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Government Internships Live in July 2024 – Apply before 10th of July

Government Internships Live in July 2024 – Apply before 10th of July

If you’re looking for government internships available in July 2024, here are some government organizations where you can apply before the 10th of July. Here is the list of Government Internships 2024 in India that offers stipend and certification for students


Internship at NITI Aayog:

The online application link is open from 1-10 of every month.

This Scheme seeks to engage students pursuing Under Graduate / Graduate / Post Graduate
Degrees or are Research Scholars enrolled in recognized University/Institution within India or abroad, as “interns”.

  • Undergraduate/postgraduate students or research scholars enrolled in recognized universities/institutions in India and abroad can apply for the NITI Aayog Internship Scheme. They will work closely with NITI’s verticals/divisions/cells.
  • Applicants will have to apply online by filling up the registration form.

Elligibility :

Bonafide students of any recognized University/ Institution within India or abroad, fulfilling foilowing conditions are eiigible to apply for the internship:

a. Under-graduate students, having completed/appeared in the term end exams of second year I 4th, semester of the bachelor degree course and secured not less than 85% or equivalent marks in 12th class.
b. Graduate students having completed/ appeared in the term end exams of first year/2nd seme ster of their post graduate prograrnme or perusing research/PhD and secured not less than TOoh or equivalent
marks in Graduation.
c. The students who have appeared in the final exam orjust completed Graduation/PG and waiting for admission for higher studies may also be considered for internship provided thatThey have secured 7 Ooh or more cumulative marks in all the years/ semesters of their graduation/ post-graduation till the date of application.
The period between the month of declaration of result of linal exam and the desired month of internship should not exceed six months e.g. if the result is declared in the month of June then he/she can
apply for the internship beginning til1 the month of December.

(iii) Period: The period of Internship sha-11 be at least six weeks but not exceeding six months. Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.

lnterested applicants may apply onliae only in the address iink to be indicated in the website of NITI Aayog during 1st to 1Oth of every month.


Internship at SECI:

Portal for SECI Internship application is under process of construction. Meanwhile, interested applicants are encouraged to send their application between 1st and 10th of each month only through email with the subject line “Application for Internship” at following link:


Internship at DPIIT:

Department for Promotion of Industry an,d Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry has introduced internship scheme for the students pursuing Under Graduate/Post Graduate degree or are Research Scholars enrolled in recognized University/Institution within India or abroad. The objective behind the internship scheme is to give exposure to the students to understand the working culture of Govt. of India and to apprehend the schemes being run by this Department.



The objective of ‘Internship Programme’ is to translate Hon’ble PM’s idea of “SABKA SATH, SABKA VIKAAS, SABKA VISHWAAS, SABKA PRAYAAS” for building self-reliant India.


Women students, scholars, social activists and teachers from non-tier-I cities and rural parts of India will be eligible for the program. The women students, scholars, social activists, teachers (herein after referred to as interns) need to be enrolled in/associated with any university/academic/non-academic institution


Internship with the National Commission for Women

The National Commission for Women has been set up in terms of the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 (Act No. 20 of 1990) to further review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards available to women, recommend remedial measures to remove impediments in realizing such goals, facilitate redressal of grievances and advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women. The Commission also organises workshops/consultations, constitutes expert committees, undertake studies/make recommendations for economic empowerment of women, conducts workshops/seminars for gender awareness and takes up publicity campaign awareness in the society against such social evils.

2. The National Commission for Women has, with a view to effectively disseminate knowledge/information on women related issues and build a pool of trained manpower, decided to engage interns in the National Commission for Women with immediate effect. Accordingly, it has been decided to offer following categories of internship:

  1. Scheme A:Unpaid Internship for a period not less than 30 days for 1st year students of 3 year LLB Course or 3rd year student of 5 year LLB Course OR 1st year student of Post Graduate in Sociology/Social Work
  2. Scheme B:Paid Internship for a period of 60 days.#Eligibility CriteriaStipend1Students of second year of 3-year LLB Course OR 4th/ 5th year BA LLB/BBA LLB/ B.Sc. LLB Courses OR 2nd year student of Post Graduate in Sociology/ Social Work/ Gender Issue/ Women Studies/ Gender Studies/ Students of LLM/M.Phil/ Ph.D ScholarsRs.10,000/- P.M.*
  3. Scheme C:Scheme for Psychology: Paid Internship for a period of 60 days (Rs.10, 000/-* per month as Stipend)#Eligibility CriteriaStipend1Students of 2nd year of MA (Psychology)
    M.Sc. Clinical PsychologyRs.10,000/- P.M.



TCPO now announces an Internship Policy to engage students pursuing under-graduate/ graduate/ post-graduate degrees or research scholars enrolled in recognized University/ Institution within India or abroad, as Interns. The Internship is designed to provide exposure to professional activities in various Divisions within TCPO and impart skills & hands-on experience to students.
Students who apply for internships, on selection, are placed in various Divisions of TCPO, where they report to an officer who will be their Advisor/ Mentor during the six to eight weeks of their internship. Attendance is maintained. At the end of the internship period, Interns are required to submit a report and are awarded a certificate.

Period: the period of Internship shall be atleast six weeks but not exceeding eight weeks. Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.


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