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Question 1: In the second video, Catherine made the point that it is important to establish trust and rapport with your students. Which of the following were suggested by Catherine as ways of establishing trust and rapport with your language students? (Select all correct answers)

  • Discuss common interests you share with the students
  • Show your students that you will meet their needs
  • Let your students know that you are capable and know what you’re doing
  • Have your students over for dinner and cook them a meal typical to your home town

 Take your students out to party and have fun

Question 2: I have some effective classroom management techniques prepared for the first day of school, sure. But I’m also keen to draw on techniques used by my colleagues so that our students can spend more time learning English skills and less time learning how

  • My classroom is like a well oiled machine. I’m an expert in classroom management. Students are responsible for tailoring themselves to my techniques. If they fail it is their fault.
  • I have some effective classroom management techniques prepared for the first day of school, sure. But I’m also keen to draw on techniques used by my colleagues so that our students can spend more time learning English skills and less time learning how
  • Classroom management is all about leadership, right? Well I’m a natural born leader. Techniques are all well and good, but every student is different. I use my instinct and natural charm to guide my students. Why would I prepare techniques?

Question 3: Physical presence throughout the room is a common technique to effectively manage the classroom. Which of the following are benefits of moving around the room as you lead your class? (Select all correct answers)

  • Being able to review the progress of every student
  • Your students may have difficulty perfecting their pronunciation as some can’t see the way you are forming words
  • You can provide individual help and feedback to students in a timely manner
  • Your presence can deter misbehaviour and disruptive clusters of students

Question 4: Which of the following would describe a professional teachers approach to classroom management? (select all that apply)

  • Students can mange themselves
  • Students need to be treated as a class, collective punishments and peer pressure will regulate the conduct of students
  • Each student is different, learning about and tailoring approaches to students needs is essential.
  • Managing a classroom is essential to allow everyone to learn, and it makes it easier to do my job.

Question 5: Managing a classroom requires varied skills and approaches. Which of the following are not appropriate

  • Praising individual students
  • Rewarding with prizes
  • Corporal punishment
  • Ridicule
  • Yelling at students

Question 1: English is a versatile and open language, which influences and has been influenced by many languages spoken in the world today. As such you are likely to find some common areas of expression between English and your students’ native language. Drawing on this overlap applies which learning strategy concepts? (select all that apply)

  • Drawing on existing schema of language
  • Use of partnered learning and discussion
  • Use of graphics and multimedia to assist memory retention
  • Creative, free form engagement around topics
  • Use of background knowledge

Question 2: Which of the following are challenges your students may be facing as part of their development of English language skills? (Select all that apply)

  • An incomplete or contradictory schemata of literacy
  • Differing levels of ability between their literacy (reading/writing) skills and conversational (speaking/listening) skills
  • Limited ability to express the true breadth and depth of their knowledge
  • Shyness or a fear of failure that manifests as a reluctance to engage with the class

Question 3: Being an effective language teacher often requires you to be an affective teacher. Thinking about the class of English language learners in the University of Oregon video, which of the following skills and strategies were applied by the teacher to get the most from her class? (select all that apply)

  • Social learning interactions as pairs and as a class
  • Doleman theory of learning strategies
  • Positive response to humour
  • Students were free to contribute further to their own report and others
  • Students were helped to draw on personal experience and knowledge from other classes
  • Students were kept on task through strict discipline

Question 4: Which is most likely to describe a professional teacher

  • I know which way is best, students should understand that and follow my way
  • Every student has their own way, I need to tailor my course to each individual student
  • Finding a happy medium between the schools needs, students’ needs and my wants is best.
  • Your students are everything, anything that works for them works for you, who cares about the textbook, let’s just chat.

Question 1: Contextualised teaching is effective for students because it draws on the nature of language, which is itself formed organically through a blend of _______ , _______ and _______ . Contextualised teaching which draws on these three factors thus helps students evolve their knowledge and ability in English.

  • Purpose, situation and technology
  • Purpose, situation and social need
  • Literacy, technology and purpose
  • Situation, technology and literacy
  • Social situation, technology and literary need

Question 2: Themes or topics as a means of teaching English language skills, work best when they…

  • Incorporate attractive characters
  • Vary often throughout the course of study
  • Are threaded throughout the course of study
  • Follow the cultural and social norms of English speaking nations such as the US, UK and Australia

Question 3: Which of the following are effective teaching methods that can be used to draw on contextual approach?

  • Games and interactive activities
  • Student presentations and projects
  • Storytelling, dramatisation and singing
  • Themes or topics built in to activities

Question 4: The main focus of a lesson should be?

  • Teaching vocabulary
  • Teaching culture & improving manners
  • Teaching useful phrases
  • Getting students to engage and adopt the new words and ideas.

Question 1: How should you conduct a risk assessment in your lesson plan?

  • Consider potential areas where the lesson may go off track and devise strategies to minimise negative impacts
  • Create a risk matrix along with worst case and best scenarios
  • Re-plan your class until there is zero risk

Question 2: Which of the following are likely outcomes of unplanned or incompletely planned lessons?

  • Behaviour problems with your students
  • Students feel unguided and get easily distracted
  • Frustration for you and your students
  • You don’t achieve your lessons objectives

Question 3: Which of the following are elements of a lesson plan?

  • The instructional component
  • Peer evaluation
  • The intersectional component
  • List of objectives

Question 1: Which of the following are open classes in English? (select all correct)

  • Nouns
  • Classes which parents can attend
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Adjectives
  • Pronouns

Question 2: Which of the following sentences contain correlative conjunctions?

  • She was either Canadian or American.
  • He was neither interested nor interesting.
  • They were suddenly both ecstatic and overwhelmed.
  • They were the best of friends and will remain as such
  • Not only was she intelligent but also incredibly beautiful.

Question 3: In which of the statements does an adverb qualify a noun? (select all correct)

  • I’m only the boss.
  • She arrived halfway through the movie
  • It is quite a lovely place.
  • John died, and consequently I inherited the estate.
  • Frankly, I don’t believe you.

Question 1: Considering an inclusive view of English language, which of the following are correct past simple/past participle verbs?

  • Learning
  • Learnt
  • Learned
  • Spelt
  • Spelled
  • Spelling

Question 2: When teaching areas of English with conflicting structures or issues, it is best practice to

  • Teach students the style of your native tongue as this will be the most accurate
  • Facilitate students to understand all areas of the conflict thoroughly and encourage them to utilise all available structures and spellings indiscriminately
  • Help students be aware of the conflict and focus on developing a consistent style most appropriate for the goals of your students
  • Teach students the fundamentals of the conflict and instruct them in a consistent style most appropriate to your own language use

Question 1: Which of the following are reasons why visual materials can be helpful in teaching grammar?

  • Visual images don’t assist in the learning of grammar structures, but students like them
  • By supporting students’ vocabulary they allow students to focus on the structure
  • Visual cues can trigger short term memory while the students build long term associations
  • Without visual images to focus on students will always become easily distracted by their classmates

Question 2: Which of the following are effective ways to teach grammar?

  • Explain a more complex structure by breaking it down into simple components
  • Engage the class as a group and individuals in using the structure
  • Create examples of the structure using familiar vocabulary
  • Using games and allowing students to experiment with the structure

Question 3: Which of the following are shortcomings of teaching grammar as rules?

  • The psychological reality of the rules for the learners
  • The capacity or learners to recall and apply the many rules in real life
  • Rules were made to be broken
  • Rules and their exceptions are too complex, even gifted learners cannot consciously apply them day to day
  • Rote learning of rules through uncontextualised repetition is an inefficient learning method
  • Infinite rules will never completely encompass a language

Question 1: Which of the following should be your top priority in structuring vocabulary lessons for your students?

  • The requirements of your students’ parents or guardians
  • The requirements of your Head Teacher, Director of Studies, or other manager
  • The needs, interests and abilities of your students
  • The assigned text or workbook you or your school have chosen
  • The official state or school syllabus

Question 2: Are visual aids and context useful in teaching vocabulary? For what reason are/n’t they useful?

  • Yes, visual aids and context are useful in teaching vocabulary. They provide added meaning that helps students understand and apply new words.
  • Yes, visual aids and context are useful in teaching vocabulary. They provide an overload of information and make the process more challenging and thus rewarding for students.
  • No, visual aids and context are not useful in teaching vocabulary. They inject added meaning that makes understanding new words too easy and prevents students from learning.
  • No, visual aids and context are not useful in teaching vocabulary. They provide an overload of information and can be easily misconstrued, confusing students.

Question 3: Which of the following are effective ways to teach vocabulary?

  • Contextualising the material
  • Wrote learning lists and definitions
  • Games and activities that engage the students with the vocabulary
  • Instil a fear of punishment to motivate students
  • Encouraging experimentation with new words

Question 4: As students build their vocabulary they will increase the speed at which they adopt new vocabulary because…

  • Of group synergy and the efficiencies of cohesion as your class bonds and develops their own social shorthand to work collaboratively on tasks and build their vocabulary together.
  • Study of the English language is proven to make individuals more intelligent on both an absolute and relative level. As students become more intelligent they naturally find it easier to grow their vocabulary.
  • Their map of the English language ecosystem is becoming more complete, making it easier to navigate topics and use their English resources to explore further rather than translating from their native language to each new topic.
  • Your skills as a teacher will improve over time. Although their ability to learn remains the same, the longer you teach a group of students the faster they will learn because your skills as a teacher are always improving.

Question 1: A ‘Schwa’ is…

  • The consonant that follows a stressed vowel
  • A reduced vowel that increases the prominence of other vowels by contrast
  • Normally written as ‘ə’ in most dictionaries
  • A reduced consonant that increases the prominence of other consonants by contrast
  • The vowel that follows a stressed consonant

Question 2: When teaching pronunciation you should…

  • Teach ‘American’ pronunciation only
  • Teach only ‘British’ pronunciation
  • Teach standard pronunciation highlighting major differences as they arise.
  • Teach your own local pronunciation, your home town is the best.

Question 3: How are pronunciation and confidence linked?

  • Good pronunciation is a sign of a good student, thus they are more confident
  • Students are often shy to speak because they believe, their pronunciation is bad
  • There is no link: confidence is a character trait

Question 4: When teaching pronunciation: how should you deal with mistakes?

  • Punish students, it’s their fault they have not studied
  • Encourage them to keep speaking, practice makes perfect
  • Force them to repeat correct pronunciations repeatedly
  • Make sure students get extra help, including advice as to how to properly form the sounds.

Question 1: The TPR approach is known to be an effective method for teaching young learners. What does TPR stand for?

  • Teach Perform Repeat
  • Total Physical Response
  • Talk Practice Repeat
  • Time Per Response
  • Task Peer Review

Question 2: Which of the following characterise young learners?

  • Require repetition
  • Active
  • Learn through doing
  • Short attention spans

Question 3: Which of the following should you as a teacher provide your young learners?

  • A warm, friendly and comfortable classroom
  • Clear, simple routines
  • A variety of activities and types of participation, including opportunities to physically move around, work together and have fun
  • A warm meal or snack to maintain their energy levels throughout the class
  • Corporal punishment

Question 4: Which of these is a good strategy for young learners

  • Always change the routine, they don’t understand it anyway
  • Use lots of toys and distractions, this keeps them happy
  • Keep a consistent routine, they need structure
  • Use toys as a reward for only the best students, motivate them to succeed

Question 5: When teaching young learners you should… (Select all correct answers)

  • Just play games
  • Focus on one thing until they get it perfect
  • Change every few minutes to a new task
  • Revise a lot!

Question 1: Adults bring more experience and hardened beliefs to the classroom. Which of the following teaching strategies would you use to benefit from and avoid the disadvantages of the established values and beliefs of your adult learners?

  • Encourage discussion and allow concepts and ideas to be challenged
  • Take time to discuss the goals and objectives of the course
  • Be respectful of marginal views and facilitate discussion in a way that allows a diversity of opinions
  • Use a variety of teaching materials to take into account the value systems of all your adult learners
  • Step back and let your students design the course themselves

Question 2: Which of the following characterise adult learners?

  • See education as a solution to a perceived issue
  • Self-directed
  • Social learners
  • Results-oriented
  • Skeptical and resistant to unproven information

Question 3: Adult learners are often distinguished by age. However, their true distinguishing factor is that they are self-directed and have chosen to seek out English language skills to meet a personal goal. Which of the following are teaching methods that you can employ to turn adult leaner goal oriented education to your advantage?

  • Use examples and assignments that relate to your learners’ desired states
  • Explain the value of a lesson or concept to achievement of their language goals
  • Use open scenarios that allow your adult learners to apply the lesson in ways related to their goals
  • Use group rewards to motivate them through difficult tasks

Question 1: Post-listening tasks should focus on…

  • allowing students to reflect on the listening task by discussing the difficulty of the task socially
  • allowing students to apply the structures and vocabulary covered in the listening to build familiarity and confidence
  • building awareness of extension language they could relate to material covered in the listening task
  • strictly marking responses and punishing those students who performed poorly in the listening task

Question 2: Pre-emptive listening tasks are where students consider possible questions and answers that may arise in the topic of the subsequent listening task. Why are/aren’t pre-emptive listening tasks useful?

  • Pre-emptive listening tasks are useful. They activate the appropriate vocabulary for the context of the listening task and help avoid overwhelming the students
  • Pre-emptive listening tasks are useful. They give students time to relax and clear their minds before the subsequent listening task
  • Pre-emptive listening tasks are not useful. They waste valuable class time that could be spent on listening tasks
  • Pre-emptive listening tasks are not useful. They prime the student to the answers and do not accurately reflect the real world situations students will face

Question 3: Speaking skills require students to build confidence in using a language with others. Which of the following teaching personas will help your students build their speaking skills?

  • An educated teacher. If you show your high level of expertise in the language, your students will want to emulate you, like a judo teacher who demonstrates the most difficult moves to the new students
  • A prepared teacher. If you are ready and confident, your students will feel more ready and confident
  • A relaxed teacher. If you are relaxed your students will feel more relaxed
  • A cool teacher. If you are admired, your students will want to be more like you and make you happy
  • An indifferent teacher. If you show your students their speaking skills are not important, they will feel less pressure and be more confident

Question 4: Which of the following methods are helpful in developing speaking skills?

  • Develop the language students will need to complete a task in advance of the task
  • Favour simplified instruction in English, rather than complex instruction in English and the students’ native language
  • Written and visual prompts
  • Give one instruction at a time
  • Give one instruction at a time Strategically planning group work by subtly selecting the members of each group

Question 5: In the context of a speaking/listening lesson, what is a warmer?

  • A practice of having more gifted students answer difficult questions to allow developing students more time to prepare
  • A starting activity that primes the students with basic speaking practice and ideas for conversation around a topic
  • A method of warming the classroom to create a physiological stress on students, motivating better speaking performance through light pressure
  • A way of growing class participation through using a warmer persona on more difficult tasks

Question 1: Is multimedia teaching important?

  • Yes, it distracts the students
  • No, it’s too much to process
  • Yes, if it is well targeted and suits the theme of the class
  • Yes, the students like watching English movies

Question 2: What is formative evaluation

  • Evaluation given at the end of a course
  • Evaluation to correct behaviour
  • Giving new information
  • Giving feedback to help student’s complete tasks better.

Question 3: What are some common reasons students might make a mistake? (select all applicable)

  • Guessing, the correct answer is unknown
  • Mistake in the use of language
  • Logical fallacy
  • Misunderstanding the task

Question 4: Should every mistake be highlighted?

  • Yes, if students are aware of mistakes they will not repeat them
  • No, confidence and flow is more important
  • No mistakes are ok so long as students are speaking
  • Yes, it shows you are doing your job well

Question 1: Adult learners are…

  • Well-educated & well-educated
  • Easily distracted by other commitments
  • Using English to reach a goal
  • Boring & serious

Question 2: Adult learners

  • Top priority
  • Last chance at success
  • Demanded by their boss
  • One of many things they do

Question 3: Respect is…

  • Given to the teacher
  • Demanded by the teacher
  • Earned through trust and demonstrated teaching skills
  • Offered by the student

Question 4: Adult learners who struggle with pronunciation are often…

  • Ingrained with language patterns, thus find it harder to change habits
  • Too earnest for their own good
  • Lazy, as they should know better
  • Focusing on the wrong thing

Question 5: Adult learners are best taught using

  • Practical examples
  • Songs and dance
  • Pictures
  • Relatable material

Question 1: Classroom management should benefit

  • The teacher only
  • The students only
  • The best students
  • Both teacher and student

Question 2: Which best describes your position?

  • Leader
  • Coach
  • Cheerleader
  • Boss

Question 3: Problems are the fault of the…

  • Culture
  • Teacher
  • Students in general
  • Education system

Question 4: An effective teacher will see

  • Happy students
  • Happy parents
  • High-grades
  • Focused students

Question 5: Which is not a benefit of physical presences in the classroom?

  • Monitoring output
  • Monitoring behaviour
  • Ensuring comprehension
  • Pressuring students

Question 6: The best students should be

  • Used as an example
  • Praised loudly
  • Encouraged to do more advanced work
  • Ignored

Question 7: Teaching involves punishment…

  • Never
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Often

Question 8: The best way to punish is to…

  • Shame
  • Give bad grades
  • Collectively
  • Consult experienced supervisors as to how to best deal with issues.

Question 9: Students who fall behind should

  • Be left behind
  • Pressured with extra homework
  • Paired with better students
  • Be given extra help

Question 10: Trust is best achieve through

  • Demonstrating skills and understanding
  • Professional dress
  • Strict discipline
  • Speaking the native language

Question 1: Shyness is best dealt with by being…

  • Strict
  • Patient
  • Demanding
  • Energetic

Question 2: Different cultural norms regarding self-expression are…

  • Stupid
  • Understandable
  • A mechanism of control
  • A challenge the teachers authority

Question 3: Which of the following parts of language should be learnt first, according the communicative approach?

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Culture

Question 4: Students whom cannot fully express themselves should be…

  • Motivated to express themselves as fully as possible
  • Reminded of the importance of preparation
  • Removed from the group to not slow the conversation
  • Encouraged to study harder for homework

Question 5: Which of the following is not an advantage of group work

  • Social interaction between different students
  • Social cohesion and co-operation
  • Demonstrating exemplary students
  • Peer-learning

Question 6: Humour is important but can have drawbacks, such as

  • Encouraging student to focus on spoken English rather than their textbooks
  • Being an inside joke with better students
  • Teaching common cultural comedic styles
  • Distracting you from your main task a educational leader

Question 7: Students learn best from

  • Clear, simple and well demonstrated examples
  • Abstract explanation
  • Simple questions
  • Textbooks

Question 8: Professional teachers should focus on the…

  • Best students
  • Richest students
  • Average of the class
  • Those paying attention

Question 1: Teaching topics should reflect

  • Personal interests
  • Local national history
  • Students interests
  • English grammar

Question 2: Language and culture are intertwined thus…

  • Your classes should teach English culture
  • You should educate student on how to better themselves by following English culture
  • You should teacher modern American culture
  • You should highlight the link between language and culture where useful.

Question 3: Contextualising language is useful to…

  • Provide a chance for students to memorise the correct replies
  • Allow students to apply targeted vocabulary
  • Allow students to learn about the real-world
  • Provide a chance to assess student grammar.

Question 4: Games are useful for…

  • Entertainment only
  • Impressing other teachers
  • Impressing students
  • Giving students a chance to apply new knowledge

Question 5: Being relaxed when you teach benefits

  • Everyone
  • The students most
  • You mostly
  • The schools image

Question 6: Group work is

  • Useful if focused
  • Useful if students talk English
  • A chance for better students to shine
  • A chance for struggling students to make friends

Question 1: What is likely to go wrong when planning a lesson?

  • Over-estimating the time needed for an activity
  • Under-estimating the time needed for an activity
  • Forgetting to include a review component
  • Over emphasis on vocabulary

Question 2: How can a teacher best avoid problems in a lesson

  • Plan little material and relax
  • Plan too much and push your students to reach your goals
  • Plan lots of material but allow students to achieve at their own pace
  • Plan lots of material be ready to adapt

Question 3: What mostly causes behaviour issues

  • Local culture
  • Incompetent students
  • Poorly planned lessons
  • Ill-prepared students.

Question 4: What is the best way to encourage focussed learning?

  • Plan simple but interesting lessons that can be tailored to students level
  • Plan simple but interesting lessons
  • Encourage students to plan their own lessons
  • Make lessons difficult to motivate students to work harder

Question 5: Lesson material that covers culture should come from a point of…

  • Teaching English culture as part of world history
  • Teaching English culture where it is useful to the language
  • Teaching English culture where it is useful to the students’
  • Teaching English culture as a way of bettering your common understanding

Question 6: Lessons should include…

  • Little planning and lots of images
  • Images, games, group work
  • Presentations and games
  • Review, introduction, varied activities and vocabulary

Question 1: I take great exception _______ the implication that I was not telling the truth.

  • To
  • With
  • Of
  • Because

Question 2: I assure you that everything you requested will be _______ as soon as possible.

  • Will be dealt with
  • Will deal
  • Will be deal with
  • Will done

Question 3: ‘New Zealand is a beautiful country with small cities. Such as Wellington and Dunedin.’

  • Correct
  • Incorrect

Question 4: ‘In Wellington, visitors can walk around the waterfront, go to several wonderful museums, or shop in small boutiques’

  • Correct
  • Incorrect

Question 5: ‘On a sunny day, the views around Sydney are beautiful. Because you can see the Opera House.’

  • Incorrect
  • Correct

Question 6: The world cup attracts ________ from all over the world

  • Competitive
  • Competition
  • Competitors
  • Compensation

Question 7: Mistakes of grammar are often caused by…

  • Unplanned lessons
  • Differences between native and English language
  • Poor preparation
  • Lack of focus

Question 8: The use of spelling and grammar correction functions of computers is

  • One of the reasons grammar is less important
  • Something that must be avoided
  • A useful tool to replace learning grammar
  • A useful but not a replacement for learning grammar

Question 9: The best way to respond to grammar mistakes is to

  • Provide the correction straight-away
  • Provide the correction at the end of the conversation
  • Ensure students understand why the mistake has happened and the difference of meaning
  • Ask the students ‘write lines’

Question 1: What is meant by ‘standard English’?

  • English from Britain
  • Modern American English
  • The Queen’s English
  • English devoid of localised expressions and mannerism

Question 2: Where does English come from?

  • England
  • America
  • Popular culture
  • It is a global a language

Question 3: Which sort of pronunciation should you teach?

  • That which you know best
  • Queen’s English
  • Whatever the students require
  • American

Question 4: New words are common in English, you should

  • Teach all the newest words you can find
  • Avoid new words, as they too new
  • Teach only what is in the Oxford Dictionary
  • Teach what will be the most useful for students

Question 5: Slang expressions should…

  • Not be taught
  • Be taught when they are useful or beneficial to understanding
  • Be taught when they are useful
  • Be the focus of your teaching

Question 6: Learning swear words is often a fun part of language learning for young adults, you should

  • Explain the cultural context of their use when they arise, explain the impact and discourage their use
  • Punish strictly their use
  • Use them as they will make your lesson more interesting
  • Let students use them and ignore them

Question 1: Visual material can be useful to teach grammar when it…

  • Aides students focus on the target language
  • Aides students to focus on the grammatical structure at hand
  • Are filled with bright moving images
  • Contain only static images

Question 2: Are games useful to teach grammar?

  • Yes, always
  • No, never
  • Yes, when they target the appropriate vocabulary
  • Yes, when they are fun and easy

Question 3: Examples help by…

  • Showing how the language should be used allowing students a better understanding.
  • Demonstrating the language in use by an expert with good pronunciation
  • Giving students time to check their phones
  • Allowing the best students more practice

Question 4: The best way to learn grammar is by…

  • Remembering the rules by heart
  • Focusing on the mistakes as character flaws
  • Using the language and allowing for corrections in a positive way
  • Ignoring grammar for spoken, but not written English

Question 5: English grammar is…

  • Not important, so long as speakers can understand each other
  • Impossible to master
  • Necessary for exams but not real-life
  • An essential part of the language

Question 1: When teaching vocabulary, pictures are…

  • Important
  • Unimportant
  • Somewhat useful
  • Essential

Question 2: Learning vocabulary should be based on…

  • Matching common sounds between the native and English language
  • What your students will need in the future
  • What your students needs to express themselves more fully
  • School policy

Question 3: Vocabulary is best learnt through

  • Memorisation
  • Repetition
  • Understanding of meaning
  • Translation

Question 4: Vocabulary should be….

  • A fun activity
  • A quick activity
  • A repeated activity
  • A boring activity

Question 5: Vocabulary is most useful for…

  • Preparation for examinations
  • Fluency
  • Impressing others
  • Writing

Question 6: The best way to teach vocabulary is to

  • Prepare worksheets
  • Repeat words many times
  • Use lessons that incorporate vocabulary into your students tasks
  • Motivate with prizes.

Question 1: Pronunciation is essential for conversation thus, you should

  • Punish misuse
  • Encourage students to try even if they are not perfect
  • Reward correct use with treats
  • Focus on expression rather than pronunciation

Question 2: Fear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears in the world, thus

  • Your class should focus on confidence building
  • Your classes shouldn’t require students to speak much
  • You should encourage shouting
  • You should support students whom struggle with this fear.

Question 3: The best way to learn pronunciation is to…

  • Practice famous speeches and mimic the voice
  • Read books aloud to yourself
  • Be confident, engage in lots of conversation making changes as you go
  • Phonics

Question 4: Phonics are…

  • Useful for young learners
  • Of limited use
  • A mixed blessing that doesn’t always reflect the reality of the spoken language
  • An easy way to teach students whom are unfamiliar with the language

Question 5: When teaching pronunciation you should

  • Over-exaggerate your facial movements
  • Demonstrate words many times in varied activities giving students a chance to practice
  • Explain how to make the sounds with diagrams
  • Use records which students can repeat

Question 1: When teaching young students songs are

  • Pretty much essential, as they are normally very useful
  • Expected by parents
  • Not useful
  • Demining to students intelligence

Question 2: Younger students can…

  • Focus
  • Focus if the games are longer than 3 minutes
  • Not focus for very long
  • Learn complex ideas quickly

Question 3: Young students benefit from

  • Constant change to class times
  • Consistency and formulaic patterns
  • Varied volumes of noise levels
  • Strict discipline

Question 4: Young students enjoy games that are….

  • Challenging
  • Simple
  • Simple but gain them rewards for using the vocabulary
  • In their native language

Question 5: Behaviour can be an issue for younger learners; this is mostly likely caused by…

  • Bad parenting
  • Lessons being too slow moving
  • Poor education systems
  • The fact they are children and children can’t focus

Question 6: Young students respond well to lessons based on…

  • Changing activities with similar content
  • Changing activities with different content
  • Structured lessons with revision and games
  • Songs and games

Question 1: Adult learners are…

  • Mature and well educated
  • Mature and self-motivated
  • Paying customers
  • Often older than you

Question 2: Learning English is for adult learners is often ….

  • Top priority
  • Last chance at success
  • Demanded by their boss
  • One of many things they do

Question 3: Respect is…

  • Given to the teacher
  • Demanded by the teacher
  • Earned through trust and demonstrated teaching skills
  • Offered by the student

Question 4: Adult learners who struggle with pronunciation are often…

  • Ingrained with language patterns, thus find it harder to change habits
  • Too earnest for their own good
  • Lazy, as they should know better
  • Focusing on the wrong thing

Question 5: Adult learners prefer to learn from young teachers

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • If the teacher is handsome/beautiful
  • If the teacher is good

Question 6: Adult learners are best taught using

  • Practical examples
  • Songs and dance
  • Pictures
  • Relatable material

Question 1: During conversation, using the native language is…

  • Useful for communication
  • Harmful to conversation
  • Useful is students are new
  • A challenge to the teacher

Question 2: Playing set recordings for speaking practice is…

  • Useful to a limited degree
  • Most commonly done by native teachers
  • Useful if contextualised
  • Too difficult for students

Question 3: Students should speak English…

  • Only to practice
  • For as long as they are in the classroom
  • Weekly
  • Whenever they can manage it

Question 4: Conversational English practice is best used

  • To boost confidence
  • For listening practice
  • To test student comprehension
  • To maximise in-class practice listening & speaking skills

Question 5: Conversational topics work best when…

  • They are strictly defined and enforced
  • When they follow the textbook and scripted
  • Students are interested in them and want to share their opinions
  • Are based on revision

Question 6: Discussion topics can be problematic when…

  • Students do not previously know the topic
  • Students lack the vocabulary necessary to express themselves
  • Students are unsupervised
  • Conducted in the afternoon

Question 7: Multi-media should be used to…

  • Explain key ideas only
  • Distract or sedate students
  • Calm unruly students
  • As an accompaniment to your teaching topic

Question 1: Reading should be done…

  • As a part of a contextualised topic to reinforce the key vocabulary
  • Alone and in silence before class
  • Alone and aloud after class
  • Every morning, aloud as part of a large group

Question 2: Writing is based on self expression and communication, students should…

  • Focus on formulaic writing templates
  • Be given total freedom of style
  • Be instructed on different styles and given freedom to use new styles
  • Taught only what is useful for examinations.

Question 3: Writing in a TEFL classroom is…

  • Of little importance, compared to speaking
  • Of equal importance to reading by less important than speaking
  • More important than speaking but less important than writing
  • Of equal importance

Question 4: To learn basic reading students must…

  • Understand the connection between sounds and written syllables
  • Have a wide vocabulary
  • Be able to read in their native language
  • Practice everyday

Question 5: Students whom are more advanced in their reading should…

  • Be given harder books that Native-English Speakers read
  • Encouraged to use reading as pronunciation practice
  • Engage in discussion as to the meaning of the books
  • Given more books to read

Question 6: Reading is best taught to young learners…

  • Using text with no pictures
  • Using picture books
  • One on one with picture books
  • As a class repeating a book

Question 1: Examinations are….

  • Of little use as they dent confidence
  • Of high use as they foster excellence
  • Demanded by the schools
  • Part of testing student understanding and progress.

Question 2: Formative feedback on written work is…

  • Somewhat useful as they have already made the mistakes
  • Useful if explained and contextualised
  • Useful as it shows the mistakes of the students, giving them motivation
  • A good chance to practice oral English by having a chat

Question 3: The best way to evaluate oral English skills

  • Formal speeches
  • Reading aloud a passage from a novel
  • Conversations that are wide-scoped and free flowing
  • Predefined conversation topics progressing to free-flowing conversations.

Question 4: Writing examinations should focus on…

  • Ability to recall previously taught course content
  • Copying famous essays perfectly
  • Measuring self expression ability
  • Grammar

Question 5: Reading examinations should focus on…

  • Understanding the meaning of the text
  • Identifying numbers, dates and key facts
  • Explaining the historical context
  • Understanding the grammar usage and where rules do or do not apply

Question 6: Listening exercises should…

  • Be given everyday
  • Be used as a compliment to in class discussion
  • Not be used in class
  • Be used only if they mimic real-life conversation

Question 7: Reporting back the progress of students to the school or senior teachers is…

  • A waste of time
  • Something the school does but doesn’t really understand why
  • Part of a teachers duty and should be done often
  • Done after every lesson

Question 8: Evaluative examinations should be held…

  • Every class to test student understanding
  • Every class to check students have done homework
  • Towards the end of the course as a way to demonstrate progress
  • Infrequently as a surprise

Question 9: Examination grades should be issued according to

  • The system you used at school, as you are most familiar with this.
  • The schools requirements and as simply as possible
  • The schools requirement along with your own commentary and analysis where applicable
  • The students desired grades.

Question 1: In the workplace issues of cultural clash can arise when they do you should…

  • Expect others to conform to your culture as it is better
  • Expect other to conform to your culture as theirs is inferior
  • Try to smooth over differences in a respectful and understanding way
  • Demand the managers of the school punish the offence

Question 2: Different cultures have different views regarding morals and ethics, you should…

  • Conform to local culture
  • Maintain your own culture
  • Maintain the highest level of professional ethics possible irrespective of culture
  • Ignore differences and follow your own code.

Question 3: Certain topics can be taboo, when these arise in class, you should…

  • Handle the matter in a neutral way explaining as much as is useful to the class
  • Handle the matter in a joking way, making the subject less taboo
  • Handle the natter in a negative way, a teacher shouldn\’t discuss vulgar topics
  • Explain differences in culture as far as it is useful and appropriate the class.

Question 4: In the classroom the use of the native language should be…

  • Kept to a minimum, because it is inferior
  • Kept to a minimum as it allows more practice of English
  • Kept to a minimum as it allows greater learning of English
  • Allowed as it makes instructions faster

Question 5: Different cultures have different views towards respect to teachers you should…

  • Demand students respect you as a you respected teacher
  • Explain what is expected and demand students follow your rules
  • Explain what is expected and remind to students follow your rules where needed
  • Refuse to teach disrespectful students.

Question 6: A TEFL teachers jobs is to

  • Improve students moral character
  • Play games and have fun
  • Make the school look better
  • Teach English

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