around plants makes you peaceful and happy. Gardening tasks allow us to focus on the present and reduce bad thoughts. __.

a.Another benefit is enjoying the harvest for cooking fresh meals.
b.You should consider picking up gardening to manage your stress.
c.Of course, gardening can also be too expensive or time-consuming.
d.In conclusion, gardening is a good hobby choice for stressed people.

Question 24 : Which statement makes an effective topic sentence for a short paragraph about someone’s hometown?

Select one:

a.Anyville has the friendliest shopkeepers.
b.Anyville is a town of about 5,000 residents.
c.I’d like to share some reasons for you to visit Anyville.
d.Let me share some interesting information about Anyville.

Question 25:How should this sentence be edited?

The dog loved the kind old man so much he blind followed him everywhere he went.
Select one:
a.The dog loving the kind old man so much he blind followed him everywhere he went.
b.The dog loved the kind old man so much he blind following him everywhere he went.
c.The dog loved the kindly old man so much he blind followed him everywhere he went.
d.The dog loved the kind old man so much he blindly followed him everywhere he went.

Question 26 :What is editing?

Select one:

a.The process of beginning your writing assignment
b.The process of adding more description to your writing
c.The process of carefully checking your writing for errors
d.The process of defining unknown words to use in your writing

Question 27:Which sentence would provide the best main event support for a story that starts this way?

The summer camp before their junior high school year was the most amazing time of their life.

Select one:

a.They could never forget the old man dressed in blue from head to toe who taught them magical skills.
b.Mirin and Deniz were typical teenagers interested in music and video games but who also loved science.
c.Their classmates and neighborhood friends were enjoying camp activities as usual when they became a bit bored
d.Although divided from the camp by a small river, the abandoned magnet factory with its mysterious equipment was within their reach.

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